Jesus Ila Ye Tagiyet Mo Imol Moses
Hami Kristiano ka re wol bisiy, le Deus ye wol ffesangugmi! Ha luluwaley Jesus we Deus yesa fangdiy bo yebe mel bo Llulupael Temarong irel tugul le siya mel iyang. Ye itol depal irel mokwe Deus ye kangalu bo Deus mele ye duwley bo yebe foru iy yengang ka, le ye wochog yael Moses itol depal irel yal tipingir mokwe lol Deus. Nu 12:7 Semal le yebe hasu sew imw, ngo yebe palleng yal ssor iy mo imol imw la foruyal. Ila be ila sengal yal be palleng yal ssor Jesus mo imol Moses. Pangal imw ngo yor le ye fatleha, iwe ngo Deus mele ye foru pangal formel. Moses we yael Deus re hagloy ye itol depal irel yengangel hammaler mokwe lol Deus, ngo iy mele tugulul mekla Deus yebe sor rall akalay. Iwe ngo Kristus we lol Deus ila ye itol depal irel yal lamliloh panger meka lol Deus. Gich lol Deus igle si yedamgel chog bo yebe kkel lal depach ngo ye luglug lal depach irel mala si yeyedamgel ngali.
Sew Hasoso Ngalir Yarmat Ka Lol Deus
Ila ye wochog molwe Espritu Santus ye sor bo,
“Hare habe rongrong yalol Deus igla, 3:7–11; Ps 95:7–11 (LXX)
Iwe ngo ha towe lligmes le habe wochog chapdoh kowe yami we rete taelenga yalol Deus
le ye wochog yodwe re mel lal tolmayloh we ngo resa hagla Deus.
Deus yesa sor bo,
“Ila lobola rela haglayey mo iyang,
le ila mwo resa wiri mokwe isa hammal ngalir irel fayeg raeg.
10 Iwe isa ssong ngalir rechokla ngo isa sor bo,
‘Re tema taelenga yaloy
ngo re tema machel taelenga yalol hatobtob ka yai.’
11 Isa ssong ngo isa hatugulu bo,
‘Tor fael sew le rebe chil loh wol fuluwe medalbo ibe fang ngalir bo rebe hasoso iyang!’ ”
12 Hami meka re wocchilay le hasa chepar ngal Kristus, ha llugu dipmi bo dela weg depel semal hami ngal tayikof, iwe ye sala ttagul tang Deus la ye molow. 13 Ha haffali bo molfid yede kacheprahmi ye sala kkef repimi. Habe far tipingi fengalugmi pangal ral irel yodle yor fal ngalgich pedal hapatpat le “Igla” we ye mel lal babior we ye santus. 14 Bo gich chilal Kristus igle gich si yedamgel yee, la hola mala haygugul loh irel luglug le si mel iyang, le be wochog molwe si mel iyang irel yadwe chapdageldah.
15 Iye mele babior we ye santus ye sor:
“Hare habe rongrong yalol Deus igla,
ngo ha towe lligmes le habe wochog chapdoh
kowe yami we re ttagul tang Deus.” Ps 95:7–8 (LXX)
16 Itey rechokwe re rongrong yalol Deus ngo re ttagul tang Deus? Pangerloh rechokwe Moses ye palirwey mo woal Egypt. 3:16–18; Nu 14:1–35 17 Itey mele Deus ye ssong ngali irel fayeg raeg? Rechokwe re molfid we re mesdiy lal tolmayloh we. 18 Yodwe Deus ye hatugulu we ye sor bo, “Re towol loh wol fuluwe medalbo ibe fang ngalir bo rebe hasoso iyang” — itey meka ye kekapta kofer? Rechokwe rete taelenga yalol. 19 Siya wiri igla le fael yal teyoh ngalir le rebe loh wol fuluwe ila mil mele tor yar tugulul ladep.

3:2 Nu 12:7

3:7 3:7–11; Ps 95:7–11 (LXX)

3:15 Ps 95:7–8 (LXX)

3:16 3:16–18; Nu 14:1–35