A noncanonical psalm that, prior to the Qumran discoveries, was known only through ancient translations (LXX, Latin, and Syriac). At Qumran the psalm was included in the Hebrew Psalm Scroll (11Q). The Hebrew text indicates two separate poems. The first poem (designated as 151A) is a commentary on 1 Samuel 16:1–13. It relates how David was set over his father’s flocks but was made king over God’s people after God had looked upon his heart. The second poem (151B) is a commentary on 1 Samuel 17 and deals with David and Goliath. It is thought by some to show the bravery of David in contrast to his humility, as is shown in 151A. LXX Septuagint
God Chooses David To Be King of Israel (1-5)
David Fights Goliath (6,7)
He tingtoenglung tah David amah loh a laapam. Goliath rhal a ngawn phoeiah aa laapam la om
Ka manuca rhoek lakah ka camoe,
A pa im ah khaw canoi la ka om
Kai loh a pa kah tu ka luem puei.
Ka kut loh rhotoeng a sai tih,
Ka kut dawn loh phungding a tum
Kai BOEIPA te u longim a thui ve?
BOEIPA amah long ni te te a yaak
Puencawn aka tueih khaw amah ni
A pa kah tu lakli lamloh kai n'loh
Koelhnah situi neh kai he n'koelh coeng.
Ka manuca rhoek tah a songsang neh om tih sang
Tedae Boeipa loh amih te a uem moenih.
Philisti hmuh hamla ka paan coeng
Amih loh a mueirhol neh kai n'tap uh
Tedae a cunghang te ka bong pa tih,
Anih te ka rhaih vaengah,
ka pilnam Israel tah
yahpohnah khui lamloh ka hlaw