Jairus Daughter
Ŋaragedūli miēdūl wībil ginyi; ŋumba boiyoi wune;
kamil miedul murruba ginyi; murru ginyi wibil, ŋullimun
balūni. Buba yanani Immanuel ŋummillego; gir
ŋummi; goe, “Inda barai taiyanuŋa, murruba gimbildi
ŋai miedul. Ŋai miedul burul wibil ŋullimun baluni;
inda taiyanuŋa ŋai kūndigo.” Immanuel goe,
“Ŋulle yanoai kundigo.” Ila yanani bular
kundigo. Ŋumba duri, yugillona, goe “Ŋii! Ŋii! Ŋai
miedul baluni.” Burula īnar yugillona goe “Ŋii!
miedul baluni.” Immanuel goe “Kurria yūŋa. kamil
miedul baluni; yeal babillona.” Burulabu gindami;
ŋārma gīr balundai wīnuŋi. Immanuel murra kawāni
miedul, goe, “Miēdūl waria.” Īla miedul moron ginyi,
warine, gurre goe. Ŋumba, buba ellibu, burul guiye.
At another time a little girl sick became; the mother pennyroyal gave;
not the little girl well became; much she grew sick, almost
dead. The father went Immanuel to see; truly
he found him; he said “Thou quickly come, well make
my little girl. My little girl is very sick, almost dead;
you come to my house.” Immanuel said
“We two will go to the House.” Then went the two
to the house. The mother came, she wept, said “Alas! alas! my
little girl is dead.” Many women were weeping, said “Alas!
the little girl is dead.” Immanuel said “Cease weeping. Not
the girl is dead; only she is asleep.” All of them laughed;
they verily her to be dead knew. Immanuel by hand took
the girl, said “damsel arise.” Then the girl alive became,
arose, words spoke. The mother, father also, very glad.