God Pick Da Israel Peopo
(Start 18:10, 14; 21:12; 25:23; Malakai 1:2-3; Rules Secon Time 32:4; Outa Egypt 33:19; 9:16)
Eh, I no bulai you guys, I ony tell da trut cuz I stay tight wit Christ, da Spesho Guy God Wen Sen. My inside tell me da same ting, an fo shua God Spirit stay in charge a my inside. I tell you guys dis: Inside I stay plenny sore an I stay hurt all da time. I stay lidat inside cuz a how my peopo stay. I like my peopo, da Jews, come tight wit Christ too. Mo betta God punish me, not dem, an cut me loose from Christ, fo my peopo come tight wit Christ. Dey da Israel peopo an God wen make dem his kids from befo time. He show dem how awesome he stay. He make all kine deals wit dem. He give um his Rules. Dey da ones dat know how fo show God respeck. An God promise fo do plenny good kine stuffs fo dem. Da Jew guys wen come from oua main ancesta guys Abraham, Isaac, an Jacob (dass da guy God call Israel, you know). An Christ, da Spesho Guy God Wen Sen, he wen born from da same ancesta guys too. He da One az God, an he da One dat stay in charge a eryting, da One erybody can talk good bout foeva! Dass him!
I no tell dat God neva do wat he promise fo do. Not all da peopo dat wen born from oua ancesta guy Israel, da fo real kine Israel peopo, you know. An, get plenny peopo dat born from oua ancesta guy Abraham, but not all dem Abraham kids fo real kine too. Dis cuz God wen tell Abraham, “Da ony peopo dat I goin call yoa kids fo real kine goin be da ones dat goin born from yoa boy Isaac.”
Dat mean, from befo time, from all da kids dat born from oua ancesta guy Abraham till now, dey not all God kids. Ony da kids dat wen born from da promise God wen make to Abraham, dey da ones dat God call his kids fo real kine. Dis da promise God wen make: “Same time nex year I goin come back, an Sarah goin born her bebe boy.”
10 An one mo ting. Oua ancesta guy Isaac an his wife Rebecca, dey born twin boys an dey Isaac kids. 11-12 But you know, befo Rebecca born her twin boys, an no matta her twin boys neva do notting good o bad yet, God tell Rebecca, “Da boy dat goin born firs, he da one dat goin work fo da boy dat born afta.” He tell her dis fo show dat wen God pick somebody, he pick um cuz he know wat he goin do wit dat guy. God wen tell um fo be his guy. He no need wait fo find out how dat guy goin ack cuz God know awready how he goin ack. 13 Jalike God tell inside da Bible, “I wen pick Jacob, but I neva pick Esau, da one born firs.”
14 So wat den? You tink God not fair? No ways! 15 Dis cuz God wen tell Moses dis:
“I goin give chance to da ones I give chance to,
An I goin show pity fo da ones I get pity fo.”
16 Az why, no matta wat one guy do, o wat he like fo happen, ony one ting matta—God da One give um chance. 17 Da Bible tell dis. God tell da Egypt King Pharaoh, “I wen make you King cuz I like use you fo show how strong I stay, an fo make peopo all ova da world tell wat kine God me!”
18 So den, if God like give one guy chance, dass wat he goin do. An if he like make one guy hard head, az wat he goin do too.
God, He Give Chance,
But He No Take Any Kine Too
(Start 19; Outa Egypt 9:16; 33:19; Isaiah 1:9; 10:22-23; 29:16; 45:9; Jeremiah 18:6; Hosea 1:10; 2:23)
19 So den, somebody goin aks me dis: “Eh! If dass how stay, how come God still yet poin finga peopo? Cuz no mo nobody can go agains wat God like fo happen, you know.” 20 Eh, how come you talk back lidat to God, braddah? Who you tink you? Jalike da Bible tell befo time: “If get one guy dat make someting, dat ting no can tell da guy, ‘Eh! How come you wen make me lidis?’ ” 21 Da guy dat make pots, he get da right fo use da clay fo make spesho kine pots. O if he like, he use da same clay fo make pots fo put junk kine stuff inside.
22 Same ting wit God. He like show erybody dat he had it wit da stuff da peopo like do. He like make shua erybody know he get plenny powa. Fo show dat, fo one long time he take any kine stuff da peopo do—da kine stuff he no like take. But dose peopo dat make lidat, fo shua dey goin get wipe out bumbye. 23 He wen do dat cuz he like show dat he goin give chance to some peopo. Dey da ones dat he make one plan from befo time fo dem come awesome. He like make shua erybody know dat he stay awesome to da max. 24 An you know wat? Us guys da peopo he wen tell dis: “Eh! Go come be my guys!” Some a us guys come from da Jew peopo, an he tell us “Be my guys!” Odda guys, dey come from odda kine peopos. 25 Jalike God tell befo time from Hosea, one book inside da Bible,
“Get peopo dat not my peopo,
But still yet I goin call um ‘my peopo.’
Goin get one nation dat I neva have love an aloha fo,
But den, I goin call um ‘da nation I get love an aloha fo.’ ”
26 Hosea tell dis too:
“Right dea,
Da same place wea God tell um befo time,
‘You guys not my peopo no moa!’
Dass da same place wea da God dat stay alive goin tell um bumbye,
‘You guys, my kids now!’ ”
Cuz he give um chance, az why.
27 Befo time, Isaiah talk fo God inside da Bible. He tell,
“Get choke plenny peopo dat get Israel fo dea ancesta guy.
Da ohana big, jalike da sand on top da beach,
No matta God goin take ony litto bit peopo
Outa da bad kine stuff dey do.
28 Cuz Da One In Charge goin do eryting he tell he goin do,
All ova da world.
He no goin wase time notting!”
29 Befo time, Isaiah tell dis too:
“Good ting, God, Da One In Charge Ova All Da Armies,
Wen let some a oua kids stay alive.
If he neva do dat, oua blood line pau awready,
Jalike da peopo from Sodom town an Gomorrah town.”
Da Israel Peopo
An Da Good Kine Stuff From God
(Isaiah 8:14; 28:16)
30 So wat den? Wat dis mean? Get all kine peopos from diffren place dass not Jew guys. Dey neva try fo get um right wit God befo time. Now, dey get um right wit him cuz dey trus um. 31 But da Israel peopo try fo ony do wat da Rules From God tell um fo do, fo get um right wit God, but dey no can do um.
32-33 How come stay lidis? Dey neva get um right wit God cuz dey ony try get um right wit God by da stuff dey do. Dey neva trus God. Da Bible talk bout one “rock dat make peopo trip ova an fall down.” Dis wat Isaiah tell inside da Bible:
“Eh! Right hea inside Zion Town,
I goin put one Guy.
He goin be jalike one rock
Dat goin make peopo trip ova an fall down.
But whoeva trus dat Guy,
Dey no need come shame.”
An az da Israel peopo wen trip ova dat rock an fall down!
9:4 9:4: Outa 4:22 9:7 9:7: Start 21:12 9:9 9:9: Start 18:10 9:11-12 9:11-12: Start 25:23 9:13 9:13: Mal 1:2-3 9:15 9:15: Outa 33:19 9:17 9:17: Outa 9:16 9:20 9:20: Isa 29:16; 45:9 9:25 9:25: Hos 2:23 9:26 9:26: Hos 1:10 9:27 9:27: Isa 10:22-23 9:29 9:29: Isa 1:9 9:32-33 9:32-33: Isa 28:16