*34:8 . Quoted in 1 Pet 2:3
‡34:16 . (12-16) Quoted in 1 Pet 3:10-12
§34:19 (19-20) MP: In the context of Messiah’s death, because of his righteousness, God protects him from complete disaster. Consider the parallel, the Pesac ·Passover· lamb’s bones are not broken either (Ex 12:46). (Rom 8:10-11; Heb 4:15-16) Note: It is profitable to notice two other prophecies concerning His bones which undoubtedly had an exact fulfillment, although such is not stated in Scripture in so many words. We draw our conclusions from honest inference. (1) (Ps 22:14) “All my bones are out of joint.” Hanging on the cross by the hands and feet will easily disjoint the bones, especially when we remember that the body was fixed to the frame while lying on the ground. (2) (Ps 22:17) “I can count all of my bones.” He was left hanging on the cross naked (John 19:23) and all His bones could thus easily be seen. The extension of the body and the wasting pangs of crucifixion will make the bones more prominent than usual.
*34:20 . MP: None of Messiah’s bones would be broken parallel to the Pesac ·Passover· lamb (Ex 12:46). (See also Ps 22:17a, 22:14b, 22:14c). (John 19:32-33, 19:36)
†34:20 . Quoted in John 19:36