God Punish Da Israel Peopo
An Bring Dem Back
(Rome 9:25-26; 1 Peter 2:10)
Da One In Charge tell Hosea: “Give yoa Israel braddahs one new name, ‘My peopo,’ an yoa Israel sistahs, ‘Da ones I pity.’
“But now, Tell yoa kids fo scold dea muddah good,
(Her, da Israel peopo, you know.)
Cuz her not my wife,
An me not her husban.
Her gotta no look jalike one hoa,
An her gotta pau sleep wit odda guys
On top her breases.
If she no pau make lidat,
Den I goin make her come naked
Jalike da day she wen born.
I goin make her come jalike da boonies
An jalike da dry land.
An den she goin come thirsty an mahke.
I no goin show love an pity fo her kids.
Cuz dey wen born afta she fool aroun.
Wen dea muddah fool aroun.
She come hapai but she no mo shame.
She tell, ‘I goin go afta da guys dat make sex wit me,
Da ones dat give me my food an watta,
My wool, my linen, my olive oil, an my wine.’
Az why me Da One In Charge
Goin block her way wit thorn bushes.
I goin make jalike one wall aroun her so she no can find wea fo go.
She goin chase afta da guys dat make sex wit her,
But she no goin catch um up.
She goin look fo dem,
But she no goin find dem.
Den she goin tell,
‘Eh! Wase time awready!
I goin go back by my firs husban,
Cuz wen I stay wit him,
Eryting mo betta den now.’
“But she neva know I da one
Wen give her da wheat an barley, da new wine, an da olive oil.
I da one wen give her plenny silva an gold,
Dat her an da guys dat make sex wit her go use um fo da Baal god.
“Az why I goin take away my wheat an barley wen come ripe
An my new wine wen stay ready.
I goin take back my wool an my linen cloth
Dat suppose to cova her wen she stay naked.
10 So now I goin show erybody how she make shame
Wen da guys dat make sex wit her stay watch.
Den no mo nobody goin take her outa my powa.
11 I goin stop all her religious ceremonies,
Da spesho times she make ery year,
Da new moon spesho times, da Res Days,
An all da odda spesho religious ceremonies.
12 I goin wipe out her grape plants an her fig trees
Dat she tink, ‘Da guys dat make sex wit me wen give me dis fo pay me!’
I goin make her trees grow thick togedda
Fo ony da wild animals eat all da fruits.
13 I goin punish her fo all da times
She go burn incense fo da Baal idols.
She put on plenny rings an jewelry.
She go wit da guys dat make sex wit her,
But she foget bout me.”
Az wat Da One In Charge tell.
14 “Az why bumbye I goin make her like fo go wit me.
I goin lead her back inside da boonies,
An talk nice to her.
15 Ova dea I goin give her back her grape fields.
I goin make Trouble Valley come Da Place
Wea Fo Shua Someting Good Goin Happen.
An ova dea she goin sing to me jalike wen she stay young.
Jalike da time I bring up outa Egypt.”
16 Da One In Charge tell, “Dat time, you goin call me, ‘my husban.’
You no goin call me, ‘my boss’ no moa.
17 I goin take away da names fo da Baal gods from her mout.
She no goin talk bout dem no moa.
18 Dat time I goin make one deal
Wit da wild animals inside da fields,
Da birds inside da sky,
An da small animals dat move aroun on top da groun.
I goin take away da bows an arrows, da swords, an wars from da land.
Den erybody can live an no mo notting goin hurt dem.
19 I goin make you my wife foeva.
I goin do eryting da right way, jalike da judge tell.
I goin stay tight wit you, an show love an pity fo you.
20 I goin marry you an you goin trus me.
An you goin know who me fo shua,
Da One In Charge.”
21 Da One In Charge tell, “Dat time, I goin lissen da sky.
An da sky goin lissen da groun an make rain.
22 Den I goin lissen wat da earth like me fo do,
An I going plant wheat an barley, grape fo new wine, an trees fo olive oil.
Fo make da Jezreel Valley peopo get plenny food.
23 I goin plant da Israel peopo inside da land fo be my peopo.
I goin show love an pity fo da ones I wen call um Lo-Ruhamah, dat mean ‘nobody pity dem.’
An fo da ones dat I wen call um Lo-Ammi, dat mean ‘dey not my peopo,’
But I goin tell um, ‘Now you my peopo!’
An dey goin tell, ‘You oua God.’ ”
2:15 2:15: Josh 7:24-26 2:23 2:23: Rome 9:25; 1Pet 2:10