1 Ti baro firwas tna Yesus yerif Ait kuber wAit mam maru ro Galilea. (Maru reto to, masom maru ro Tiberias ye.) Bo reto fefo:
2 Simon-Petrus, Tomas (ro ja raa mtu yasom Didimus), Natanael (raa ro Kana mam provinsi ro Galilea), ku ro Zebedeus wait, tna msya kuber ro Yesus mabo ewok roto taro naut to ana hre su.
3 Tna Simon-Petrus yawe kʼana yawe, “Tamo takam syoh.” Tna ana mawe, “Amu kro ye.” Ana maut wiak tna saso sioh mti reto mamo snok rabu. He mfot syoh aro fee.
4 Isi ntara Yesus yros maru maam. Menohe ana mhar mawe Yesus metait fee.
5 Tna Ait ytu kʼana yawe, “Tao na, nfot syoh aro fe mfe a?” Ana mawe, “Mfe!”
6 Yawe, “Sik beak pukat ranu ti ntem ati kbe tru sioh!” Ana mari mno feto tna mkai syoh mawat toni. Tibyo ana mtai tubat fee.
7 Kuber ro Yesus yhafri retait yawe kʼPetrus yawe, “Tuhan metait!” Petrus yari feto tna yasen yyum ratan ro riwai yrus. Tna tbat mam aya kni yamo yo kʼYesus.
8 Kuber taro mhau mam wiak mato tna miin mamo mrof. Miin mamo tna mkuk pukat reto msya syoh weto mamoʼt maru mne. (Mne reto mhau fari fee; 100 meter sai bo feto.)
9 Ana snok mne tna mroh mbam wiak. Tna ana mmat roti msya syoh baro raa konta mam tafoh masuf.
10 Tna Yesus yawe, “Sgi nbo syoh ro anu tru baro nma!”
11 Simon-Petrus yaut mam wiak tna ykuk pukat reto mamaʼt mne. Syoh ro mabi ran trion 153 mhau mam pukat reto mato menohe hri fee.
12 Yesus yawe kʼana yawe, “Nma sohmaam bo.” Kuber weto mhar mawe Ait refi Tuhan tibyo ana beta waa mawe mtu kʼAit fee. Mtu mawe Ait awya fee.
13 Tna Yesus yoo roti reto saim kʼana. Yoo syoh weto yee kʼana mabo ye.
14 (Yesus yrok yasen tna ti ro yerif Ait kuber wAit reto to, muhrin tuuf oh meto.)
15 Ana sohmaam bo mkak. Tna Yesus yawe kʼSimon-Petrus yawe, “Yohanes yare: Fyi, nyõ nhafri Jõ toni niwer raa taro fe mfe a?” Tna Petrus yawe, “Ae, Tuhan, Nyõ nhar nawe jõ thafri Nyõ.” Yesus yawe, “Feto to nsia domba maku woJõ.”
16 Mun ro ewok u Yesus yawe kʼait yawe, “Yohanes yare: Fyi, nyõ nhafri Jõ kaket fe mfe a?” Tna Petrus yawe, “Ae, Tuhan, Nyõ nhar nawe jõ thafri Nyõ.” Yesus yawe, “Feto to kmot domba woJõ.”
17 Tna Yesus ytu ro mun tuuf u kʼait yawe, “Yohanes yare: Fyi, nyõ nhafri Jõ fe mfe a?” Yesus ytu bo reto mun tuuf tna Petrus yari feto tna sraujin yawe, “Ae, Tuhan, Nyõ nhar bombra beta. Tibyo nhar nawe jõ thafri Nyõ.” Yesus yawe, “Feto to nsia domba woJõ.
18 Nnaut: Ati ro nyõ mere fares to, nyõ nesait ntau hotom anyõ, tna namo tiyo-teya ro nyõ ksoh sai. Menohe ati ro nyõ nabi to, kbe nyum natem nee kʼraa roto mbo tna moo hotom anyõ mbo mtau mati kʼnyõ naka ye. Tna ana makah nyõ mamoʼt yuk ro nyõ hawe bo namo.”
19 Yesus yawe bo reto yerif iso ro meen Petrus yajat. (Meen Petrus smot Yesus matak tibyo raa mame ait yajat Raa mmat bo ro yno tna mbaut Allah.) Tna Yesus yawe kʼait yawe, “Nama, kro Jõ oh!”
20 Tna Petrus ymat he kuber ro Yesus yhafri retait kro ana mam tis. (Ait retait oh mi raa ro tiwya susu hre kene ysya Yesus tna ytu kʼAit yawe, “Tuhan; awya oh mi kbe besruf Nyõ to?”)
21 Petrus ymat kuber retait tna ytu kʼYesus yawe, “Fyi? Bo bawya ro kbe mai kʼait refi?”
22 Yesus yawe, “Mfi bo Jõ tawe ait yhau yroon snok mam ti ro Jõ tama u to, bo ro nyõ nsya nhar meto fee. He bo ro nyõ nno to, nyõ kro Jõ sai!”
23 Tibyo kuber weto taro mabah bokyas mawe kuber retait meen yhai fee. Ebokfi Yesus yawe feto fee. Ait yawe, “Soh Jõ ksoh tawe ait yhau yaam mamo snok mam ati ro Jõ thah tama u to, bo ro nyõ nsya nhar meto fee.”
24 Jõ oh mi kuber retait. Tmat bo ro Yesus yno weto tna tkom fo. Tna anu bhar bwe bawya ro jõ tkyas to beta mabo tu oh.
25 Bo ro Yesus yno taro to mawat fares, raa mkom beta fee. Mfi bo raa mkom beta beryum to, aam ro raa mkom weto to mninon. Tnaut tawe kbe yuk ro raa mse bokom reto mam tabam refo to mnan fee.