Note: In the future, the people of Israel will look upon this same person, “whom they have pierced” (Zech 12:10).Therefore many of the Jews [Praisers] read this title, for the place where Yeshua [Salvation] was executed on the stake was near the city; and it was written in Hebrew [Immigrant], in Latin, and in Greek. 21 The chief priests of the Jews [Praisers] therefore said to Pilate [Armed with javelin], “Don’t write, ‘The King of the Jews [Praisers],’ but, ‘he said, I am King of the Jews [Praisers].’ ”
Note: There is no Bible punishment or law for death that specifically involves piercing; stoning or banishment is more common. (Is 53:5a)*(34-37) MP: The Messiah’s body will be pierced. (Zech 12:10a)However one of the soldiers †(+36) MP: The ability to count all bones implies no divided or broken bones, therefore none of his bones are broken (Ps 34:21), just as the Pesac ·Passover· lamb (Ex 12:46). (See also Ps 22:14b, 22:14c, 34:19-20). (Ps 22:17a)pierced his side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out. 35 He who has seen has testified, and his testimony is trutheree. He knows that he tells the truth, that you may trust. 36 For these things happened, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, “Not one of his bones will be broken.” ‡. Quoted from Ex 12:46; Num 9:12; Ps 34:20 37 Again another Scripture says, “They will look on him whom they pierced.” §. Quoted from Zech 12:10
*19:1 Messiah’s back is whipped. “I gave my back to the smiters.” (Is 50:6a)
†19:7 . MP: Messiah perceived to be cursed by God. (See also Ps 22:1, 118:17-18). (Is 53:4b)
‡19:7 Note: This law that justifies Yeshua being put to death could be (Lev 24:16) about blasphemy or (Deut 18:20) about a prophet speaking in God’s name falsely. Both shall be put to death, according to God’s command. (Read in full context of Deut ch 13 and Deut 18:9-22).
§19:20 . MP: People will stare and witness Messiah during his death including piercing. (Ps 22:17b) Note: In the future, the people of Israel will look upon this same person, “whom they have pierced” (Zech 12:10).
*19:23 (23-24) MP: The Messiah’s garments are divided; lots are divided; lots are cast for his clothes. (Ps 22:18)
‡19:28 (28-29) MP: Messiah will thirst. (See also Ps 69:21a, 69:21b). (Ps 22:15b)
§19:29 . MP: Messiah has gall offered him as food. Gall is a medicinal poison; poisons have a bitter taste and acids, like vinegar, have a sour taste. This mixture has various English simile terms: poisoned water, mixed drink with serpent poison, drinking viper’s poison (Deut 32:32-33; Jer 9:15, 23:15). Gall is a mixture of liver or gallbladder digestive juice, called bile, possibly mixed with poppy seed opium or wormwood. Gall would be offered to a person as an end to pain, cure illness, or overdosing to kill. Ingesting opium, wormwood, or bile is like taking very bitter medicine. Therefore descriptions of eating and drinking the substances are metaphors for very bitter experiences. (See also Ps 22:15b). (Ps 69:21a)
*19:29 . (28-29) Quoted from Ps 69:21
†19:30 b (context 19:16-30)MP: The suffering and reproach of Calvary (describes Ps 22). (Ps 102:1-11)
‡19:31 . MP: Messiah is cursed on our behalf, hanged on a stake, (See also Is 53:5). (Deut 21:21-23)
§19:31 Special Sabbath; High Sabbath during a Festival, such as Unleavened Bread week. The first day of Unleavened Bread is a holy convocation, then the weekly Sabbath came next. Special week Nissan 15-16.
*19:32 (32-33) MP: None of Messiah’s bones would be broken parallel to the Pesac ·Passover· lamb. (See also Ps 22:17a, 22:14b, 22:14c, 34:19-20). (Ex 12:46; Ps 34:20)
†19:33 (33-34) MP: Messiah’s heart melts like wax. The blood and water running out of the pierced side align with a disorder called “pericardial effusion”. Stress on the heart causing edema (swelling fluids) in the outer sac of the heart muscle. By going upward from the side with a spear, up to 2 liters of water could pour out along with the blood when the heart was pierced. (See also Ps 22:17a). (Ps 22:14c)
‡19:34 . MP: “Poured out like water” Combined context refers to piercing (Ps 22:16) causing internal fluids to pour out (Ps 22:14). Could also reference the “pouring out” of a drink offering. Only during the Great Hossanah feast, on the 7th day of Sukkot, is both water and wine poured out together before God. (See notes on Is 55:1-2). (Ps 22:14a)
§19:34 . MP: Messiah is “pierced / wounded for our transgressions”. Note: There is no Bible punishment or law for death that specifically involves piercing; stoning or banishment is more common. (Is 53:5a)
*19:34 (34-37) MP: The Messiah’s body will be pierced. (Zech 12:10a)
†19:34 (+36) MP: The ability to count all bones implies no divided or broken bones, therefore none of his bones are broken (Ps 34:21), just as the Pesac ·Passover· lamb (Ex 12:46). (See also Ps 22:14b, 22:14c, 34:19-20). (Ps 22:17a)
‡19:36 . Quoted from Ex 12:46; Num 9:12; Ps 34:20
§19:37 . Quoted from Zech 12:10