Da Peopo Give Presents
Fo Build Da Temple
Den King David tell all da peopo dat wen come togedda: “My boy Solomon, he da ony one dat God wen pick. But he young, an he neva do dis kine stuff befo time. Da job real big, cuz dis palace not fo one guy, but fo God, Da One In Charge. Wit all da powa I get, I wen make ready da stuffs fo da Temple fo my God. I give plenny gold fo da gold work, silva fo da silva work, bronze fo da bronze work, iron fo da iron work, an wood fo da wood work. I give onyx stones wit da metal dat hold um, black stone fo make one ring aroun da color stones, all kine color stones, an all kine stones dat cost plenny, an plenny marble stone. An fo real kine I like go all out fo give my stuffs, my gold an silva, fo da Temple fo my God, mo den da odda stuffs I wen make ready fo dis Temple dat goin stay spesho fo God. Az mo den 112 ton gold from Ofir, an mo den 262 ton silva fo use fo cova da walls fo da buildings. Az da gold fo da gold work an da silva fo da silva work, an odda stuff fo all da work dat da guys do dat know how fo make stuff real good. Now, who goin give da res a da big presents fo Da One In Charge today?”
Den da leadas fo da small ohanas, da leadas fo da main Israel ohanas, da officer guys fo one tousan army guys an fo one hundred army guys, an da leadas dat stay in charge a da work fo da king, dey like give plenny. Dey give almos 188 ton gold (dass jalike 10,000 Persia kine gold coin today), bout 375 ton silva, 675 ton bronze, an bout 3,750 ton iron, fo da work fo da Temple Fo God. An da peopo dat get rich kine jewels, bring um inside da place wea dey keep da rich kine stuffs fo da temple. An Jehiel from da Gershon ohana take kea um. Da peopo stay good inside cuz dea leada guys like give plenny stuff, cuz dey go all out fo give um fo Da One In Charge wit one good heart. An King David stay plenny good inside too.
David Pray
10 David tell Da One In Charge “Mahalo” in front all da peopo dat come togedda dea, cuz Da One In Charge stay do good tings fo dem. David tell,
“Eh! You Da One In Charge!
Mahalo, cuz you do good tings fo us guys!
You da God fo oua ancesta guy Israel.
You stay from befo time an foeva.
11 You da One stay real importan.
You strong.
You stay awesome.
You da winna foeva!
You stay unreals,
Cuz you own eryting inside da sky an on top da earth.
Da One In Charge, you get da right fo stay in charge a eryting!
You get da right fo be da main One, dat stay ova eryting!
12 You can give peopo rich kine stuffs,
An make odda peopo respeck um.
You da One stay in charge a eryting.
You get da powa fo make peopo strong an give dem powa.
You get da powa
Fo make anybody importan an strong.
13 An now, oua God, us guys like tell you ‘Mahalo plenny!’
We tell erybody dat we know who you,
An you da greates, cuz you stay real awesome!
14 “But who me, an who my peopo, dat us guys get enuff stuff fo us give all dis to you, an stay good inside cuz we give um?! Eryting come from you, an us guys ony give back to you wass yoas. 15 Da way you see us guys, us ony stay hea short time, jalike we come from anodda place, jalike we ony visit—jalike all oua ancesta guys wen do. Us guys live hea in da world ony short time, jalike one shadow, an us donno wat we stay wait fo. 16 Eh, you oua God, dass Da One In Charge a us! All dis rich kine stuff, we wen make um ready fo build you one temple! Dass how peopo goin know dat you stay good an spesho. An all dis come from you, an you da owna. 17 My God, I know fo shua dat you da One tes eryting us guys tink. I know fo shua dat you stay good inside wen us guys do wass right. I wen give all dis stuff cuz I like give um fo real kine. An now I stay good inside cuz I see yoa peopo dat stay hea, giving you plenny stuff cuz dey like give um. 18 Da One In Charge, you da God fo oua ancesta guys—Abraham, Isaac, an Israel. I like you keep dese peopo tinking lidis foeva, so den inside dey like stay tight wit you. 19 An I like fo you help my boy Solomon fo go all out fo do wateva you tell um fo do, fo stick wit yoa rules, an stick wit eryting you tell he gotta do. Help um fo do eryting fo build da awesome Temple dat I give all dis stuff fo.”
20 Den David tell all da peopo, “Tell yoa God, Da One In Charge, ‘Mahalo plenny!’ Cuz he do good tings fo you guys!” So all da peopo dat come togedda dea, tell “Mahalo!” to Da One In Charge, da God dea ancesta guys wen pray to, cuz he do good tings fo dem. An dey go down an put dea face on top da groun fo show love an respeck fo Da One In Charge an da king.
Da Peopo Take Solomon
Fo Come Dea King
21 Da nex day, da peopo make sacrifices fo Da One In Charge. Fo make burn up kine sacrifices fo him, dey kill one tousan bull, one tousan ram, an one tousan bebe boy kine sheep. Da drink sacrifices too, dey pour um out wit da meat sacrifices. An dey make plenny odda kine sacrifice too, fo all da Israel peopo. 22 Dat day, da peopo eat an drink, an stay plenny good inside in front Da One In Charge.
Den dey take Solomon, David boy, an dey put da spesho kine oil on top his head in front Da One In Charge, jalike fo make him dea king secon time. An dey do da same ting fo Zadok fo be da Main Pries Guy. 23 Dass how Solomon get da right fo sit on top da throne fo Da One In Charge, an stay da king wea his faddah David wen sit befo time. Solomon do one good job, an all da Israel peopo lissen him. 24 All da leadas an da military fighta guys, an even all King David boys, make one promise fo take King Solomon fo be dea leada.
25 Da One In Charge make Solomon come real importan da way all da Israel peopo see um. Da One In Charge give him awesome rights fo lead da peopo, mo den da odda Israel kings befo him.
David Mahke
26 Az how was, wen David, Jesse boy, was da king ova all da Israel peopo. 27 He dea king fo forty year—seven year Hebron side, an thirty-three year Jerusalem side. 28 He stay alive long time. He stay rich an get plenny respeck. An he mahke wen he real ol. His boy Solomon come king afta him.
29 All da stuff wen happen wen David stay king, from da start to da end, stay write. Stay inside da records dat Samuel wen write, da guy dat can see wass goin happen. Get um inside da records dat Nathan, da guy dat talk fo God, wen write. An da get um inside da records dat Gad wen write, da guy dat can see wass goin happen. 30 Dey tell all da stuff dat wen happen wen David stay king, an how strong him, an how eryting stay wit him, an wit da Israel peopo, an wit da kings inside all da odda lands.
29:1 29:1: 1Rec 22:5 29:11 29:11: Matt 6:13 29:23 29:23: 1Kings 2:12 29:27 29:27: 2Sam 5:4-5; 1Rec 3:4