Jesus Ye Kapta Yal Be Towas Templum We
(Mark 13:1–2; Luke 21:5–6)
Ye chuy Jesus mo irel Templum we le bele loh ngo resa budoh mokwe re dabeyal irel resa hatarofa yebe kemahoy imw kowe. Yesa kangalur bo, “Ye momay le habe kemahoy pangal imw ka. Ibe kangalugmi mele: tor sefaes feas ka le be mmochdiy liliyal, bo pangal ngo yebe mmedardardiy wototol.”
Weres Mo Hafohoy
(Mark 13:3–13; Luke 21:7–19)
Jesus ye maroro wol molwe Tayitel Olives, ngo mokwe re dabeyal resa budoh irel le ir loh chog. Iwe resa kangalu bo, “Kangalugmem hare yinged mele yebe weldoh pangal meka iyang. Iwe ngo meda mele yebe weldoh le hagilel yodla hobe budoh, mo yodla ye bele miril faileng.”
Jesus sa sor bo, “Habe llugu dipmi bo semal de kacheprahmi. Ye cholop yarmat le resa yeyedamgili bo rebe kapta meka yaloy le re bela budoh ngo re bele sor bo, ‘Ngang mele Kristus!’ Ngo ye cholop yarmat le ir tappel rechoka re bele kacheprar. Habe rongrong pupungul fedeg ka ye rep mo kaptal fedeg kala ye ddaw, iwe ngo ha towe rusmes. Tappel meka ila ye tugul le be weldoh, ngo halachog ila ted ila mele miril faileng. Sew mo sew fuluy, ila re bele rol fedeg fengal; sew mo sew lam re bele rol fedeg fengal. Ye bele laengda ngo falmor pangal lobos. Pangal meka ngo ye wochog bbareg la yebe hola semal cho siyal irel yodla yesa kikilsi yal tomay.
“Iwe ngo re bele ddorfugmi resa fang hami rebe hagrehmi ngo re llimesehmilog. Pangal yarmat ngo re bele hafobdurugmi le fael ngang.Mt 10:22 10 Irel yodla ngo ye cholop yarmat le bele torloh yar tugul; re bele yichingewar sibis ngo re hafobidrir sibis. 11 Iwe ngo ye cholop le re bele forgirloh bo ir profeta, iwe ngo ye cholop le re bele cheparloh irer. 12 Bele ila sangal yal palleng loh tayikof luwul yarmat, iwe ngo bele tayikelloh yar hachangcheng yarmat. 13 Ngo ligdi bo yeramtala be yedamgel yebe hola mala haygugulloh pangal formel ila yebe daor.Mt 10:22 14 Iwe ngo Hapatpat Momay le kofal mala Lamliyel Laeng, ila re bele foloyu wol pangal ballel faileng le, le sew tugul ngalir panger yarmat. Iwe ngo sa moch budoh miril faileng.
Mala Hartal Hamotog
(Mark 13:14–23; Luke 21:20–24)
15 “Habe wiri Molwe ‘Ye Haetael Hamotog’ le bele yaelloh ngulmi iyang, we profeta Daniel ye kapta. Le yebe su lobola ye santus.” (Madfagili fael mele!)Dn 9:27; 11:31; 12:11 16 “Irel yodla ngo rechokla re mel Judea rebe ddar rebe loh wol tayit. 17 Hare semal mal ye mel wol imwla imwal, iwe ngo ye towe bidiy hasi mekla lital mo yilim.24:17–18; Lk 17:31 18 Hare semal ye mel woal yal milay, iwe ngo towe tefael ngal imw we imwal bela hasi mengagol. 19 Ifa lepal yar be hafohoy fefel kala re siyal mo ikla ye chil ppachigchig layur! 20 Ha mepel ngal Deus bo ha towe rol kkewag irel yodla llifang hare Sabbath! 21 Bo hafohoy irel yodla ila be kkel hemas mo imol pangal hafohoy ka sa budoh irel yodwe ye subdog talople yee, la hola igla. Ila tayor sew hafohoy le be chil budoh fael sew le be wochog mele.Dn 12:1; Rev 7:14 22 Ngo ligdi bo Deus sa moll yal hawechi mala bungul, bo hare be te foru ngo tor le be molow. Bo fael rechoka yesa duwler bo re wolol mele sa hawechidoh bungul hafohoy la iyang.
23 “Iwe hare semal ye kangalug bo, ‘Kalladoh, Kristus iye le!’ hare ye sor bo, ‘Kallaloh, iye lay!’ — Iwe ngo ha towe chepar ngali. 24 Bo yor rechokla re bele la budoh le tot re bele forgirloh bo ir Kristus, ngo tot ikla re bele forgirloh bo ir profeta. Re bele ffaor kkemal kala yar bo hare be yoh le meka mwo Lol Deus ngo rebe wigdi deper. 25 Ha talenga! Isa kangalugmi mele mo imol mala bela hola yodla.
26 “Hare yarmat re kangalugmi bo, ‘Ha kalloh, iye lay ye mel lal tolmay loh lay!’ Ngo ha towe loh lobola; hare re sor bo, ‘Ha kaladoh, iye le ye mwol iga!’ ngo ha towe chepar iyang.24:26–27; Lk 17:23–24 27 Bo mala Layur Retalop le be budoh le be wochog ffis, le be ffis fedal lal laeng le be chaep mo meterral sa loh meldew.
28 “Te tugul loboska yor mael maes iyang ngo rebe tteydoh vultures iyang.Lk 17:37
Budohol Molwe Layur Retalop
(Mark 13:24–27; Luke 21:25–28)
29 “Bela wol miril hafohoy la, ngo bele gul yaal ngo towol wer meram. Ngo bele pungpungdiy fiis, ngo mekla kkelel laeng ila ye towol mel liliyal.Is 13:10; Jl 2:10; 3:15; Rev 6:12; Is 13:10; Ez 32:7; Jl 2:10; 3:15; Is 34:4; Rev 6:13 30 Iwe ngo mala hagilel mala Layur Retalop, ila bele llahdoh mo lal laeng; ngo pangal yarmetal talop ngo re bele tetang irel yodla rebe wiri mala Layur Retalop, le yebe budoh mo luwul darmiy luwul mala kkelal mo falmay la yal.Dn 7:13; Zec 12:10–14; Rev 1:7 31 Ye bele ddig rappa, ngo bele hagloyurloh angelus kowe lol yisre mo yisre talople, ngo re bele la hatteyili fengalir yarmat kala lol le sa duwler mo wol pangal loh faileng le.
Mele Habe Medaf Mo Irel Ire Le Fig
(Mark 13:28–31; Luke 21:29–33)
32 “Yor mele habe medaf iyang mo irel ire le fig. Yodla be chaep yal fetaer mekla ral, ngo ye fetaerwey mekla yull, ngo hami ha bele gola le sa harep llereg. 33 Yebe ila sengal chog yodla ha bela wiri meka bele llahdoh, iwe ngo ha bele gola le yodwe ila sa harep le bele chaep. 34 Hade maligili le meka ila be weldoh mo imol mala rechoka re chil molow igla rebe mes. 35 Be moaloh laeng mo talop, ngo mele yaloy ila tor fael sew le be moaloh.
Tor Semal Le Ye Gola Ralla Hare Awala
(Mark 13:32–37; Luke 17:26–30, 34–36)
36 “Tor semal le ye gola hare yinged mele be hola yod la hare awa la. Angelus kala wol laeng mwo, ngo re togla; bo halachog Deus mele ye gola. 37 Budohol mala Layur Retalop, ila be wochog mokwe ye weldoh irel molwe wolmwol Noah.Gn 6:5–8 38 Ral kowe imol molwe ye burssogloh fuluy, ngo yarmat re popaoy le rema mongoy, ngo re yulul, ngo rema rol riri fengal yee, la hola yodwe ye bulong Noah lal Ark we: 39 Ngo re togla mele bele wel ngalir yee, la hola yodwe ye burssogloh fuluy sa hasirloh panger. Be iye sengal yodla be budoh mala Layur Retalop.Gn 7:6–24 40 Irel yodla ngo rumal mal ila rebe mel wol milay; semal ila rebe hasiloh, ngo semal ila be meldiy. 41 Rumal fefel ila rebe mel irel imwel fforol flowa; semal ila rebe hasiloh, ngo semal ila be meldiy. 42 Ha matalladugmi, bo ha togla seral le be budoh Samol la yami iyang. 43 Hare yeramtawe imwal imw we ye gola yodla be budoh cho machoh we iyang, ngo habe hatugulu mo lal dipmi le bele paoy le towe masor, bo cho machoh we de bulong lal imwe imwal.24:43–44; Lk 12:39–40 44 Ila hami habe hafelfel chog bo mala Layur Retalop, ila yebe budoh irel sew awa le ha te luluwaley loh le be budoh iyang.
Boy We Ye Katos Hare Boy We Te Katos
(Luke 12:41–48)
45 “Ila ngo, itey semal boy le ye katos ngo ye repiy? Yeramtawe masta we yal sa yitol le iy mele be kekamahoy boy kowe tot, bo be ma fang haler irel yodol mongoy. 46 Ifa lepal yal be rraey boy la irel mala masta we bela budoh sala wiri yal foforu meka. 47 Ibe kangalugmi le masta we bele yitliy boy we le iy mele bele kekamahoy pangal mokwe lital. 48 Iwe ngo hare iy semal boy kowe ye tayikof, ngo iy chog llufulyal ngo bele luluwaley le masta we yal ila towe ttiril tefael, 49 ngo bele chap yal lliy fedaler boy kowe chilal, ngo ye mongoy ngo ye yul ngalir rechokla retoa habbelas. 50 Iwe ngo masta we yal boy we be tefael seral, le boy we te luluwaley loh le be tefael, ngo irel sew yad le ye towe gola. 51 Masta we bele ddabeyloh, le be wochog mokwe rema faor ngalir rechoka rema fforiyeg. Ye bele la tetang ngo ye ketangtingi fedaley mekla ngil.

24:9 Mt 10:22

24:13 Mt 10:22

24:15 Dn 9:27; 11:31; 12:11

24:17 24:17–18; Lk 17:31

24:21 Dn 12:1; Rev 7:14

24:26 24:26–27; Lk 17:23–24

24:28 Lk 17:37

24:29 Is 13:10; Jl 2:10; 3:15; Rev 6:12; Is 13:10; Ez 32:7; Jl 2:10; 3:15; Is 34:4; Rev 6:13

24:30 Dn 7:13; Zec 12:10–14; Rev 1:7

24:37 Gn 6:5–8

24:39 Gn 7:6–24

24:43 24:43–44; Lk 12:39–40