Letters.bmp (630 bytes) About Donor Tracking Notebook

Donor Tracking Notebook and this document are copyright © 1999-2000 Michael Paul Johnson. All rights reserved. This is shareware. You may copy, distribute, and evaluate this program for free (or for minimal connect time charges or mailing fees), but you may not sell it without written permission from Michael Paul Johnson. You may install and evaluate this program for up to 60 days, but if you use it for more than 60 days, you must register it and pay the applicable fees.

This program and documentation come with absolutely no warranties, expressed or implied. If your state does not allow a disclaimer of warranties, then you may not use Donor Tracking Notebook. Although I have taken reasonable precautions to make sure this program does what I intend on several test systems, I have no control over your software and hardware configuration or the way you use this program. Therefore, if you use this program, you must do entirely at your own risk.

It is remotely possible that this program could crash and cause data loss, not only in its own files but in others. Even under normal operation, abnormal conditions such as a power failure or system reset while updating a database file can corrupt your data. You must back up your work regularly to guard against this possibility.

This program is dedicated to the memory of my nephew, Stephen, who never saw the light of day in this world. Use of this program (exclusive of support) is free for qualified Christian Crisis Pregnancy Centers.

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