Letters.bmp (630 bytes) Donor Tracking Notebook Reports Tab

The "Reports" tab has 5 buttons on it: Directory, Labels, Receipts, Redo receipts, and Reminders.

Select the "Directory" button when you want to print out a directory listing of people and organizations in the address listings. When you select this button, you are given the opportunity to add a title to the listing. This title prints at the top of each page. To choose who you want to include in the directory listing, press the "Who to include" button. This brings up a dialog box that allows you to include specific groups as marked in the address records. You can also restrict donors by location or time of last donation.

Select the "Labels" button to print mailing labels. Dimensions for the margins, gutter, label height, and label width are in inches. The "Select labels" button allows you to choose who you wish to print mailing labels for (i. e. current donors, volunteers, etc.). "Export to file" creates a comma and quote delimited ASCII database file that you can import to other applications. For example, you can use the exported file for mail merge letters and envelopes in a word processor. If you are doing a bulk mail sort, the file CPC_BAGS.TXT (that is created at the same time labels are printed) contains information that will help you in sorting the mail into bags and bundles according to U. S. Postal Service specifications.

Select the "Receipts" button ONCE to create a mail merge data source called "CPC_RECT.TXT" in the same directory as the DTN.EXE program file. Use this file, in conjunction with a word processor, to print receipts. You can use the same export file to print envelopes or labels, if you please. The exported file is a comma and quote delimited ASCII database file. Every time you press this button, the CPC_RECT.TXT file is overwritten with receipts dated AFTER the last time the button was pressed. Obviously, you must make sure you have one batch of receipts printed out before you press this button again for the next batch.

In case you need to recreate receipts, like for example if you accidentally pressed the "Receipts" button twice in a row without using the CPC_RECT.TXT file to print receipts, you can recover by selecting the "Redo receipts" button, specifying the starting date of the receipts you want to print.

To create pledge reminder letters, press the "Reminders" button. This creates a  mail merge data source file called CPC_REM.TXT that can be used to print pledge reminders.

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