Yesus yrok yasen
1 Ayõ ro minggu, rabu ati reto to, arin maah fefares. Tna Maria Magdalena mamoʼt isra reto. Mamo snok yuk reto tna mmat he isra reto to, masoh maa wea. Au mmat he fraa ro raa muut wa isra masoh reto to, raa mririk oh.
2 Mmat feto tibyo mhoh fooh mamo saso Simon-Petrus ysya kuber ro Yesus yhafri retait. Mamo mo kʼana mbewok tna mawe, “Jõ tmat Tuhan yarak mam isra! Raa msyõf Ait oh! Amu wase raa mse Ait mam tiyo!”
3 Tibyo Petrus ysya kuber roto sait masen mamo mmat Ait mam isra reto.
4 Mbewok mhoh mamo, he kuber roto retait yhoh wia Petrus. Tna snok isra mato reto wia matim.
5 Ait retait yaka koyo ymat mam isra mato. Ymat he hawee lenan ro raa sro Yesus reto sai mbris akus. He ait twok isra mato reto fee.
6 Tna Simon-Petrus yama tis yrof ait snok mam yuk reto. Snok tna twok mam isra reto mato. Tna ait ymat hawee reto mbris akus mam weto.
7 Tna ymat hawee mabuf ro raa make Yesus yana. Hawee reto raa beah tna mse hayah baro.
8 Tna fo kuber ro riwai yhoh yatim wia Petrus fi yamo twok ye. Ymat tna ait yhar yawe Yesus yrok yasen.
9 (Bokom ro Allah mawe Yesus kbe yrok yasen. Menohe ati reto to, ana mhar maja rau kaket fefares.)
10 Tna fo kuber mabo ewok weto to hah mamoʼt amah.
Yesus yerif Ait kʼMaria Magdalena
11 Maria Magdalena mros kait kene wo isra reto to, mawia. Mawia tna maka mmat isra mato.
12 Menohe mmat he malaikat mabo ewok. Malaikat weto mbewok myum ratan ro mboh. Mbewok hre mam ati ro raa mse Yesus ajat rAit. Sau hre mam ati ro yana, tna sau hre mam ti yaa.
13 Malaikat weto mawe kʼau mawe, “Fyi re nyõ nawia fo?” Maria mawe, “Tuhan ajõ ro smot tait, ajat rAit raa moo mamo marak. Tna jõ wase raa mse mam woyõ.”
14 Mawe bo reto tna haberek mmat he Raa sait yros mam weto. Ait refi Yesus, menohe au wase Ait ye.
15 Yesus ytu kʼfai au yawe, “Fyi re nyõ nawia fo? Nyõ saso awya meto?” Maria mrok mawe Ait fi raa ro kmot armato reto. Tibyo mawe kʼAit mawe, “Taja, soh nyõ noo Ait meto mi, nerif wore wo nyõ nse afo re jõ tamo too Ait takah tamo.”
16 Tna Yesus yawe, “Maria!” Tibyo au msiur mmat Yesus tna mawe, “Rabuni!” (Mai ro Ibrani reto to, mawe 'Guru'.)
17 Tna Yesus yawe, “Nbo Jõ wia ma! Jõ hah te taut tamo to kʼTaja fefares. He namo no kʼtao woJõ na. Tna nkyas kʼana nawe mfo refo Jõ hah te tamo to kʼTaja aJõ. Ait fi anu Nja wanu ye. Ait fi Allah ro Jõ smot. Tna Ait fi Allah ro anu smot ye.”
18 Maria mamo mo kuber ro Yesus wAit mawe, “Riwai jõ tmat Tuhan!” Tna mkyas kʼana bombra beta ro Ait yawe.
Yesus yerif Ait kuber wAit
19 Ayõ ro minggu reto arin mti oh. Tna kuber ro Yesus wAit hre su mam amah sau. Ana waa raa Yahudi ro manes weto. Tibyo muut masa matak. Menohe Yesus yama yros tubor susai kʼana tna yawe, “Waa ma.”
20 Ait ykyas feto tna yerif yatem msya yatefau rAit kʼana. Ana mmat Tuhan u to, ana simaut mase.
21 Tna Yesus yawe u yawe, “Riof kʼanu oh! Tiwya Taja ybis Jõ tamo to kʼraa. Tna mfo refo tbis anu tawe nmo no kʼraa nfi feto ye.”
22 Tna fo Ait yfi yafos rAit kʼana tna yawe, “Tsan Har ro Tuhan kʼanu mefo. Noo oh!
23 Soh anu nwe kʼraa nwe, ‘Jõ tawe, iro ro nno to marak oh.’ Feto kbe Allah yyon iro ro ana mno oh. Menohe soh anu nwe iro ro ana mno mhau fares to, iro ro ana mno mhau bau.”
Yesus ysya Tomas
24 Tomas, ro ja raa mtu yasom Didimus ye, tait kuber ro Yesus wAit sait ye. Ana to mabo 12. Ti ro Yesus yerif Ait reto to, Tomas hre su ysya kuber taro to fee. Ait yarak.
25 Yama tna kuber taro mkyas kʼait mawe, “Amu nmat Tuhan!” He Tomas yawe, “Soh jõ tmat yier ro paku mam yatem fee, tbo fee, tna tnit temkrem mam yhaf ate ro raa mame fefares to, jõ aro wase bokyas ranu reto bo mabo rau yum fee.”
26 Minggu sau firwas tna kuber ro Yesus wAit hre su mam amah u. Tna Tomas hre ye. Mato beta raa muut matak. Menohe Yesus yama yros tubor susai ana tna yawe, “Riof kʼanu oh!”
27 Tna Ait yawe kʼTomas yawe, “Nmat tatem aJõ nbo. Natem nbo tatefau aJõ. Nnaut maut-mroh ma. Smot Jõ oh!”
28 Tomas yari yno tna yawe kʼYesus yawe, “Nyõ fi Tuhan ajõ! Nyõ fi Allah ro Jõ smot!”
29 Tna Yesus yawe kʼait yawe, “Nyõ nmat Jõ oh mi nyõ smot Jõ. Raa taro mmat Jõ fee, menohe kbe ana smot Jõ. Kbe ana weto mhau simaut mase.”
Fyi re Yohanes ykom Injil refo?
30 Amu, kuber ro Yesus nmat bo msai ro yno mawat. Menohe jõ tkom bombra beta mam aam refo fee.
31 Bombra ro jõ tkom mam aam refo fo, tkom afo re anu nhar nwe Yesus tait Mesias. Ait fi Ku ro Allah yare. Tkom afo re anu smot Ait. Anu ro smot Ait msya nri bo ro Ait yawe to, kbe nkai riof ro hame.