Da One In Charge Show Dat He Pick David
1 Da One In Charge tell Samuel, “You goin stay sad inside all da time cuz a Saul, o wat?! I tell ‘Laytas’ to him fo no be da king fo da Israel peopo no moa. Fill up yoa cow horn bottle wit olive oil, an go; I goin sen you by Jesse, da Betlehem guy. I wen awready pick one a his boys fo come da nex king fo me.”
2 But Samuel tell, “How can?! Fo shua Saul goin hear dat I go, an he goin kill me!”
Da One In Charge tell, “So?! Take one young girl kine cow wit you an tell da peopo, ‘I stay hea fo make one sacrifice fo Da One In Charge.’
3 An make shua Jesse come wen you make da sacrifice. Dass da time I goin tell you wat fo do. I goin tell you pour olive oil on top one guy fo show he da one I wen pick!”
4 So Samuel do wat Da One In Charge tell. Wen he come Betlehem, da older leadas fo da town go meet him. But dey stay sked an shaking. Dey aks, “How come you hea? Eryting stay good, o wat?”
5 Samuel tell, “Yeah, eryting good. I ony come fo make one sacrifice fo Da One In Charge. All you leada guys, make ready fo come in front Da One In Charge too. Den come make one sacrifice wit me, aah?” Den Samuel go Jesse place, an he make da religious kine ceremony fo make Jesse an his boys ready fo come in front Da One In Charge, an he tell dem fo come wen he make da sacrifice too.
6 Wen dey come, Samuel see Jesse boy Eliab, an figga, “Fo shua! Dis da guy dat stan hea in front Da One In Charge. He da one Da One In Charge wen pick fo come da king!”
7 But Da One In Charge tell Samuel, “No ways! No look da outside, how he look o how tall he stay. Cuz I no goin pick him. I no look fo da tings dat peopo like see. Peopo ony look wat stay da outside a peopo. But me, Da One In Charge, I look wat stay inside da peopo.”
8 Nex, Jesse call Abinadab, an tell him fo walk in front Samuel. But Samuel tell, “Da One In Charge no pick dis one too.”
9 Den Jesse tell Shammah fo walk in front Samuel. But Samuel tell, “Still yet, Da One In Charge no pick dis one.”
10 Jesse tell all seven a his boys fo walk in front Samuel. But Samuel tell, “Same ting. Da One In Charge no pick dem!”
11 So he aks Jesse, “Az all da boys you get, o wat?”
An Jesse tell um, “Get one moa, da mos young boy David. But now, he stay take kea da sheeps.”
Samuel tell, “Sen somebody fo bring him ova hea. We no goin do notting till he come!”
12 So Jesse sen somebody fo bring David dea. David stay healthy, get one good tan an nice kine eyes. He real good looking.
Den Da One In Charge tell Samuel, “Quick! Pour da oil on top him cuz him he da one!”
13 So Samuel take da cow horn bottle wit oil inside, an pour um on top David, wit his braddah guys all aroun. Right den an dea, da Spirit from Da One In Charge take ova David, so from dat time he stay get da powa from Da One In Charge. Den Samuel go back home Ramah side.
David Start Fo Work Fo Saul
14 Dat same time, da Spirit from Da One In Charge wen bag from Saul, an Da One In Charge sen one bad kine spirit dat make Saul sked an make him suffa.
15 Da guys dat work fo Saul tell um, “Eh, you know wat?! Az one spirit from God dat stay make you come hamajang. Az why you come sked an you suffa.
16 You oua boss, but us guys tink, maybe az good you sen us go look fo somebody dat know how fo play da harp real good. Den, weneva da bad kine spirit from Da One In Charge take ova you, he can play music, an you goin feel mo betta.”
17 Az why Saul tell his worka guys, “Kay den. Go find somebody dat can play da harp real good fo me. An bring um hea by me.”
18 One a da worka guys tell, “You know wat?! I wen see one a Jesse boys from Betlehem dat fo real kine know how fo play da harp. He no sked fo fight, an know how fo fight. He erytime tink befo he talk. An he good looking. Da One In Charge stay tight wit him.”
19 Den Saul sen messenja guys by Jesse, fo tell, “Sen yoa boy David by me, da one dat stay wit da sheeps.”
20 So Jesse take one young goat. Den he take plenny food an one skin full a wine an put um on top one donkey. He sen his boy David fo take all dat fo Saul.
21 Dass how David come by Saul an start fo work fo him, an Saul like David plenny! Laytas, David come one a da guys dat carry Saul stuff fo fight.
22 Den Saul sen messenjas by Jesse, an tell, “Try let David stay hea fo work fo me, cuz da way I see um, he one real good guy.”
23 Weneva da spirit from Da One In Charge make Saul come hamajang, David take his harp an play music. Den Saul feel mo betta, an da spirit dat make Saul come hamajang leave Saul an go way.