Talk Fo God
God Stay Tight Wit His Peopo
Dis da message Da One In Charge give Hosea, Beeri boy. Dat time Uzziah, Jotam, Ahaz, an Hezekiah stay king fo da Judah peopo. An Jeroboam Numba Two, Jehoash boy, he stay king fo da Israel peopo.
Hosea Wife An Kids
(Rome 9:27-28; 1 Peter 2:10)
Wen Da One In Charge start fo use Hosea fo talk to da Israel peopo, he tell Hosea, “Go marry one hoa, so some a her kids goin come from guys dat not her husban. Dass fo show dat da Israel peopo, same way dey tell ‘Laytas’ to me an fool aroun wit odda gods!”
So Hosea marry Gomer, Diblaim girl. She come hapai an born one bebe boy fo Hosea. Den Da One In Charge tell Hosea, “Give him da name Jezreel. Dat mean ‘God scatta.’ Az cuz pretty soon I goin punish da Jehu ohana, cuz dey wen kill plenny peopo Jezreel side. Den I goin make da blood line fo da Israel king guys come pau. Dat same time, I goin broke da bows an arrows fo da Israel peopo inside da Jezreel Valley.”
Gomer come hapai one mo time, an born one bebe girl. Da One In Charge tell Hosea, “Give her da name Lo-Ruhamah. Dat mean ‘Nobody pity her.’ Cuz I no goin show pity fo da Israel ohana no moa. An I no goin take away dea blame no moa. Mo betta, I goin show pity fo da Judah ohana, an I goin get dem outa trouble. But I no goin do dat wit bows an arrows, o swords, o war, o wit da guys dat ride da horses. I dea God, Da One In Charge, so I no goin need all dat fo me get um outa trouble.”
Afta Gomer pau breas feed Lo-Ruhamah, she born one nodda bebe, one boy. Da One In Charge tell, “Give him da name Lo-Ammi. Dat mean, ‘Not my peopo.’ Cuz you guys no goin be my peopo no moa, an I no goin be yoa God no moa. 10 Bumbye da Israel peopo goin come plenny, jalike da sand on top da beach dat you no can eva count o measure um. But inside da same place wea I wen tell dem, ‘You guys not my peopo no moa,’ laytas peopo goin call dem ‘da peopo dat stay tight wit da God dat stay alive.’ 11 Den da Judah peopo an da Israel peopo goin come back togedda one mo time. Dey goin pick one leada. An dey goin come up outa da land wea dey stay. Dass goin be one real importan time fo da Jezreel peopo, cuz Jezreel mean ‘God plant’ too. God goin plant dem inside dis country one mo time!”
1:1 1:1 a: 2Kings 15:1-7; 2Rec 26:1-23; 2Kings 15:32-38; 2Rec 27:1-8; 2Kings 16:1-20; 2Rec 28:1-27; 2Kings 18:120:21; 2Rec 29:132:33; 2Kings 14:23-29 1:4 1:4: 2Kings 10:11 1:10 1:10: Rome 9:26