An all da peopo come togedda inside da open place inside da Watta Gate. Ezra, he da pries guy dat stay teach da Rules From God. Dey tell him fo bring da book dat get da Rules from Moses. Dass da Rules dat Da One In Charge wen give da Israel peopo long time befo time.
2-5 Was Octoba 8. Da peopo wen build one wood stage fo Ezra. All da guys an wahines, an all da kids dat can undastan, dey stay dea fo lissen good. Da pries guy Ezra bring da book wit da Rules in front dem. He stan on top da stage by da open place inside da Watta Gate. On da right side had Mattitiah, Shema, Anaiah, Uriah, Hilkiah, an Maaseiah. Da lef side had Pedaiah, Mishael, Malkijah, Hashum, Hash-Baddanah, Zekariah, an Meshullam.
Den Ezra open da book. All da peopo can see him cuz he stay stan up dea on top da stage. Az why wen he open da book, erybody stan up. Ezra start fo read da Rules to dem early morning time, an he stay read till noon time.
Den Ezra talk to Da One In Charge, da awesome God. Ezra tell God “Mahalo,” cuz he do all kine good tings fo da peopo. All da peopo put up dea hands an tell, “Dass it!” Den dey go down an put dea face on top da groun fo show love an respeck fo God.
Had guys from da Levi ohana ova dea. Da peopo stay stan dea, an da Levi guys help um undastan wat da Rules mean. Da Levi teacha guys was Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbetai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, an Pelaiah. Dey read from da book dat get da Rules from God inside, an dey tell wat eryting mean. Dey make shua dat erybody undastan wat dey stay read to dem.
Den Govna Nehemiah, an da pries guy Ezra dat stay teach da Rules, an da Levi ohana guys dat stay help da peopo fo undastan, dey all tell da peopo, “No cry!” Cuz all da peopo, dey stay cry wen dey hear wat da Rules tell. “Dis one day dat stay spesho fo Da One In Charge, yoa God!”
10 Nehemiah tell da peopo, “You go now. Go eat fancy kine food an drink sweet kine wine. Sen some food to da peopo dat neva get notting ready fo eat. Cuz dis day, you know, real spesho fo oua Boss! No stay sad inside cuz Da One In Charge make you guys feel good inside, an az why you strong.”
11 Jalike Nehemiah, da guys from da Levi ohana stay tell all da peopo, “No need dey make big noise! Cuz today one spesho day! No stay sad inside!” 12 Den all da peopo go from dea fo eat an drink an sen food to odda peopo, an fo stay feel real good inside. Cuz now dey undastan da tings da leada guys wen teach dem.
Da Spesho Religious Ceremony
Fo Live Inside Shacks
13 Octoba 9, da main guys fo all da ohanas, da pries guys, an da Levi ohana guys go togedda by Ezra cuz dey like know mo betta wat da Rules tell. 14 Dey find inside da Rules wea Da One In Charge tell Moses, dat Octoba da time fo da Israel peopo go make shacks an live inside dem fo dis spesho religious kine ceremony. 15 Dey suppose to tell da peopo aroun all da towns an all ova Jerusalem, fo make shua erybody know dey suppose to go up country, an bring back plenny branch from da olive tree, an da wild olive, da myrtle, da date palm trees, an odda trees dat get plenny leaf fo make shacks, jalike stay write down inside da Rules.
16 So da peopo go out an bring back all kine tree branch. Dey make small shacks on top dea flat roof house, o inside dea open lanai, o inside da open lanai aroun da Temple Fo God. Odda peopo make dea shacks inside da open places by da Watta Gate an da Efraim Gate. 17 All da peopo dat wen come back from Babylon, dey make shacks an live inside one week, an erybody stay feel good inside bout dat. Cuz from Joshua time (az Nun boy), till den, da Israel peopo neva make dat kine spesho religious kine ceremony. 18 Ery day, from Day Numba One to Day Numba Seven, Ezra read to dem someting from da book dat get da Rules from God. Den, Octoba 15, dey all come togedda an make one mo spesho religious kine ceremony jalike God wen tell um fo do.
8:14 8:14: Pries 23:33-36, 39-43; Rules2 16:13-15