1 Tiwya tama to kʼanu to, tna bhah anu. Bokyas ajõ mno anu sraujin. Tna mno jõ sraujin ye. Jõ hawe bo tno feto u. Feto to ati reto te tama tmat anu mun ro ewok reto fee. Tyum ti aro.
2 Mfi bo jõ tama tno anu sraujin to, kbe awya oh mi ye yno jõ simaut u to? Kbe raa aro fee. Kbe anu beta sraujin sai.
3 Jõ hawe tama bhah anu. Tibyo tiwya tkom aam sai ro bhah anu. Tesait tama fee. Tkom aam reto to, ⌞re kbe raa ro tii mno bo ro mkair weto to, kbe mari tna manwaruk. Manwaruk tna me mno bo ro moof.⌟ Jõ hawe bo tama tkyas bo ro mno anu sraujin. Feto to tama fefares, tyum ti aro. Soh anu ne nno bo ro moof to, tna re ne simaut u to, reto mno jõ simaut mase ye. Anu nhar nwe ati ro jõ simaut mase to, anu ja simaut mase ye.
4 Tako hawe sai tkom aam reto bhah anu. Jõ ksoh anu toni sai tibyo tkom. ⌞Tkom afo re anu nanwaruk, tna ne saso Tuhan.⌟ Tii tkom aam reto to, jõ srau mham tna yukan mbtek ye, menohe jõ beroh tkom. Jõ hawe bo bokom ajõ mno anu sraujin. Menohe tkom re kbe anu nhar nwe jõ thafri anu.
Ait ro ye yashana u tait, ne niranya nsya ait u.
5 Raa ro jemaat ranu sait tii yno bo ro mkair. Bo ro yno reto mno jõ sraujin. Tna mno anu ro jemaat Korintus reto beta sraujin toni. Bo ro tawe reto to, jõ tkyas tiryõ ye fee.
6 Anu nwat nifah ait. Reto mas mafer ro ati kʼait: Tibyo ait yashana oh. Mnan oh. Bhah ait renti u ma.
7 Mfo refo ntu ait yama tna nbo yatem tna ne niranya nsya ait u. Nkyas bo rere kʼait afo re ait sraujin toni fee. Nno be ait sraujin toni, ⌞tibyo yitsre bosmot rait.⌟
8 Tawe nkyas bo kʼait nwe anu natmof ait fares, afo re kbe ait sraujin toni fee.
9 Aam ro tii tkom tee kʼanu reto to, sanet anu. Tkom afo re kbe thar tawe soh anu nri bo ro tawe beta to, fe mfe a?
10 Soh anu sorni bo ro ait yno tna ne nbo ntem nsya ait to, kbe jõ sorni bo ro ait retait yno to ye. (Ebokmi jõ kmo ait u fee: Safo ro yno reto to mai kʼjõ fee.) Kristus ymat tna yhar yawe jõ tnaut anu tibyo kmo raa retait u fee.
11 Anu bhar bwe ja kabes yabi (Iblis) hawe bo anu biranya bsya raa anya. Ait saim bo yawe anu bhaf kair. Feto to, ne nbo raa retait yatem afo re kbe kabes yabi retait besruf anu fee.
Paulus yamoʼt remo ro Troas tna fo yamoʼt provinsi ro Makedonia
12 Tiwya tamoʼt remo ro Troas. Tamo tkyas Bokyas Moof ro Kristus. Tamo tna Tuhan yno re raa ro mhau mam remo reto ksoh mari bo ro jõ tawe.
13 Titus tait anu bfoh ranu mam Kristus. Tnaut tawe Titus yatim wia oh, tna ste jõ mam tno. He mfe; ait yarak fares. Tibyo jõ tnaut yyi ait. Yarak fares feto, tibyo thau kait mam remo ro Troas fee. Tmah meen kʼraa weto, tna tasen tamo bojõ mam provinsi ro Makedonia.
Paulus yayoh asik mase
14 Amu mbewok kro Kristus. Ait yamo aban mana ramu. Tna amu noo nhaf wamu nee kʼAit oh. Reto mfi bo Ait yatim wia yamo. Tna amu simaut mase kro Ait mam tis. Allah yno Kristus yase yros yatak abyõ. Tna amu nros ntak su nsya Ait ye. Tna raa ro byoh mhau mte. Tayoh asik mase kʼAllah. Mam woyõ-woya amu mbewok nmo to, amu nkyas Bokyas Moof ro Kristus kʼraa. Amu nkyas Ait yasom afo re ana mhar Ait ye. Bokyas Moof reto to, mfi bo ro sawer moof.
15 Amu mbewok nkyas Bokyas ro Moof reto. Amu nkyas bo reto tna Allah ksoh. Soh Kristus yesait ysan bo kʼAllah to, Ait ksoh bo reto toni. Amu mno bo ro Kristus ybis yawe. Feto to ati ro amu nno bo weto to, reto mnan fi Kristus yesait ysan bo ro sawer kʼAllah ye. Tna ntwe rau to, raa ro mkai riof ro mase to, ana masan ye. Tna raa ro mamo mam iso ro mkair to, ana masan ntwe rau to ye. Menohe ana hawe. Tibyo kbe ana safe mkak to.
16 Raa ro mkai riof to, ana masan ntwe reto mnaut mawe, “Bo ro sawer reto to! Bo moof ro mno riof kʼamu.” Menohe raa ro kbe safe mkak to, ana masan ntwe rau to, mnaut mawe, “Bo mnis! Bo ro meen mno amu safe mkak!” Amu raabis ro Allah fo, nesait ntak nno bo ro msai refo to fee. Anu beta fo raa tu sai. Anu aro besait btak bkyas Bokyas Moof ro Yesus fee.
17 Guru taro mno bo ro mkair. Ana mawat saso pitis sai tna reto oh mi ana mkyas bokyas ro Allah. Menohe amu fo raa ro srau ewok fee. Allah oh mi ybis amu nkyas bokyas rAit to. Tibyo amu nfi sryan ro Kristus wAit nmo nkyas bokyas refo. Amu nhar nwe Allah yros ymat sas amu.