Paulus Mo Rechokwe Re Kachepar Bo Ir Apostel
Ngang ihable hare habe halelayi repimi irey le heramwo ye wochog bo ikaptal buch. Faelpechemi ngo be ila sengal le habe foru! Yesa kkel yai luwalehmi le ye wochog kkelel yael Deus luwalehmi. Idipli habe mel chog le yebe tugul dipmi irel Jesus Kristus, le habe wochog semal lefechig le ye ted golar mal, le yesa hatugulu bo yebe mel bo yael semal mal habulupoy, le ila mala Kristus. Isa merah bo dela bulong luluwal tayikof lal dipmi ha sala tahchaloh yami tugul irel Kristus le be igegel Eva we ye cheparloh irel kachepar kowe yael parchoyoh we. Gn 3:1–5, 13 Hami ila ye fel dipmi le be budoh semal mo solbos yesa foloyu ngalugmi kofael semal Jesus mo solbos le te iwe hamem ha foloyu ngalugmi. Iwe ngo ha talenga yalol semal yalus mo solbos le te Espritu Santus hare sew foloy mo solbos le te Hapatpat Momay we ha kangalugmi.
Igula le rechokla hasa sor bo ir “apostel” ila rete tagiyet mo imoy. Medalbo ite sallap irel hapatpat ngo ligdi bo imedaf; hamem hasa hallehaloh mele ngalugmi irel pangal meka yema weldoh pangal yad.
Tor mele isor le habe fang bo paliyey irel yodwe iy foloyu ngalugmi Hapatpat Momay we kofael Deus. Ihatetaloyey bo ibe tupungugmi bo habe tagiyet. Hare ye tafel molwe iforu? Yodwe iyengang luwulumi ngo tot eklesia mele rema fang paliyey. Ye wochog molwe iy peraf mo irer bo yebe yoh le ibe tupungumi. Ngo yodwe imel iremi ngo ite haweresugmi irel yai dongor hammaley salpiy mo iremi. Mokwe wol bisich we re budoh mo Macedonia mele re kakdoh hammaley. Ite haweresugmi ral kowe bo habe fang hammaley, ngo be wol ila sengal raleka ye bubudoh. Tor fael sew le ibe haweresugmi. Phil 4:15–18 10 Ngang iwochog Kristus le yema katos chog. Ihatugulu le tor semal mo wol pangal loh Achaia le be yoh le be hapolahoyey mo irel meka ikekapta le icchehas iyang. 11 Meda fal yai sor mele? Isor mele le fael mala ite hachangugmi? Deus ye gola le ngang ihachangugmi!
12 Ibe taboloh chog yai foru mele ifoforu igla, bo fael mala rechokla yarmat re sor bo ir “apostel” rede la sor bo ye hafedeg chog igegel meka hamem hama foru mo ikla ir rema foru. 13 Mal kala ila te ir holongol apostel. Re kachepar bo ir apostel. Ye kachepar yengang kala yar. Iwe ngo resa forurloh rebe wochog bo ir lol Jesus apostel. 14 Ila si towe lluwdah iyang! Satan mwo ngo be yoh le yebe foru wululul bo yebe wochog semal angelus kowe lol Samol. 15 Ila te sew weres mala boy kala lol rebe forurloh re bela wochog wululur boy kala re momay. Iwe ngo ligdi bo bela wol miril loh, ngo be holar hagerger le fael mekla wegdigir le ye tayikof.
Yael Paulus Hafohoy Irel Yodwe Yela Mel Bo Semal Apostel
16 Ibele wol tefael ngali le ibe sor bo: tor semal le yebe luluwaley le ngang semal buch. Iwe ngo hare ila sengal yami luluwal irey, ngo hasa halelayiloh sugfed repimi irey, le ngang semal buch bo hare be yor sugfed fal le ibe habos. 17 Ngo ligdi bo maka isosor igla ila te ika mele Samol ye dipli bo ibe kapta; Meka ikekapta le ikekabos iyang, ila ikapatpat le ye wochog bo ngang semal buch. 18 Iwe ngo mil mala ye cholop le yema habos irel mekla wegdigir re talop, ila ngang be wol ila sengal le ibe foru. 19 Hami ila ye palleng yami repiy. Ila tor mele be tafel lal dipmi iyang, ila be yoh ngalugmi le habe halelayi repimi irer buch! 20 Habe ma halelayi repimi irer rechokla rema sallepa mele habe foru, hare re kacheprahmi, hare re kaladiy uwomi, hare ye tayikof wegdigir ngalugmi. 21 Imaa le ibe hawwele le hamem ye kkel yamem motog le habe faur tappel meka!
Iwe ngo ligdi bo hare semal ye kkel depal le be habos irel sew formel, ngo ngang ikapta mele igla le ye wochog bo ngang semal buch — iwe ngo ngang ila wol ila sengay. 22 Ir sibis Hebrews? Wol ila sengay. Ir sibis re Israel? Wol ila sengay. Ir chol daowe yael Abraham? Wol ila sengay. 23 Ir yael Kristus re hagloy? Sa wochog molwe ikaptal buch. Iwe ngo ligdi bo ngang semal re hagloy le imomay mo imor. Ye kkel yai yengang mo imor ngo sa cholop yar yitilyeylong lal kalbus, ngo ye kkel yar wwodiyey mo imor, ngo ye kkel tot yal cholop yod kala ye imemeal le ibe mes iyang. Ac 16:23 24 Sa fael lemow le mal kowe yar Jews re wwodiyey le be sew yod kala, ngo ma fael silig mo duwow yar wwodiyey. Dt 25:3 25 Iwe ngo sa fael suluw le saldawel Roma re wwodiyey. Iwe ngo resa moal hachfaesuyey fael sew. Iwe ngo sa fael suluw yai way le ye towas wamem. Iwe ngo ye mel se yad le riyeg mo faw awa le imel chog letted iyang. Ac 16:22; Ac 14:19 26 Ngo sa cholop yai malekah le iy ma bulong luwul mekla ye hammerah le chael kowe yema burloh wolfuluy iyang mo chomachoh iwe mo Jews mo Gentiles. Isa bulong luwul meka ye hammerah luwul haplom mo ika ye hammerah mo llefrangungul fuluy; isa loh luwul meka ye hammerah mo llemdaw iwe ngo ichungu meka ye hammerah mo irer rechokla re kachepar bo resa mel bo ir Kristiano. Ac 9:23; Ac 14:5 27 Ye kkel yai yengang ngo ye cholop yod kala itema masor iyang; le ima mesel kkoloh ngo ibatbat. Ngo ye cholop yod kala ima hafohoy irel mongoy mo imwey mo mengaguy. 28 Itowe kapta ikla tot, iwe ngo pangal ral ngo te pos lal depey irel yai luluwaley loh chog kofael pangal loh eklesia. 29 Yodla be tayikel semal ngo ngang iy ma meyafi le iy ma wol tayikel; yodla semal yebe bulong luwul molfid ngo yema kkel yal tayikof depey.
30 Hare ibe habos, ila ngo ibe habos irel mekla be halehaloh yai tayikel. 31 Deus le Temal Samol Jesus — ye gola le ngang ite kachepar. Sibe hapingpinga mala idal le tor siyal. 32 Yodwe imel wol Damascus ngo Amm la ye mel fael paol King Aretas yesa yitet poos irel hatemal yororol haplom we bo rebe ddorfiyey. 11:32–33; Ac 9:23–25 33 Ngo ligdi bo iherahlong lal se bachebach resa harigrigiyeydiy mo lal sew cheche mo wolpegil yoror we sala yoh le iddar tangir.

11:3 Gn 3:1–5, 13

11:9 Phil 4:15–18

11:23 Ac 16:23

11:24 Dt 25:3

11:25 Ac 16:22; Ac 14:19

11:26 Ac 9:23; Ac 14:5

11:32 11:32–33; Ac 9:23–25