Deus Ye Hatawsi Babylon
Yela wol miril mele ngo isa wol wiri semal angelus le ye bidiy mo woel laeng. Angelus le ila ye palleng kelal ngo mala termal mala kamdidiyal ila ye hawreloh talop le. Yesa hapatpat le ye hapalingi yalol le ye sor bo, “Yesa mmedar loh! Babylon we ye tagiyet ila yesa mmedarloh! Yesa mel igla le liliyer moniyan mo yalus tayikof mo pangal matmetael tayikof mo mael yeyal ka site dipli ngo re mel iyang. Is 21:9; Jr 51:8; Rev 14:8; Is 13:21; Jr 50:39 Bo panger chol sere mo sere lam, ngo resa yul wine la lemal le ye kel le ila mele wegdegel maltemay la yal. Panger kingel faileng le ngo resa dabey irel faorol maltemay. Ngo rechoka rema fang chuway lal faileng le ila sa cholop loh layur salpiy mo irel haplom le, le re tay pos irel yar chehaw.” Is 23:17; Jr 51:7 Iwe isa rongrong yalol semal yarmat mo woal laeng le ye sor bo,
“Ha buyoy hami mekla layi bo habe chuy mo irel,
ha towe dabey irel molfid kala yal.
Ha towe dabey irel hagerger kala re bele faor ngali! Is 48:20; Jr 50:8; 51:6, 45
Bo mekla molfidil ila sa hola dah laeng mala tagital.
Ngo Deus ye ted maligili mekla wegdegel le ye tayikof. Gn 18:20–21; Jr 51:9
Ha faor ngali mekla iy ye faor ngalugmi,
le be fael ruwow yami hatefal ngali paliyel pangal mekla iy ye foru.
Ha hassugu tohog la yal irel wine le be fael ruwow
yal kel tang mokwe iy ye foru bo limi. Ps 137:8; Jr 50:29
Ha hafohoyu ngo ha hatayikofa depal le be wochog
kelel mmal mo falmay la yal iy lufulyal.
Bo ma iy chog lufulyal yal sor bo,
‘Isa mel bo ngang semal queen!
Te ngang semal fefel kowe sa mes ril.
Tor mo fael sew le be tayikof depey!’ 18:7–8; Is 47:7–9
Ila fal le lal chog seral ngo yebe hola pangal hafohoy kala yal le —
tomay mo tayikofel ladep mo langda.
Ngo rebe fisgi ngal yaef bo Samol Deus le ye hartal tagiyet mele yesa hatugulu yal hagerger.”
Kingel talop le re dabey resa faor maltemay ngo sa loh deper irel, ila re bele tang irel tayikofael lal deper irel haplom le yodla re bela wiri mala burahol yal fisngeg. 18:9–10; Ez 26:16–17 10 Re bele la mel mo medaw bo re motog bo rede dabey hafohoy la yal. Ngo resa sor bo, “Yesa kel le, ye kkel yal hafohoy Babylon we sew haplom le ye tagiyet ngo ye kel! Re fang ngalug pangal yam hagerger lal chog sew awa!”
11 Iwe ngo rechokwe rema taep chuway formel re wol tang luwul tayikofel deper bo fael mala tayor le be chil chuway peteg mo irer. Ez 27:31, 36 12 Tayor semal le be chil chuway hoal, mo silver, feas kawe ye chaw paliyel, mo pearls; mo mengag kowe ye ngos ddolal, mo ikowe ye checha, mo ikowe ye melayis, mo pangal matmetael ire kowe ye weres ngo chaw paliyal, mo pangal meka ye faor mo irel ivory, mo meka ye faor mo irel ire kowe ye chaw paliyal, mo bronze mo parang, mo marble; 18:12–13; Ez 27:12, 13, 22 13 iwe mo cinnamon, mo spice, mo incense, mo myrrh, mo frankincense, mo wine, mo gapgep, mo flowa, mo wheat, mo karbow, mo saaf, mo woas, mo kruma, mo slave, iwe mo yar yarmat molow. 14 Ngo chol chuwayel peteg kowe resa kangalu haplom we bo, “Pangal mokwe ye momay we ho hable bo yebe yoh ngalug ngo tay mel loh, ngo pangal mokwe mmalem mo kamdidiyem ngo tayor loh, ngo tayor fael sew le be chil yoh ngalug!” 15 Chol chuway kowe sa cholop layur salpiy irel yar tap chuway formel ngalir chol haplom we, ila re bele la su mo medaw bo fael mala re motog bo rede dabey irel hafohoy. Re bele tang irel kelel tayikofel lal deper. Ez 27:31, 36 16 Re bele sor bo, “Yesa kel, le kel yal hafohoy Babylon le sew haplom le ye tagiyet. Yema hamengagu ngal chog mengag kowe ye ngos mo ikowe ye checha ddolal. Iwe ngo ye choyloh irel pangal matmetael hawuluy ka ye kamdidiy le hoal mo feas kowe ye chaw paliyal mo pearls! 17 Pangal mmalel ngo yesa ppung tangi lal chog sew awa!”
Pangerloh kapinel barko mo rewey mo sela, fengal mo panger rechokla yema yoh ngalir hammaler mo leted, ngo re sala su chog mo medaw, Is 23:14; Ez 27:26–30 18 ngo resa ttawul loh irel yodla rela wiri burahol yaef we sa fisngeg haplom we iyang ngo resa sor bo: “Tor sew haplom le ye hola lepal yal tagiyet haplom le!” Ez 27:32 19 Resa yitet dah bol wol mekla chemer ngo resa tang luwul tayikofel deper ngo resa sor bo, “Yesa kel, le ye kel hafohol haplom le ye tagiyet! Iye haplom le panger rechokla yor war barko le re tetargi taed ka ngo ye cholop loh layur salpiy mo irel mala mmalel! Iwe pangal formel ngo tor loh lal sew chog awa!” Ez 27:30–34 20 Be momay depom ho laeng bo yesa towas haplom we! Be chehas lal dipmi profeta mo apostel mo hami mekla lol Deus! Bo Deus yesa fang yael haplom le hagerger le fael mokwe sa faor ngalugmi! Dt 32:43; Jr 51:48
21 Iwe ngo semal angelus le ye kel sa hasi sedep porow le ye palleng sa hallifdi diy leted, ngo yesa sor bo, “Be iye sengal wululul yal be towas loh haplom tagiyet le Babylon ngo tayor fael sew le sibe chil wiri. Jr 51:63–64; Ez 26:21 22 Ddigil harp, mo ddigil yalol yarmat, mo ddigil flute mo rappa, ila tayor mwo mo fael sew le yarmat rebe chil rongrong mo irem. Ngo tayor chol yengangel semat mo semat sallap le sibe chil wiri mo irem; iwe ngo ssebral millstone we irel yar ma yigeg mongoy iyang ila tayor le be chil ma rongrong! Ez 26:13; Is 24:8 18:22–23; Jr 7:34; 25:10 23 Tayor fael sew le sibe chil wiri werel habulbul mo irem. Towol yor loh yalor chol gubulul habulupoy le sibe chil ma rongrong mo irem. Chol chuway kala lom ila ir mele ye palleng igeger mo lal faileng le. Iwe ngo hosa kacheprar panger yarmat lal faileng le irel folus kala yam!”
24 Babylon ila resa hagre bo fael mokwe cchar profeta kowe mo mokwe lol Deus we re llir diy wol haplom le, mo mekla cchar rechokla re limeserloh mo woal talop le. Jr 51:49

18:2 Is 21:9; Jr 51:8; Rev 14:8; Is 13:21; Jr 50:39

18:3 Is 23:17; Jr 51:7

18:4 Is 48:20; Jr 50:8; 51:6, 45

18:5 Gn 18:20–21; Jr 51:9

18:6 Ps 137:8; Jr 50:29

18:7 18:7–8; Is 47:7–9

18:9 18:9–10; Ez 26:16–17

18:11 Ez 27:31, 36

18:12 18:12–13; Ez 27:12, 13, 22

18:15 Ez 27:31, 36

18:17 Is 23:14; Ez 27:26–30

18:18 Ez 27:32

18:19 Ez 27:30–34

18:20 Dt 32:43; Jr 51:48

18:21 Jr 51:63–64; Ez 26:21

18:22 Ez 26:13; Is 24:8

18:22 18:22–23; Jr 7:34; 25:10

18:24 Jr 51:49