Hammal Ngalir Kristiano Kala Choluwach
Tor pelal le ibe teftafwey babior iremi irel kofael yami tipingir Kristiano kala woal Judea. Igula le hami ha dipli bo habe tipingir ngo isa kangalur yarmetael Macedonia kofmi. Ngang isor bo, “Mekla bisich woal Achaia ila raeg we chog sa loh ngo resa faesul fel le rebe fang hammal ngalir Kristiano.” Cchehas la yami mele yesa hakkela deper pangerloh. Igla isa fangwey meka bisich bo rebe buyoy bo dela llah le te katos mokwe ha sor iremi. Iwe ngo ligdi bo iwe isa moal sor bo hami hasa faesul fel habe foru mele. Iwe ngo hare rela budoh yarmetael Macedonia le rebe dabeyeydoh re sala wiri le ha ted fel, ila ngo be ifa lepal yamem maa — mo yami maa — irel mala ye tugul depmem iremi iwe ngo hami ha ted fel le habe foru mele. Ila iluluwaley ngo ye momay le ibe kangalur meka bisich bo rebe hamowey bo rebe moal hafle kkefang we hami hatugulu bo habe fang. Ila ngo ibela holahmi ngo sa moal yami hateyili. Ila ngo be llah le ila wey mo lal dipmi le habe fang, ngo te fael mala ye tugul le habe foru.
Ha towe maligili le semal le te cholop fedah le ye fadgu ila towe wol cholop mekla uwal le be yoh ngali. Ngo semal le be cholop mele ye fadgu ngo be cholop mekla uwal le be yoh ngali. Be semal ngo yebe fang lepal mala iy ye hatugulu le yebe fang. Iwe ngo towe tayikof depal iyang, hare ye sor le mala ila sew formel le towe mmal le yebe te foru, bo Deus ye hachangir rochokla rema fang formel le ila wey mo lal deper. Deus ila be yoh le yebe fang hammalmi le be cholop tang lepal mala ha temmal iyang, bo mil mala be yoh hammalmi ngo ye wol yoh hammalel yengang kala yor pelal. Bo babior we ye santus ye sor bo, “Yema mmwol ngalir rechokla re hafohoy, ngo momayel hagiyeg la yal ila tor siyal.” Ps 112:9 10 Deus mele yema fang faesol ire ngalir rochokla rema fod faesol ire. Iwe ngo yema wol fang haler flowa bo rebe mongoy. Deus be wol fang ngalugmi lepal faesol ire le be yoh ngalugmi, ngo yesa foru bo yebe tumul, iye sengal le yebe foru sala cholop mele be yoh doh mo irel momayel yami hagiyeg. Is 55:10 11 Deus yebe foru le habe mmal bo mil mala be momay yami hagiyeg ngo ha mmwol ngalir yarmat pangal yad, ila ngo be cholop yarmat le rebe kangalu Deus yal hachigchig bo fael kkefang kala hami ha fang bo hamem habe ngaler. 12 Hammal le hami ha bele foru ila te mekla chog lol Deus mele rebe mmal iyang, bo be wol foru le be cholop le rebe kangalu Deus yal hachigchig. 13 Bo yengang le habele foru ila yesa hatosiya le ha wegdegel Kristiano. Ye cholop le be hapingpinga Deus irel mala ha talenga Hapatpat Momay we kofael Kristus. Ngo rebe wol hapingpinga Deus irel momayel yami hagiyeg irel yami tipingir mo panger rochokla resa chepar le choluwami. 14 Rebe mapelahmi luwul hachangcheng, le fael hachangcheng la yael Deus le yesa llah mo iremi irel momayel yami hagiyeg. 15 Ila sibe kangalu Deus yal hachigchig irel kkefang le yal le towe yoh le sibe hamdefa kofal.

9:9 Ps 112:9

9:10 Is 55:10