Note: The Hebrew Calendar counts twelve hours from sunrise to sunset. This makes the sixth hour about noon, and the ninth hour near three in the afternoon. Skeptic: An eclipse cannot happen during a full moon. Answer: Scientificly that is correct, and historically this was recorded, so it has to be a miracle or nothing.
Note: We do not have evidence to denounce the cited Historians as their books no longer exist.Now from noon until three o'clock there was darkness over all the land. 46 About three o'clock in the afternoon, †. MP: When Yeshua quotes the first line, this is traditional Jewish method of making reference to the entire passage, by quoting the first few lines. Because people memorized the Bible back then, the entire passage and context was brought to memory. This is probably why the Rabbis said that Yeshua is calling to Elijah (misdirection) and not quoting (Ps 22:1), because the entire Psalm speaks of this moment. They could see Yeshua's intention for people to compare the Psalm with his current execution. (Ps 22:1 (context all ch 22))Yeshua [Salvation] cried with a loud voice, saying, ‡. MP: Messiah will cry out to God, “My God! My God! Why have you abandoned me? Why so far from helping me, so far from my anguished cries?” (Ps 22:1a)“Eli, Eli, lima sabachthani?” That is, “·My God, my God, why have you forsaken me·?” §. Quoted from Ps 22:1. In this time period of Judaism, when the first verse in a section is referenced, this refers to the entire chapter. Therefore the entire chapter of Ps 22 is referrenced.
*27:3 (3-5a) MP: Thirty pieces of silver are thrown into the house of the Lord. (Zech 11:12-13)
†27:3 (3-5) MP: The Messiah’s betrayer will have a short life. (Ps 109:8a)
‡27:6 (6-8) MP: Thirty pieces of silver is used to buy the potter’s field. (Zech 11:12-13)
§27:9 Note: In the Hebrew Bible, the prophetic books are in a different order then Christian Bible. The first book is Jeremiah, not Isaiah. Therefore, a citation of the first book could reference all the prophet books section. Just as quoting the first verse of a chapter refers to the all ch (See Matt 27:46 with Ps 22:1)
*27:9 Note: It is agreed upon that the book of Zecheriah chapters 1-8 and 9-14 were written at different points of time. Zecheriah wrote the first section, but it is not known who wrote the second section. Some scholars speculate that Jeremiah wrote the second section because they were contemporaries in history as prophets.
†27:9 . Quoted from Zech 11:12-13
‡27:9 Note: 30 pieces of silver was the standard price for purchasing a slave.
§27:10 . Quoted from Jer 32:7
*27:10 Hebrew: The term “Potter’s Field,” when it is owned by the Priests, refers to graveyard used for those unnamed, strangers, and gentile people. (See Matt 27:7)
†27:10 . Paraphrase Quoted from Jer 32:7-8
‡27:11 (11-14) MP: Messiah is oppressed and afflicted but does not speak out in his own defense. (Is 53:7a)
§27:12 (12-14) MP: Messiah, in likeness of a sacrificial lamb, is silent before his accusers. (See also Ps 35:11). (Is 53:7b)
*27:14 . MP: Messiah will be silent before his accusers. (Ps 38:14)
†27:30 . MP: Messiah is spat upon in his face. “I did not hide my face from... spitting”. (Is 50:6b)
‡27:30 . MP: Smitten “...They will strike Israel’s ruler on the cheek with a reed.” (Mic 5:1)
§27:34 . MP: Messiah has gall offered him as food. Gall is a medicinal poison; poisons have a bitter taste and acids, like vinegar, have a sour taste. This mixture has various English simile terms: poisoned water, mixed drink with serpent poison, drinking viper’s poison (Deut 32:32-33; Jer 9:15, 23:15). Gall is a mixture of liver or gallbladder digestive juice, called bile, possibly mixed with poppy seed opium or wormwood. Gall would be offered to a person as an end to pain, cure illness, or overdosing to kill. Ingesting opium, wormwood, or bile is like taking very bitter medicine. Therefore descriptions of eating and drinking the substances are metaphors for very bitter experiences. (See also Ps 22:15). (Ps 69:21a, 69:21b)
*27:35 . MP: The Messiah’s garments are divided; lots are divided; lots are cast for his clothes. (Ps 22:18)
‡27:38 . MP: Messiah is surrounded by Gentiles “dogs” at his crucifixion. “Dog” is a derogatory term for non-Jews, Gentiles. New Covenant example of metaphor (Matt 15:21-27). (Ps 22:16)
§27:38 . MP: By being killed along with other criminals, Messiah is assigned a grave with the wicked. (Is 53:9a)
*27:39 (39-40) MP: Messiah is mocked by people shaking their heads. (Ps 22:7)
‡27:41 (41-43) MP: Messiah is surrounded by enemies at his death. (Ps 22:16b)
§27:41 (41-44) MP: The Messiah will not die but be Resurrected, himself being protected by Yahweh. The discipline is not for unrighteousness. (Combined with Is 53:4-5, 53:10-11; Ps 16:10, 30:3, 49:15, 118:17-18). (Ps 118:17-18)
*27:41 (41-44) MP: Messiah perceived to be cursed by God. (See also Ps 22:1, 118:17-18). (Is 53:4b)
†27:42 (42-43) MP: Messiah trusts Yahweh to maintain faithfulness that he will continue to live and not die under false accusations. (Ps 27:12-13)
‡27:43 . MP: Mockers will say of the Messiah, “he trusted God, let Him deliver him.” (Ps 22:8)
*27:45 . MP: God will cause the sky to be darkened in the mid-day. Possible illusion to “The day of Yahweh” and the 70th week of Daniel. Roman Historian Thallus cites Roman Historian Phlegon record that in the time of Tiberius Caesar, at full moon (middle of the Hebrew month), there was a full eclipse of the sun from the sixth hour to the ninth hour. (Amos 8:9) Note: The Hebrew Calendar counts twelve hours from sunrise to sunset. This makes the sixth hour about noon, and the ninth hour near three in the afternoon. Skeptic: An eclipse cannot happen during a full moon. Answer: Scientificly that is correct, and historically this was recorded, so it has to be a miracle or nothing. Note: We do not have evidence to denounce the cited Historians as their books no longer exist.
†27:46 . MP: When Yeshua quotes the first line, this is traditional Jewish method of making reference to the entire passage, by quoting the first few lines. Because people memorized the Bible back then, the entire passage and context was brought to memory. This is probably why the Rabbis said that Yeshua is calling to Elijah (misdirection) and not quoting (Ps 22:1), because the entire Psalm speaks of this moment. They could see Yeshua's intention for people to compare the Psalm with his current execution. (Ps 22:1 (context all ch 22))
‡27:46 . MP: Messiah will cry out to God, “My God! My God! Why have you abandoned me? Why so far from helping me, so far from my anguished cries?” (Ps 22:1a)
§27:46 . Quoted from Ps 22:1. In this time period of Judaism, when the first verse in a section is referenced, this refers to the entire chapter. Therefore the entire chapter of Ps 22 is referrenced.
*27:48 . MP: Messiah will thirst. (See also Ps 69:21a, 69:21b). (Ps 22:15b)
†27:48 . MP: Messiah will thirst and be given vinegar / sour wine to drink. Vinegar is an acid and constricts the throat. Vinegar was used for digestive medicine or possibly to suffocate or lower the vocalizations of victims. If myrrh was added to the sour wine vinegar, the purpose is to act as a pain duller, easing the victim’s sense of pain. Myrrh then is used like morphine is today. (See also Ps 22:15). (Ps 69:21b)
§27:50 . MP: Messiah is killed before the destruction of the temple. (Dan 9:26c)
*27:52 (52-53) MP: The dead in Messiah will bodily resurrect at the same time Messiah is resurrected from the dead. (Is 26:19)
†27:57 (57-60) MP: Buried in a rich man’s grave. Evidence: Raymond Brown comments on Roman attitudes to the bodies of the crucified. The Digest of Justinian 48:24 (200 CE) gives two Roman political legal people’s decisions about criminals executed. Ulpian: “The bodies of those who suffer capital punishment are not to be refused to their relatives.” Julius Paulus adds: “Nor to any who seek them for burial.” Ulpian states this might be refused if the criminal was executed for treason. Therefore Yeshua was not convicted of Roman treason, but likely killed for a political motive. (The Burial of Yeshua Mark 15:42-47 by Raymond Brown (1988)). (Is 53:9a)
‡27:62 Preparation Day is Nissan 14, the one day of Passover, the Passover meal is prepared. The next evening begins Nissan 15, the start of Unleavened Bread, a feast for seven days.