Irel yodwe resa foloyu Hapatpat Momay we kofael Jesus, ngo Gentiles re dipli, iwe sa chaep yar kekasiy hare yarmat rebe dabey chog Hatobtob we yael Moses bo hare yebe katos le ir Kristiano. Paulus ye sor bo mala ila tor pelal bo mala chog yebe yoh ngal semal molow la yael Kristus iyang ila tugulul ladep, bo ila chog mele be yoh le semal yebe fel mo irel Deus iyang. Re budoh sibis yarmat mo irel eklesia kowe wol Galatia, sew fuluy le ye mel wol Asia Minor le lamliyel Roma, resa budoh hapaliyel ngal Paulus le re sor bo, hare semal ye dipli le yebe fel mo irel Deus, ngo yebe dabey chog Hatobtob we yael Moses.
Babior we yael Paulus ngalir Kristianol Galatia ila ye teftaf bo yebe hatefalirdoh rechokla resa tagul tang tugulul ladep la ye katos mo wegdeg kala ye fel le fael foloy ka yete katos. Metamol ngo ye hamdefa mwo igegel yal iy la mel bo lol Jesus Kristus apostel. Ye hakkela yal kapta le foffos la yal bo yebe mel bo semal apostel ila ye budoh mo irel Deus, ngo yete budoh mo irer yarmat. Iwe ngo pallengel chog yal yengang ila ye loh irer Gentiles. Ngo yesa taboy yal hamdefa le tugulul ladep chog mele gich yarmat sibe fel mo irel Deus iyang. Yela momol kowe hartal loh ngo Paulus yesa hamdefa le wegdegel Kristiano ila ye budoh mo irel hachangcheng la ye subdoh mo irel tugulul ladep irel Kristus.
Palpal Meka Yadol Babior Le
Hamadefal 1:1–10
Mala kkelel Paulus le iy semal apostel 1:11—2:21
Ebangelium we kofael haradiya la yael Deus 3:1—4:31
Yar Kristiano tal mo yar yengang 5:1—6:10
Haygul loh 6:11–18
Babior We Yael Paulus Ngalir Kristianol
Babior le ila ye budoh mo irel Paulus le, foffos le ye budoh irel bo be mel bo semal apostel, ila te budoh mo irel yarmat bo ye budoh mo irel Jesus Kristus mo Deus le Temal, we ye hamolowa tefaeli iy Jesus mo irel maes. Panger meka bisich le re mel iga ngo re dabeyey irel fengal habong le ngalir yarmetael eklesia la wol Galatia le ha sor bo:
Deus le Temach mo Samol Jesus Kristus rebe tupungugmi ngo re fang ngalugmi hopos.
Kristus ye fang yal ngas bo fael meka molfidich bo be teladgich mo luwul wegdeg tayikof ka raleka, le ye dabey mala depel Deus le iy Temach. Sibe hapingpinga Deus pangal yad. Amen!
Hal Sew Hapatpat Momay
Isa lluwdah iremi! Ye ttir yami tahchaloh yeramtala ye fesangugmi luwul haradiya la yael Kristus, ngo ha sala kapta sew le ila mala hasa itol bo sew hapatpat momay. Mala tosel ila tor sew “Hapatpat Momay,” mo solbos. Iwe ngo ikapta mele bo fael mala ye mel tot yarmat le re luluwaley le rebe habuchu yami luluwal ngo re luluwaley bo rebe liwli Hapatpat Momay we kofael Kristus. Ila mwo hamem, hare semal angelus le ye bidiy mo wol laeng mele ye foloyu ngalugmi sew hapatpat momay le te hafedeg ngal iwe ha foloyu ngalugmi, ngo yebe hafohoy mo lal Infiyerno! Hamem hasa moal sor metamo, ngo ibele wol sor fael sew: te tugul semal le yebe foloyu ngalugmi sew hapatpat momay le te hafedeg ngal iwe hami hasa chepar iyang, ngo yebe hafohoy mo lal Infiyerno!
10 Hami ha luluwaley bo ngang iyedamgel bo yarmat rebe sor bo ibung? Yeb, te ila sengal! Mala ngang idipli ila mala ye fel mo irel Deus! Ha chichiy ngo ngang iluluwaley bo be ffos idey luwul yarmat? Hare ila sengal mala ngang iluluwaley, ngo towe yoh le ibe mel bo yael Kristus boy.
Igegel Yael Paulus La Mel Bo Semal Apostel
11 Ha widyey ibe kangalugmi rewol bisiy, Hapatpat Momay le iy fofoloyu ila yete sub mo irer yarmat. 12 Itugula mo irel semal, hare semal mele ye haskuna ngalyey. Jesus Kristus mele ye kkewar ngalyey isala medaf iyang.
13 Hasa moal rongrong kaptay irel yodwe ngang semal Jews, mo wululul yai haffohoyur yarmetael eklesia le yael Deus, mo yai luluwaley bo ibe hatawsiloh halesiya le yael Deus. Ac 8:3; 22:4–5; 26:9–11 14 Ye cholop Jews le ha rol taersew le ihamo imor irel wululul yai dabey taliw la yar Jews. Iitol chog depey irel mekla igula mo irer chapdoh kowe yamem. Ac 22:3
15 Iwe ngo Deus ye fahoyey sa duwleyey imol yodla ngang isubdoh sa fesanguyey bo ibe mel bo yal boy. 1:15–16; Ac 9:3–6; 22:6–10; 26:13–18 16 Irel yodla sa hatugulu bo be kkewar ngalyey mala Lol bo ibe gola bo mil mala be yoh le ibe foloyu Hapatpat Momay we ngalir Gentiles le kofal mala Lol, ngo tor le iloh irel bo bela kangaluyey mele ibe foru. 17 Iwe ngo ite loh Jerusalem bo ibela tefael mo irer rechokla re mol mel bo apostel mo imwoy. Ifar loh mo Arabia ngo imoch tefael ngal Damascus. 18 Yela suluw raeg mo wol miril ngo imoch loh Jerusalem bo ha bela kapatpat mo Pedrus. Iwe ngo hal ruwow week yai mel irel. Ac 9:26–30 19 Iwe ngo tor semal apostel kowe le ila tefael mo irel, bo halachog James we bisil Samol mele iloh irel.
20 Meka isa tefadiy ila ye katos. Deus ye gola le ngang ite kachepar!
21 La wol miril ngo iy sa loh irel mekla haplomol Syria mo Cilicia. 22 Irel yodla ngo yarmetael eklesia kala wol Judea re ted golayey. 23 Mala chog re gola ila mala sibis yarmat re kangalur bo: “Mal we ma hafohoyugich ila igla, ngo yesa fofoloyu kofael tugul we metamo ngo ye luluwaley bo yebe hamolaho.” 24 Iwe resa hapingpinga Deus le fael meka Deus sa for ngalyey.

1:13 Ac 8:3; 22:4–5; 26:9–11

1:14 Ac 22:3

1:15 1:15–16; Ac 9:3–6; 22:6–10; 26:13–18

1:18 Ac 9:26–30