Budohol Espritu Santus
1 Yela hola molwe Bungul Pentecost, ngo panger rechokwe ye tugul lal deper ngo resa rol ttey fengal chog solbos.
2 Re tedap loh chog ngo yesa ngung diy sew formel mo lal laeng le ye wochog ngungul yaeng le ye kkel, yesa ngunglong lal pangal loh imw we re rol maro iyang.
3 Iwe ngo resa wiri tot formel le ye wochog bbulul yaef le yesa iyyag fetang sa bidiy uwol semal mo semal ir.
4 Panger ngo resa ssogol Espritu Santus ngo sa chaep yar yalol sew mo sew fuluy, bo Espritu Santus yesa foru le yebe mmal le rebe yalol sew mo sew fuluy.
5 Yor yarmetael Jews le re mel woal Jerusalem, Jews ka re hasrowu Deus, le re budoh mo woal pangal loh faluyel faileng le.
6 Yodwe re rongrong ngungul molwe ngo sa ttey fengal sew buwal yarmat le ye paleng. Resa lluwdah bo semal ir ngo ye rongrong yar apostel kowe maliliy irel yalol faluyal.
7 Luwul yar lluwdah ngo resa sor bo, “Rechoka resa yalol faluyach, ngo ir yarmetal Galilee!
8 Ifa sengal mele pangach ngo si rongrong yar yalol faluyach?
9 Iye gich yarmetal Parthia mo Media mo Elam. Iwe ngo sibis gich re budoh mo woal Mesopotamia, sibis mo Judea, sibis mo Cappadocia, mo Pontus, mo Asia.
10 Iwe ngo sibis re budoh mo Phrygia, mo Pamphylia, mo Egypt, mo mokwe faluyel Libya lengchel Cyrene. Sibis gich re budoh mo Roma, le
11 Jews fengal mo Gentiles ka resa weg ngal taliw le yar Jews; iwe ngo sibis gich re budoh mo wol Crete mo Arabia — iwe ngo pangach loh ngo si rongrong yar yalol faluyach ngalgich le re sosor meka ye paleng le Deus yesa foru!”
12 Luwul yar lluwdah mo yar tay medaf fedal ngo resa rol kasiy fengal chog uwor bo, “Meda fael mele sa iye sengal?”
13 Iwe ngo sibis ir resa tape kamemal ngo resa sor bo, “Rechoka ila resa belasel wine!”
Foloy We Yael Pedrus
14 Iwe ngo yesa sudah Pedrus mo apostel kowe seg mo semal. Pedrus yesa maliliy ngalir buwa we le ye paleng yalol le ye sor bo: “Hami Jew ka woccholuwamem mo pangmi rechoka ha mel woal Jerusalem, ha talengayey bo iy be kangalugmi fael meka sa iye sengal.
15 Rechoka ila rete belas, we hami ha sor; igla ila moch duwow kolok lemaliyel.
16 Iye molwe profeta Joel ye kapta kofal we ye sor bo:
17 ‘Iye mele ibe foru lal ral kala hartal ral, yalol Deus yal sor:
Ibe fangdiy Espritu Santus le yusuwey uwor pangerloh yarmat.
Mal mo fefel kala lomi re bele foloyu mele yaloy;
tarmal kala lomi re bele wiri meka yebe weldoh iwe ngo malelap re bele ddal.
18 Ngo, boy ka layi mwo, le mal mo fefel ngo ibe fangdiy Espritu Santus le yusuwey uwor irel yodla,
ngo re bele foloyu mele yaloy.
19 Ibele ffaor kkemal mo hagil mo lal laeng mo wol talop.
Ngo bele llah ccha mo yaef, mo burah le yebe wochog darmiy kelay ye masosol.
20 Bele gul loh yaal ngo ye chechaloh metal meram le bele ddolol ccha,
mo imol mala yebe hola mala Bungul Samol le ye falmay.
21 Iwe ngo te tugul semal le be ffesang Samol bo yebe tipngi ngo yebe molow.’
22 “Ha taelenga hapatpat ka re Israel! Jesusel Nazareth ila iy semal mal we Deus yesa hatosiya ngalugmi mala kkelal mo irel kkemal mo hagil kowe Deus yesa foru irel. Hami hasa spegil gola mele bo ye weldoh meka mo luwulumi.
23 Ye dabey chog luluwal la yael Deus le yesa faesul hatugulu le be yoh ngalugmi Jesus; iwe ngo hami hasa lliy irel yami fangloh iy bo rechokla re toa hamolfid rebe krudu.
24 Ngo Deus yesa hamolowa tefalidah mo irel maes, yesa taldi mo irel mala kkelel maes bo fael mala towe yoh le maes yebe hammachu.
25 “Bo David ye sor irel bo,
‘Iwiri Samol le ye mel imoy pangal yadol ngo ye mel chog rela gilemra irey ila tor mele ibe merah iyang.
26 Ila yesa rraey lal depey,
ngo ye cchehas yai hapatpat,
27 bo ila mwo ngang semal re talop ngo sa luglug lal depey. Bo gel ho towe tahcheyey diy lal faileng le liliyer chomes;
hare ho ligdadiy boy le lom bo yebe mongoangowloh lal lib.
28 Hosa kkewar ngalyey yalepal molow;
ngo hobe harraeyiyey irel yam mel irey.’
29 “Rewol bisiy, ibe hawwele yai hapatpat ngalugmi irel kofal King David we yach chapdoh, we ye ffos idal. Ye mes resa leba, iwe ngo chil mel mele peyal irech igla.
30 Iy semal profeta ngo ye gola mala Deus ye hatugulu ngali: Deus ye hatugulu le yebe hasi semal mo irel chol daowe yael David bo be mel bo king le yebe wochog David.
31 David ye gola molwe Deus yebe foru, ngo yesa kapta kofal yal be molow tefael Kristus mo irel maes irel molwe ye sor bo,
‘Yete meldiy lobola liliyer chomes;
ngo yete meldiy mala porgol lal lib.’
32 “Deus yesa hamolowa tefaeli iy Jesus le mo irel maes, iwe ngo hamem ha wiri ngal metmem le yesa molow tefael mo irel maes.
33 Deus le Temal, yesa hatagitadah Jesus bo bela mel rela gilemra mo irel. Ngo Deus yesa fang ngali Espritu Santus, we yesa faesul hatugulu bo yebe fang. Mele hami hasa wiri, ngo ha rongrong igla ila yal kkefang le sa fangdiy irech.
34 Bo te David mele ye bidah wol laeng; David ye spegil sor bo,
‘Samol ye kangalu yai Samol:
Marro mo rele gilemra irey
35 yee, la hola yodla iy be yitlir rechoka re tayikof ngalug bo rebe mel bo liliyel pechem.’
36 “Panger re Israel ngo rebe gola le ye tugul le Jesus we hami ha krudu ila iy yeramtawe Deus yesa foru bo iy Samol ngo iy Kristus!”
37 Yodwe yarmat re rongrong mele ngo resa motog, iwe ngo resa kasiya Pedrus mo apostel kowe tot bo, “Ila ngo meda mele hamem habe foru?”
38 Pedrus yesa kangalur bo, “Habe harrig dipmi irel mekla molfidmi ngo hasa baptismus irel mala idel Jesus Kristus, bo ila ngo be chuy fael molfidmi; ila ngo be yoh ngalugmi Espritu Santus la yael Deus kkefang.
39 Bo ila mala Deus ye hatugulu ngalugmi mo mekla lomi mo panger rechokla re ddawloh — panger rechokla Samol le yach Deus yesa ffesangurdoh irel.”
40 Pedrus yesa hakkela yal hapatpat ngalir ngo ye wol cholop mekla ye kangalur, ngo sa sor bo, “Ha hataldagugmi mo irel hagerger le bele budoh le yar rechoka re tayikof!”
41 Ye cholop ir le sa tugul lal deper irel foloy we yael Pedrus iwe resa rol baptismus; rallawe chog ngo malbo be solngrras le re chilar chotugul kowe.
42 Resa itol deper irel yar kkay yalol foloy kowe yar apostel kowe mo yar hammal fengal mo yar daber irel mepel mo mongol fehaf we.
Igegel Yar Memel Chotugul Kowe
43 Ye cholop hagil mo kkemal kala apostel kowe re foru le panger yarmat ngo re lluwdah iyang.
44 Panger chotugul kowe ngo re tetaboloh chog yar hammal fengal ngo re rol teptap fengal irel mekla hapitgir.
45 Rema tap chuway mekla bugter mo liter, ngo resa hamhela mekla salpiyal uwor panger, le semal ngo ye hasi fechel mala yebe tapeli irel mekla ye hafohoy iyang.
46 Pangal ral ngo rema rol ttey fengal mo lal Templum we, iwe ngo re wol ma ttey fengal mo lal mekla imwer resa rol mongoy luwul yal fel mo yal cchehas lal deper.
47 Rema kapingpinga Deus ngo ye momay lal deper irel yar yarmat momay ngalir. Pangal ral ngo Samol ye fefang chiler le rechokla resa daor.