
Used by
Main schema usfx.xsd
Namespace No namespace
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
Element usfx
Namespace No namespace
XML representation of Unified Standard Format Markup Scripture files. This schema is intended for use with Holy Bible files only. This schema is copyright 2005-2006 EBT and SIL; released under the Gnu Lesser Public License or the Common Public License, as explained in LICENSING.txt.
content complex
mixed true
Children book, ide, languageCode, rem
  <book id="">{0,unbounded}</book>
  <ide charset="">{0,1}</ide>
<xs:element name="usfx">
    <xs:documentation>XML representation of Unified Standard Format Markup Scripture files. This schema is intended for use with Holy Bible files only. This schema is copyright 2005-2006 EBT and SIL; released under the Gnu Lesser Public License or the Common Public License, as explained in LICENSING.txt.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:complexType mixed="true">
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xs:element name="languageCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Three-letter Ethnologue code or two-letter ISO language code, optionally followed by a dialect indicator.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="rem" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Remark or comment, not for publication.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="book" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>This element contains one book of the Bible or optionally some front or back matter. The id attribute is for the three-letter code for this book of the Bible (or FRT for front matter and BAK for back matter).</xs:documentation>
        <xs:complexType mixed="true">
          <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
            <xs:element name="id" minOccurs="0">
                <xs:documentation>From the \id marker line. The first three characters of the contents of this element MUST be the three-letter code for this book of the Bible (or FRT for front matter and BAK for back matter).</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                    <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
            <xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="usfm" type="xs:string" form="qualified">
                <xs:documentation>Optional USFM version. Normally this is only present in files sourced from USFM/USX version 3.0 or later.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xs:element name="rem" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>Remark or comment, not for publication, such as notes about translation status.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="h" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>Short book name for a running header, like "Matthew".</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                      <xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
              <xs:element name="cl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>Chapter label, like "Chapter" or "Psalm" in the target language. If used like this, this label should be placed before any chapter start labels. If cl occurs after a chapter start tag, it is the exact text to display for that chapter's heading (i. e. for displaying a chapter number in words instead of numerals or for an alternate numbering system besides Arabic/Latin).</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="p" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>The p element contains not only the \p marker's contents, but also every kind of paragraph and heading or title. If this is used for something other than \p, then the sfm attribute MUST be set to indicate which kind of paragraph, or heading is intended. Headings, and paragraphs are in the same group because they all correspond to paragraphs in a word processing document. This element includes \ps, \psi, and \nb. Note that some common paragraph elements (q, d, and s) could have been included in this element, too, but have their own element tags for convenience in manual editing of the XML.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="q" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>Poetry line "paragraph"</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="mt" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>The main title of a book of the Bible, such as "The Good News According to Matthew"</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="d" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>Descriptive title of a Psalm (Hebrew title)</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="s" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>Section heading (not part of the Scripture text).</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="sectionBoundary" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>This marker is a place to encode proposed markers such as \pub, \pref, \conc, \glo, \idx, \cov, \spine, \and environment markers.</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                      <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
                      <xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
              <xs:element name="b" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>Blank line between stanzas of poetry; not to be used before or after a section header. This element should be empty.</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                      <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
                      <xs:attribute name="style" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
              <xs:element name="generated" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>This element surrounds content generated from other elements. This tag and its contents is discarded when converting back to USFM.</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:extension base="xs:string"/>
              <xs:element name="c" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>Chapter starting point. It contains the chapter number, possibly with a chapter name designator, NOT the whole chapter. The chapter number itself should be specified in the id attribute, and is used to generate the contents of the tag, if empty. If not empty, it may be used for the displayed form of the chapter designator in the vernacular language.</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                      <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
              <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ca" type="xs:string">
                  <xs:documentation>Alternate chapter designation for this chapter starting point. It contains the chapter number, possibly with a chapter name designator, NOT the whole chapter. The chapter number itself is in the contents of this element.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="toc" type="styledString">
                  <xs:documentation>Table of contents entry in the vernacular: level 1 = long title; level 2 = short title; level 3 = abbreviation</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="toca" type="styledString">
                  <xs:documentation>Table of contents entry in an alternate language or language of wider communication: level 1 = long title; level 2 = short title; level 3 = abbreviation</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="milestone">
                    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                      <xs:attribute ref="sfm" use="required"/>
                      <xs:attribute ref="level"/>
                      <xs:attribute name="attribute" type="xs:string"/>
              <xs:element name="table" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>Table (i. e. for tables of weights and measures in helps).</xs:documentation>
                  <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
                    <xs:element name="tr" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                          <xs:element name="th" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                              <xs:documentation>Table column heading</xs:documentation>
                          <xs:element name="thr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                              <xs:documentation>Table column heading, right aligned</xs:documentation>
                          <xs:element name="tc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                              <xs:documentation>Table column entry within this row. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
                          <xs:element name="tcr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                              <xs:documentation>Table column entry, right justified. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="periph" type="xs:string"/>
              <xs:element name="v" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>The v element contains the verse starting point, NOT the verse itself. The contents of this element are generated automatically from the id attribute, and may be just a verse number or verse range, possibly with formatting information (like bold and superscript).</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                      <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
                      <xs:attribute name="bcv">
                          <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                            <xs:pattern value="[\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}][\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?"/>
                      <xs:attribute name="vp" type="xs:string"/>
              <xs:element name="ve" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:documentation>ve is used as a milestone element marking the end of a verse. Content, if any, is treated as a comment. It should be placed just after the last of the canonical text of a verse, but before any subtitles or headers associated with the next verse.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:element name="cp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:documentation>Chapter starting point. It contains the chapter number, possibly with a chapter name designator, NOT the whole chapter. The chapter number itself should be specified in the id attribute, and is used to generate the contents of the tag, if empty. If not empty, it may be used for the displayed form of the chapter designator in the vernacular language.</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                      <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
              <xs:element name="f" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
              <xs:element name="ide" minOccurs="0">
                  <xs:documentation>Encoding of the corresponding USFM file. (Encoding of this XML file is given in the XML header.)</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                      <xs:attribute name="charset" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
              <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="qd" type="pType">
                  <xs:documentation>Canonical Hebrew notation, like canonical title, but after the poem.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
      <xs:element name="ide" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>Encoding of the corresponding USFM file. (Encoding of this XML file is given in the XML header.)</xs:documentation>
            <xs:extension base="xs:string">
              <xs:attribute name="charset" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Element usfx / languageCode
Namespace No namespace
Three-letter Ethnologue code or two-letter ISO language code, optionally followed by a dialect indicator.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
<xs:element name="languageCode" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Three-letter Ethnologue code or two-letter ISO language code, optionally followed by a dialect indicator.</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / rem
Namespace No namespace
Remark or comment, not for publication.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="rem" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Remark or comment, not for publication.</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book
Namespace No namespace
This element contains one book of the Bible or optionally some front or back matter. The id attribute is for the three-letter code for this book of the Bible (or FRT for front matter and BAK for back matter).
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
Children b, c, ca, cl, cp, d, f, generated, h, id, ide, milestone, mt, p, periph, q, qd, rem, s, sectionBoundary, table, toc, toca, usfm, v, ve
<book id="">
  <id id="">{0,1}</id>
  <h level="">{0,unbounded}</h>
  <p level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</p>
  <q level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</q>
  <mt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</mt>
  <d level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</d>
  <s level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</s>
  <sectionBoundary level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</sectionBoundary>
  <b sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</b>
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <toc level="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</toc>
  <toca level="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</toca>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ide charset="">{0,1}</ide>
  <qd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qd>
QName Type Use
id xs:string optional
<xs:element name="book" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>This element contains one book of the Bible or optionally some front or back matter. The id attribute is for the three-letter code for this book of the Bible (or FRT for front matter and BAK for back matter).</xs:documentation>
  <xs:complexType mixed="true">
    <xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
      <xs:element name="id" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:documentation>From the \id marker line. The first three characters of the contents of this element MUST be the three-letter code for this book of the Bible (or FRT for front matter and BAK for back matter).</xs:documentation>
            <xs:extension base="xs:string">
              <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
      <xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="usfm" type="xs:string" form="qualified">
          <xs:documentation>Optional USFM version. Normally this is only present in files sourced from USFM/USX version 3.0 or later.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:element name="rem" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>Remark or comment, not for publication, such as notes about translation status.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="h" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>Short book name for a running header, like "Matthew".</xs:documentation>
              <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
        <xs:element name="cl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>Chapter label, like "Chapter" or "Psalm" in the target language. If used like this, this label should be placed before any chapter start labels. If cl occurs after a chapter start tag, it is the exact text to display for that chapter's heading (i. e. for displaying a chapter number in words instead of numerals or for an alternate numbering system besides Arabic/Latin).</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="p" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>The p element contains not only the \p marker's contents, but also every kind of paragraph and heading or title. If this is used for something other than \p, then the sfm attribute MUST be set to indicate which kind of paragraph, or heading is intended. Headings, and paragraphs are in the same group because they all correspond to paragraphs in a word processing document. This element includes \ps, \psi, and \nb. Note that some common paragraph elements (q, d, and s) could have been included in this element, too, but have their own element tags for convenience in manual editing of the XML.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="q" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>Poetry line "paragraph"</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="mt" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>The main title of a book of the Bible, such as "The Good News According to Matthew"</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="d" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>Descriptive title of a Psalm (Hebrew title)</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="s" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>Section heading (not part of the Scripture text).</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="sectionBoundary" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>This marker is a place to encode proposed markers such as \pub, \pref, \conc, \glo, \idx, \cov, \spine, \and environment markers.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
                <xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
        <xs:element name="b" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>Blank line between stanzas of poetry; not to be used before or after a section header. This element should be empty.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
                <xs:attribute name="style" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
        <xs:element name="generated" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>This element surrounds content generated from other elements. This tag and its contents is discarded when converting back to USFM.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:extension base="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element name="c" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>Chapter starting point. It contains the chapter number, possibly with a chapter name designator, NOT the whole chapter. The chapter number itself should be specified in the id attribute, and is used to generate the contents of the tag, if empty. If not empty, it may be used for the displayed form of the chapter designator in the vernacular language.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
        <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ca" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Alternate chapter designation for this chapter starting point. It contains the chapter number, possibly with a chapter name designator, NOT the whole chapter. The chapter number itself is in the contents of this element.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="toc" type="styledString">
            <xs:documentation>Table of contents entry in the vernacular: level 1 = long title; level 2 = short title; level 3 = abbreviation</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="toca" type="styledString">
            <xs:documentation>Table of contents entry in an alternate language or language of wider communication: level 1 = long title; level 2 = short title; level 3 = abbreviation</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="milestone">
              <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute ref="sfm" use="required"/>
                <xs:attribute ref="level"/>
                <xs:attribute name="attribute" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element name="table" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>Table (i. e. for tables of weights and measures in helps).</xs:documentation>
            <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xs:element name="tr" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                  <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                    <xs:element name="th" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        <xs:documentation>Table column heading</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:element name="thr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        <xs:documentation>Table column heading, right aligned</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:element name="tc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        <xs:documentation>Table column entry within this row. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
                    <xs:element name="tcr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                        <xs:documentation>Table column entry, right justified. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="periph" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element name="v" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>The v element contains the verse starting point, NOT the verse itself. The contents of this element are generated automatically from the id attribute, and may be just a verse number or verse range, possibly with formatting information (like bold and superscript).</xs:documentation>
              <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
                <xs:attribute name="bcv">
                    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                      <xs:pattern value="[\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}][\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?"/>
                <xs:attribute name="vp" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element name="ve" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:documentation>ve is used as a milestone element marking the end of a verse. Content, if any, is treated as a comment. It should be placed just after the last of the canonical text of a verse, but before any subtitles or headers associated with the next verse.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:element name="cp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:documentation>Chapter starting point. It contains the chapter number, possibly with a chapter name designator, NOT the whole chapter. The chapter number itself should be specified in the id attribute, and is used to generate the contents of the tag, if empty. If not empty, it may be used for the displayed form of the chapter designator in the vernacular language.</xs:documentation>
              <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
        <xs:element name="f" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
        <xs:element name="ide" minOccurs="0">
            <xs:documentation>Encoding of the corresponding USFM file. (Encoding of this XML file is given in the XML header.)</xs:documentation>
              <xs:extension base="xs:string">
                <xs:attribute name="charset" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
        <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="qd" type="pType">
            <xs:documentation>Canonical Hebrew notation, like canonical title, but after the poem.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Element usfx / book / id
Namespace No namespace
From the \id marker line. The first three characters of the contents of this element MUST be the three-letter code for this book of the Bible (or FRT for front matter and BAK for back matter).
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
QName Type Use
id xs:string required
<xs:element name="id" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>From the \id marker line. The first three characters of the contents of this element MUST be the three-letter code for this book of the Bible (or FRT for front matter and BAK for back matter).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
Element usfx / book / usfm
Namespace No namespace
Optional USFM version. Normally this is only present in files sourced from USFM/USX version 3.0 or later.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs 1
<xs:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="usfm" type="xs:string" form="qualified">
    <xs:documentation>Optional USFM version. Normally this is only present in files sourced from USFM/USX version 3.0 or later.</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / rem
Namespace No namespace
Remark or comment, not for publication, such as notes about translation status.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="rem" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Remark or comment, not for publication, such as notes about translation status.</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / h
Namespace No namespace
Short book name for a running header, like "Matthew".
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
<xs:element name="h" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Short book name for a running header, like "Matthew".</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
Element usfx / book / cl
Namespace No namespace
Chapter label, like "Chapter" or "Psalm" in the target language. If used like this, this label should be placed before any chapter start labels. If cl occurs after a chapter start tag, it is the exact text to display for that chapter's heading (i. e. for displaying a chapter number in words instead of numerals or for an alternate numbering system besides Arabic/Latin).
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="cl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Chapter label, like "Chapter" or "Psalm" in the target language. If used like this, this label should be placed before any chapter start labels. If cl occurs after a chapter start tag, it is the exact text to display for that chapter's heading (i. e. for displaying a chapter number in words instead of numerals or for an alternate numbering system besides Arabic/Latin).</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / p
Namespace No namespace
The p element contains not only the \p marker's contents, but also every kind of paragraph and heading or title. If this is used for something other than \p, then the sfm attribute MUST be set to indicate which kind of paragraph, or heading is intended. Headings, and paragraphs are in the same group because they all correspond to paragraphs in a word processing document. This element includes \ps, \psi, and \nb. Note that some common paragraph elements (q, d, and s) could have been included in this element, too, but have their own element tags for convenience in manual editing of the XML.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<p level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="p" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>The p element contains not only the \p marker's contents, but also every kind of paragraph and heading or title. If this is used for something other than \p, then the sfm attribute MUST be set to indicate which kind of paragraph, or heading is intended. Headings, and paragraphs are in the same group because they all correspond to paragraphs in a word processing document. This element includes \ps, \psi, and \nb. Note that some common paragraph elements (q, d, and s) could have been included in this element, too, but have their own element tags for convenience in manual editing of the XML.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / c
Namespace No namespace
This element contains the chapter starting point MARKER, NOT the chapter itself. The chapter is assumed to end at the beginning of the next chapter or at the end of the book element. The marker is normally generated from the id attribute, overwriting whatever this element contained before.
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
id xs:string required
<xs:element name="c" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>This element contains the chapter starting point MARKER, NOT the chapter itself. The chapter is assumed to end at the beginning of the next chapter or at the end of the book element. The marker is normally generated from the id attribute, overwriting whatever this element contained before.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
Element pType / v
Namespace No namespace
The v element contains the verse starting point, NOT the verse itself. The contents of this element are generated automatically from the id attribute, and may be just a verse number or verse range, possibly with formatting information (like bold and superscript).
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
bcv restriction of xs:string optional
id xs:string required
vp xs:string optional
<xs:element name="v" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>The v element contains the verse starting point, NOT the verse itself. The contents of this element are generated automatically from the id attribute, and may be just a verse number or verse range, possibly with formatting information (like bold and superscript).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="bcv">
            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
              <xs:pattern value="[\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?"/>
        <xs:attribute name="vp" type="xs:string"/>
Element pType / ve
Namespace No namespace
ve is used as a milestone element marking the end of a verse. Content, if any, is treated as a comment. It should be placed just after the last of the canonical text of a verse, but before any subtitles or headers associated with the next verse.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="ve" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>ve is used as a milestone element marking the end of a verse. Content, if any, is treated as a comment. It should be placed just after the last of the canonical text of a verse, but before any subtitles or headers associated with the next verse.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / qt
Namespace No namespace
Quoted text; Old Testament quotes in the New Testament or other quoted text, such as Jesus' direct quotes. The who attribute may be used to distinguish between these, but USFM makes no distinction. This markup may result in a different character formatting.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="qt" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Quoted text; Old Testament quotes in the New Testament or other quoted text, such as Jesus' direct quotes. The who attribute may be used to distinguish between these, but USFM makes no distinction. This markup may result in a different character formatting.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / nd
Namespace No namespace
Name of Diety: used only to mark God's proper name or a translation of this Name. This may result in special character formatting, such as small caps.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="nd" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Name of Diety: used only to mark God's proper name or a translation of this Name. This may result in special character formatting, such as small caps.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / tl
Namespace No namespace
Transliterated or foreign words.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="tl" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Transliterated or foreign words.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / milestone
Namespace No namespace
This marker can be used to encode any standard format marker not corresponding to a specific element with its own name. This should only be used if there is no other suitable element to use for your application within this schema.
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
attribute xs:string optional
level xs:unsignedByte optional
sfm xs:string required
<xs:element name="milestone" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>This marker can be used to encode any standard format marker not corresponding to a specific element with its own name. This should only be used if there is no other suitable element to use for your application within this schema.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
        <xs:attribute name="attribute" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Element pType / ca
Namespace No namespace
Alternate chapter numbering scheme chapter start marker
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
id xs:string required
<xs:element name="ca" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Alternate chapter numbering scheme chapter start marker</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
Element pType / cp
Namespace No namespace
Published chapter marker, which may be used to override the numeric marker generated from the c element.
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
id xs:string required
<xs:element name="cp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Published chapter marker, which may be used to override the numeric marker generated from the c element.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
Element pType / va
Namespace No namespace
Alternate verse number (starting point).
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="va" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Alternate verse number (starting point).</xs:documentation>
Element pType / vp
Namespace No namespace
Published verse marker (starting point); overrides marker generated from v id attribute.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="vp" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Published verse marker (starting point); overrides marker generated from v id attribute.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / qs
Namespace No namespace
Special marking for "Selah." in the target language. This may cause right alignment of this word or phrase in an otherwise left-aligned or fully justified paragraph, or may have no effect.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="qs" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Special marking for "Selah." in the target language. This may cause right alignment of this word or phrase in an otherwise left-aligned or fully justified paragraph, or may have no effect.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / qac
Namespace No namespace
This is intended to mark the first character of a line of acrostic poetry, which may result in the letter being rendered in bold face or may have no effect.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="qac" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>This is intended to mark the first character of a line of acrostic poetry, which may result in the letter being rendered in bold face or may have no effect.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / table
Namespace No namespace
Table (i. e. for tables of weights and measures in helps).
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Children tr
<xs:element name="table" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Table (i. e. for tables of weights and measures in helps).</xs:documentation>
    <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xs:element name="tr" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element name="th" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:documentation>Table column heading</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="thr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:documentation>Table column heading, right aligned</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="tc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:documentation>Table column entry within this row. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="tcr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:documentation>Table column entry, right justified. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / table / tr
Namespace No namespace
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Children tc, tcr, th, thr
  <th level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</th>
  <thr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</thr>
  <tc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tc>
  <tcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tcr>
<xs:element name="tr" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xs:element name="th" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Table column heading</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="thr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Table column heading, right aligned</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="tc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Table column entry within this row. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="tcr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Table column entry, right justified. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / table / tr / th
Namespace No namespace
Table column heading
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<th level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="th" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Table column heading</xs:documentation>
Element pType / generated
Namespace No namespace
This element contains material that was automatically generated from another marker, such as drop cap actual implementation at the start of verse 1 from an earlier \c tag.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="generated" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>This element contains material that was automatically generated from another marker, such as drop cap actual implementation at the start of verse 1 from an earlier \c tag.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / f
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ord>
  <sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sup>
  <add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <sc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <wh caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wh>
  <wg caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wg>
  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
  <fk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fk>
  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element name="f" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
Element noteContents / ref
Namespace No namespace
Type refType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
QName Type Use
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
src restriction of verseID optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
web xs:anyURI optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ref" type="refType"/>
Element noteContents / nd
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
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  <sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sup>
  <add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <sc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <wh caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wh>
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  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
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  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
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  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="nd" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / c
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</c>
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  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
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  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
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  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
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  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
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  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
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  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="c" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / tl
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
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  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
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  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
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  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="tl" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / it
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
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  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
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  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
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  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
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  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="it" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / qt
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
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  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
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  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
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  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
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QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="qt" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / sls
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
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  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
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  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
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  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
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  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="sls" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / dc
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="dc" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / bdit
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
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  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
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  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="bdit" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / bk
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
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  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="bk" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / pn
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
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  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
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  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
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  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
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  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="pn" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / k
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
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  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
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QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="k" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / ord
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
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  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
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  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
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  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ord" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / sup
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
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  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="sup" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / add
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
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  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
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  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="add" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / bd
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
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  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
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  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
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  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
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  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="bd" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / sc
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<sc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
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  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
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  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
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QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="sc" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / wh
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<wh caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
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  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
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  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
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  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
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  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
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  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="wh" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / wg
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<wg caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
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  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
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  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="wg" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / wr
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
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  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
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  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
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  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="wr" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / wj
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
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  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
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  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
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  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
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  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
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  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="wj" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / cs
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
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  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
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  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
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QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="cs" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / optionalLineBreak
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="optionalLineBreak" type="xs:string"/>
Element noteContents / em
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
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  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
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  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
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QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="em" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / fp
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
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  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
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  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fp" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / fr
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
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  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="fr" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / fk
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<fk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
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  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
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  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
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QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fk" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / fq
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
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  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
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  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
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  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
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QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fq" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / fqa
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
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  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fqa" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / fl
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fl" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / fdc
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
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  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
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QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fdc" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / fv
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fv" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / ft
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</c>
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  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
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  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
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  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ft" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / fm
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
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  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
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  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
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  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
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  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fm" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / xo
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
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  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
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  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
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  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xo" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / xk
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
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  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
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  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
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  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
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  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
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  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xk" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / xq
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
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  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
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  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
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  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xq" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / xt
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
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  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
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  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
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  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
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  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
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  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xt" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / xot
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
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  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
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  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
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  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
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  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xot" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / xnt
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
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  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ord>
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  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xnt" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / xdc
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
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  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ord>
  <sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sup>
  <add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
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  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
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  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
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  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
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  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
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  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xdc" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / w
Namespace No namespace
Word level attributes, usually Greek/Hebrew lemma
Type extension of pType
Type hierarchy
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
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  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
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  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
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  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
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  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
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  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use Annotation
l xs:string optional
Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)
lemma xs:string optional
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
m xs:string optional
Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at
plural xs:boolean optional
If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".
s xs:string optional
Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".
sfm xs:string optional
srcloc xs:string optional
Source location, like "gnt5:" for GNT version 5 text, book 51, chapter 1, verse 2, word 1.
strong xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
x-morph xs:string optional
<xs:element name="w" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Word level attributes, usually Greek/Hebrew lemma</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="pType">
        <xs:attribute name="s" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="plural" type="xs:boolean">
            <xs:documentation>If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="l" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="m" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="srcloc" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Source location, like "gnt5:" for GNT version 5 text, book 51, chapter 1, verse 2, word 1.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="strong" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:attribute name="x-morph" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:attribute name="lemma" type="xs:string"/>
Element pType / ef
Namespace No namespace
Extended Footnote
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ord>
  <sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sup>
  <add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <sc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <wh caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wh>
  <wg caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wg>
  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
  <fk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fk>
  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element name="ef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
    <xs:documentation>Extended Footnote</xs:documentation>
Element noteContents / fw
Namespace No namespace
Witness list (list of manuscript designations containing this reading)
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ord>
  <sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sup>
  <add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <sc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <wh caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wh>
  <wg caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wg>
  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
  <fk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fk>
  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fw" type="noteContents">
    <xs:documentation>Witness list (list of manuscript designations containing this reading)</xs:documentation>
Element noteContents / rq
Namespace No namespace
Type pType
content complex
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
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  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
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  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
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  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="rq" type="pType"/>
Element pType / fm
Namespace No namespace
Manually designated footnote mark -- NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="fm" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Manually designated footnote mark -- NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / x
Namespace No namespace
Crossreference: a footnote used just to indicate a crossreference. It may be positioned differently than footnotes designated with f, and it may use different calling sequences than f does.
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
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  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ord>
  <sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sup>
  <add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <sc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <wh caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wh>
  <wg caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wg>
  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
  <fk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fk>
  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element name="x" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
    <xs:documentation>Crossreference: a footnote used just to indicate a crossreference. It may be positioned differently than footnotes designated with f, and it may use different calling sequences than f does.</xs:documentation>
Element noteContents / xta
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
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  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ord>
  <sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sup>
  <add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <sc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <wh caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wh>
  <wg caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wg>
  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
  <fk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fk>
  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xta" type="noteContents"/>
Element noteContents / jmp
Namespace No namespace
Jump linking marker to define anchors (landing targets), Scripture reference targets (link-href), Internet URLs (link-href), and/or link titles (link-title).
Type pType
content complex
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="jmp" type="pType">
    <xs:documentation>Jump linking marker to define anchors (landing targets), Scripture reference targets (link-href), Internet URLs (link-href), and/or link titles (link-title).</xs:documentation>
Element pType / ex
Namespace No namespace
Extended crossreference: a footnote used just to indicate a crossreference. It may be positioned differently than footnotes designated with f, and it may use different calling sequences than f does.
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ord>
  <sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sup>
  <add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <sc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <wh caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wh>
  <wg caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wg>
  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
  <fk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fk>
  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element name="ex" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
    <xs:documentation>Extended crossreference: a footnote used just to indicate a crossreference. It may be positioned differently than footnotes designated with f, and it may use different calling sequences than f does.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / sls
Namespace No namespace
Passage of text based on a secondary language source. For example, places where the source text is in Aramaic and not Hebrew could be optionally rendered with a different type style.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="sls" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Passage of text based on a secondary language source. For example, places where the source text is in Aramaic and not Hebrew could be optionally rendered with a different type style.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / dc
Namespace No namespace
Omit in editions not containing the Deuterocanon. Deuterocanonical/LXX additions or insertions in the Protocanonical text. May optionally be rendered differently.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
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QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="dc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Omit in editions not containing the Deuterocanon. Deuterocanonical/LXX additions or insertions in the Protocanonical text. May optionally be rendered differently.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / bk
Namespace No namespace
Quoted book title; may toggle italics setting in introductory material.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
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QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="bk" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Quoted book title; may toggle italics setting in introductory material.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / pn
Namespace No namespace
Proper name; may map to a character style or be ignored.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="pn" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Proper name; may map to a character style or be ignored.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / k
Namespace No namespace
Keyword-- may map to a character style or be ignored.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
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QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="k" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Keyword-- may map to a character style or be ignored.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / ord
Namespace No namespace
Ordinal number ending; may be superscripted and underlined.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="ord" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Ordinal number ending; may be superscripted and underlined.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / sup
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="sup" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Element pType / add
Namespace No namespace
Additional material; supplied words to make sense in a target language when the translation style is very literal. This would be used to mark the italics in the KJV, for example.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
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QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="add" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Additional material; supplied words to make sense in a target language when the translation style is very literal. This would be used to mark the italics in the KJV, for example.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / sig
Namespace No namespace
Signature of the author of an epistle, such as "Greetings from Paul." This may or may not be rendered differently.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
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  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
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  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="sig" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Signature of the author of an epistle, such as "Greetings from Paul." This may or may not be rendered differently.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / bd
Namespace No namespace
Bold; not recommended for use.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
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  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
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  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="bd" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Bold; not recommended for use.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / it
Namespace No namespace
Italic; not recommended for use.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
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  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
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  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
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  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
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  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
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  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
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  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
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  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="it" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Italic; not recommended for use.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / bdit
Namespace No namespace
Bold Italic; not recommended for use. Note that character styles do not stack. Only one may apply at a time.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
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  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
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  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
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  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
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  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
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  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
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  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="bdit" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Bold Italic; not recommended for use. Note that character styles do not stack. Only one may apply at a time.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / sc
Namespace No namespace
Smallcap text; not recommended for use. Use nd or other appropriate element instead.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
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  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
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  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
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  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
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  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
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  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="sc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Smallcap text; not recommended for use. Use nd or other appropriate element instead.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / no
Namespace No namespace
Normal text within other formatting: not recommended for use.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="no" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Normal text within other formatting: not recommended for use.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / fig
Namespace No namespace
Figure suggestion for illustrations, figures, and maps. The subelements of this element must appear in the order given, as they appear in this order within one \fig ... \fig* container, separated with vertical bars (|).
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
Children caption, catalog, copyright, description, location, reference, size
<xs:element name="fig" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Figure suggestion for illustrations, figures, and maps. The subelements of this element must appear in the order given, as they appear in this order within one \fig ... \fig* container, separated with vertical bars (|).</xs:documentation>
  <xs:complexType mixed="true">
      <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string">
          <xs:documentation>Picture description in English. This material does not show up on the printed page.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="catalog" type="xs:string">
          <xs:documentation>Picture file name. (Used to be a catalog picture reference field, but now it is used for the file name of the acutal picture.)</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="size" type="xs:string">
          <xs:documentation>Picture size for calculation only (not printed).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="location" type="xs:string">
          <xs:documentation>Picture location/range Book, chapter, and verse (not printed).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="copyright" type="xs:string">
          <xs:documentation>Picture copyright info (printed)</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="caption" type="xs:string">
          <xs:documentation>Picture caption to be printed.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="reference" type="xs:string">
          <xs:documentation>Picture reference (book, chapter, and verse) to be printed.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / fig / description
Namespace No namespace
Picture description in English.  This material does not show up on the printed page.
Type xs:string
content simple
<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Picture description in English. This material does not show up on the printed page.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / fig / catalog
Namespace No namespace
Picture file name. (Used to be a catalog picture reference field, but now it is used for the file name of the acutal picture.)
Type xs:string
content simple
<xs:element name="catalog" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Picture file name. (Used to be a catalog picture reference field, but now it is used for the file name of the acutal picture.)</xs:documentation>
Element pType / fig / size
Namespace No namespace
Picture size for calculation only (not printed).
Type xs:string
content simple
<xs:element name="size" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Picture size for calculation only (not printed).</xs:documentation>
Element pType / fig / location
Namespace No namespace
Picture location/range Book, chapter, and verse (not printed).
Type xs:string
content simple
<xs:element name="location" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Picture location/range Book, chapter, and verse (not printed).</xs:documentation>
Element pType / fig / copyright
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
Element pType / fig / caption
Namespace No namespace
Picture caption to be printed.
Type xs:string
content simple
<xs:element name="caption" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Picture caption to be printed.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / fig / reference
Namespace No namespace
Picture reference (book, chapter, and verse) to be printed.
Type xs:string
content simple
<xs:element name="reference" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Picture reference (book, chapter, and verse) to be printed.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / ndx
Namespace No namespace
Index entry-- not printed as part of the text.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="ndx" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Index entry-- not printed as part of the text.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / w
Namespace No namespace
Word level attributes, usually Greek/Hebrew lemma
Type extension of pType
Type hierarchy
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use Annotation
gloss xs:string optional
l xs:string optional
Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)
lemma xs:string optional
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
m xs:string optional
Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at
plural xs:boolean optional
If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".
s xs:string optional
Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".
sfm xs:string optional
srcloc xs:string optional
Source location, like "gnt5:" for GNT version 5 text, book 51, chapter 1, verse 2, word 1.
strong xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
x-morph xs:string optional
<xs:element name="w" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Word level attributes, usually Greek/Hebrew lemma</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="pType">
        <xs:attribute name="s" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="plural" type="xs:boolean">
            <xs:documentation>If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="l" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="m" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="srcloc" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Source location, like "gnt5:" for GNT version 5 text, book 51, chapter 1, verse 2, word 1.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="lemma" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:attribute name="strong" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:attribute name="gloss" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:attribute name="x-morph" type="xs:string"/>
Element pType / rb
Namespace No namespace
Word level attributes, usually Greek/Hebrew lemma
Type extension of pType
Type hierarchy
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use Annotation
gloss xs:string optional
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
s xs:string optional
Ruby gloss
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="rb" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Word level attributes, usually Greek/Hebrew lemma</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="pType">
        <xs:attribute name="s" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Ruby gloss</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="gloss" type="xs:string"/>
Element pType / wh
Namespace No namespace
Hebrew word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="wh" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Hebrew word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / wg
Namespace No namespace
Greek word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="wg" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Greek word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / wr
Namespace No namespace
Worldlist/glossary/dictionary reference. This word is to appear in the word list.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="wr" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Worldlist/glossary/dictionary reference. This word is to appear in the word list.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / quoteStart
Namespace No namespace
This element does not map to any USFM element directly, but its contents do. Its purpose is to facilitate conversion to/from OSIS, XSEM, or similar markup. This corresponds to an OSIS q element with an sID attribute, except that this element contains exactly the quotation punctuation intended by the translator, and which is copied directly into USFM text. It is used in combination with quoteEnd and quoteRemind. All conformant USFX readers are expected to simply use the contents of this element (normally a quotation mark) as part of the text, unless that reader is part of a process to generate or regenerate quotation marks from markup. When converting from OSIS or XSEM, it is the duty of the converting process to supply the correct quotation punctuation, if any, and put it in the contents of this element. When generating or regenerating quotation punctuation from markup, the existing contents of this element are discarded and replaced with the correct punctuation. If the who attribute is set to "Jesus" the import process may optionally generate \wj markup, as well.
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
who xs:string optional
<xs:element name="quoteStart" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>This element does not map to any USFM element directly, but its contents do. Its purpose is to facilitate conversion to/from OSIS, XSEM, or similar markup. This corresponds to an OSIS q element with an sID attribute, except that this element contains exactly the quotation punctuation intended by the translator, and which is copied directly into USFM text. It is used in combination with quoteEnd and quoteRemind. All conformant USFX readers are expected to simply use the contents of this element (normally a quotation mark) as part of the text, unless that reader is part of a process to generate or regenerate quotation marks from markup. When converting from OSIS or XSEM, it is the duty of the converting process to supply the correct quotation punctuation, if any, and put it in the contents of this element. When generating or regenerating quotation punctuation from markup, the existing contents of this element are discarded and replaced with the correct punctuation. If the who attribute is set to "Jesus" the import process may optionally generate \wj markup, as well.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="who" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Element pType / quoteRemind
Namespace No namespace
This element contains automatically generated open quote reminders at paragraph beginnings. It would normally be generated automatically from quoteStart and quoteEnd elements.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="quoteRemind" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>This element contains automatically generated open quote reminders at paragraph beginnings. It would normally be generated automatically from quoteStart and quoteEnd elements.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / quoteEnd
Namespace No namespace
This element ends the most recent un-ended quotation started with quoteStart. This is not a USFM equivalent code, but exists to facilitate conversion to/from OSIS. See the comments for quoteStart for usage.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="quoteEnd" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>This element ends the most recent un-ended quotation started with quoteStart. This is not a USFM equivalent code, but exists to facilitate conversion to/from OSIS. See the comments for quoteStart for usage.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / ior
Namespace No namespace
Introduction outline references range character style
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
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  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
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  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="ior" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Introduction outline references range character style</xs:documentation>
Element pType / wj
Namespace No namespace
Words of Jesus
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
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  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
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  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
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  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
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  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
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  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
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  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
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  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="wj" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Words of Jesus</xs:documentation>
Element pType / cs
Namespace No namespace
Character style
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
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  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="cs" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Character style</xs:documentation>
Element pType / fs
Namespace No namespace
Footnote hyperlink start-- not part of USFM, but equivalent to the GBF RB tag.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="fs" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Footnote hyperlink start-- not part of USFM, but equivalent to the GBF RB tag.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / wtp
Namespace No namespace
This is a milestone (normally empty) element that indicates that the previous word (usually "you" or a verb with an implied "you") is addressed to more than one person. Not in USFM. Equivalent to GBF WTP.
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
sfm xs:string optional
<xs:element name="wtp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>This is a milestone (normally empty) element that indicates that the previous word (usually "you" or a verb with an implied "you") is addressed to more than one person. Not in USFM. Equivalent to GBF WTP.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Element pType / da
Namespace No namespace
Milestone marker to indicate that the immediately previously mentioned person (name or pronoun) is being addressed directly (first person). Used for some semiautomatic translation applications. Not in USFM; equivalent to GBF WTf.
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
sfm xs:string optional
<xs:element name="da" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Milestone marker to indicate that the immediately previously mentioned person (name or pronoun) is being addressed directly (first person). Used for some semiautomatic translation applications. Not in USFM; equivalent to GBF WTf.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Element pType / cl
Namespace No namespace
Chapter label, like "Chapter" or "Psalm" in the target language. If used, this label should be placed before any chapter start labels.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="cl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" default="">
    <xs:documentation>Chapter label, like "Chapter" or "Psalm" in the target language. If used, this label should be placed before any chapter start labels.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / optionalLineBreak
Namespace No namespace
Discretionary, optional line break (for a preferred place to break a line in a title, heading, or poetry line). This is the exact equivalent of the USFM "//" mark, and should be inserted as a milestone with no content.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="optionalLineBreak" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Discretionary, optional line break (for a preferred place to break a line in a title, heading, or poetry line). This is the exact equivalent of the USFM "//" mark, and should be inserted as a milestone with no content.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / ref
Namespace No namespace
Scripture reference in the format TLA.c.v, where TLA is the SIL/UBS three letter abbreviation for the book, c is the chapter number, and v is the verse number.
Type refType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
QName Type Use
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
src restriction of verseID optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
web xs:anyURI optional
<xs:element name="ref" type="refType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Scripture reference in the format TLA.c.v, where TLA is the SIL/UBS three letter abbreviation for the book, c is the chapter number, and v is the verse number.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / rq
Namespace No namespace
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="rq" type="pType"/>
Element pType / em
Namespace No namespace
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
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  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
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  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
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  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
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  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
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  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
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  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
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  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="em" type="pType"/>
Element pType / periph
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="periph" type="xs:string"/>
Element pType / rem
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="rem" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
Element pType / xt
Namespace No namespace
Type extension of noteContents
Type hierarchy
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ord>
  <sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sup>
  <add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <sc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <wh caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wh>
  <wg caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wg>
  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
  <fk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fk>
  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xt">
      <xs:extension base="noteContents">
        <xs:attribute name="link-href" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:attribute name="link-id" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:attribute name="link-title" type="xs:string"/>
Element pType / gw
Namespace No namespace
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
root optional
sfm xs:string optional
<xs:element name="gw" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="root"/>
        <xs:attribute ref="sfm"/>
Element pType / zcr
Namespace No namespace
Color red, used to mark ANY direct quotes of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="zcr" type="pType">
    <xs:documentation>Color red, used to mark ANY direct quotes of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit</xs:documentation>
Element pType / zcg
Namespace No namespace
Color green, used for a class of speaker in color-coded Bible translations like the SourceView Bible.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="zcg" type="pType">
    <xs:documentation>Color green, used for a class of speaker in color-coded Bible translations like the SourceView Bible.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / zcb
Namespace No namespace
Color blue, used to mark a class of speaker in color-coded Bible translations like the SourceView Bible and RGB Bible.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
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  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="zcb" type="pType">
    <xs:documentation>Color blue, used to mark a class of speaker in color-coded Bible translations like the SourceView Bible and RGB Bible.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / zcy
Namespace No namespace
Color yellow or gold, used to designate a class of speaker in color-coded Bible translations like the RGB Bible.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="zcy" type="pType">
    <xs:documentation>Color yellow or gold, used to designate a class of speaker in color-coded Bible translations like the RGB Bible.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / para
Namespace No namespace
Generic paragraph not covered by others, syntax like USX.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="para" type="pType">
    <xs:documentation>Generic paragraph not covered by others, syntax like USX.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / char
Namespace No namespace
Generic character style not covered by more specific elements, mirroring USX usage.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="char" type="pType">
    <xs:documentation>Generic character style not covered by more specific elements, mirroring USX usage.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / ms
Namespace No namespace
Milestone for OSIS-like speaker markers, mirroring USX usage.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ms" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Milestone for OSIS-like speaker markers, mirroring USX usage.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / jmp
Namespace No namespace
Jump linking marker to define anchors (landing targets), Scripture reference targets (link-href), Internet URLs (link-href), and/or link titles (link-title).
Type pType
content complex
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
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QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="jmp" type="pType">
    <xs:documentation>Jump linking marker to define anchors (landing targets), Scripture reference targets (link-href), Internet URLs (link-href), and/or link titles (link-title).</xs:documentation>
Element pType / sidebar
Namespace No namespace
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
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QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="sidebar" type="pType"/>
Element pType / wa
Namespace No namespace
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
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QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="wa" type="pType"/>
Element pType / table / tr / thr
Namespace No namespace
Table column heading, right aligned
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<thr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
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QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="thr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Table column heading, right aligned</xs:documentation>
Element pType / table / tr / tc
Namespace No namespace
Table column entry within this row. The level attribute gives the position of the column.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<tc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
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QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="tc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Table column entry within this row. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
Element pType / table / tr / tcr
Namespace No namespace
Table column entry, right justified. The level attribute gives the position of the column.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<tcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
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QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="tcr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Table column entry, right justified. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / q
Namespace No namespace
Poetry line "paragraph"
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<q level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
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QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="q" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Poetry line "paragraph"</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / mt
Namespace No namespace
The main title of a book of the Bible, such as "The Good News According to Matthew"
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<mt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
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QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="mt" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>The main title of a book of the Bible, such as "The Good News According to Matthew"</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / d
Namespace No namespace
Descriptive title of a Psalm (Hebrew title)
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<d level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
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  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="d" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Descriptive title of a Psalm (Hebrew title)</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / s
Namespace No namespace
Section heading (not part of the Scripture text).
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<s level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="s" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Section heading (not part of the Scripture text).</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / sectionBoundary
Namespace No namespace
This marker is a place to encode proposed markers such as \pub, \pref, \conc, \glo, \idx, \cov, \spine, \and environment markers.
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
sfm xs:string required
<xs:element name="sectionBoundary" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>This marker is a place to encode proposed markers such as \pub, \pref, \conc, \glo, \idx, \cov, \spine, \and environment markers.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
Element usfx / book / b
Namespace No namespace
Blank line between stanzas of poetry; not to be used before or after a section header. This element should be empty.
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="b" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Blank line between stanzas of poetry; not to be used before or after a section header. This element should be empty.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
        <xs:attribute name="style" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Element usfx / book / generated
Namespace No namespace
This element surrounds content generated from other elements. This tag and its contents is discarded when converting back to USFM.
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="generated" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>This element surrounds content generated from other elements. This tag and its contents is discarded when converting back to USFM.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string"/>
Element usfx / book / c
Namespace No namespace
Chapter starting point. It contains the chapter number, possibly with a chapter name designator, NOT the whole chapter. The chapter number itself should be specified in the id attribute, and is used to generate the contents of the tag, if empty. If not empty, it may be used for the displayed form of the chapter designator in the vernacular language.
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
id xs:string optional
<xs:element name="c" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Chapter starting point. It contains the chapter number, possibly with a chapter name designator, NOT the whole chapter. The chapter number itself should be specified in the id attribute, and is used to generate the contents of the tag, if empty. If not empty, it may be used for the displayed form of the chapter designator in the vernacular language.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Element usfx / book / ca
Namespace No namespace
Alternate chapter designation for this chapter starting point. It contains the chapter number, possibly with a chapter name designator, NOT the whole chapter. The chapter number itself is in the contents of this element.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ca" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Alternate chapter designation for this chapter starting point. It contains the chapter number, possibly with a chapter name designator, NOT the whole chapter. The chapter number itself is in the contents of this element.</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / toc
Namespace No namespace
Table of contents entry in the vernacular: level 1 = long title; level 2 = short title; level 3 = abbreviation
Type styledString
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
qt* | nd* | tl* | qac* | f* | ef* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | fig* | ndx* | w* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | em* | rem
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fs, it, k, nd, ndx, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qac, qt, ref, rem, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x
<toc level="" sfm="" style="">
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w l="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="toc" type="styledString">
    <xs:documentation>Table of contents entry in the vernacular: level 1 = long title; level 2 = short title; level 3 = abbreviation</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / qt
Namespace No namespace
Quoted text; Old Testament quotes in the New Testament or other quoted text, such as Jesus' direct quotes. The who attribute may be used to distinguish between these, but USFM makes no distinction. This markup may result in a different character formatting.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="qt" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Quoted text; Old Testament quotes in the New Testament or other quoted text, such as Jesus' direct quotes. The who attribute may be used to distinguish between these, but USFM makes no distinction. This markup may result in a different character formatting.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / nd
Namespace No namespace
Name of Diety: used only to mark God's proper name or a translation of this Name. This may result in special character formatting, such as small caps.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="nd" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Name of Diety: used only to mark God's proper name or a translation of this Name. This may result in special character formatting, such as small caps.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / tl
Namespace No namespace
Transliterated or foreign words.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="tl" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Transliterated or foreign words.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / qac
Namespace No namespace
This is intended to mark the first character of a line of acrostic poetry, which may result in the letter being rendered in bold face or may have no effect.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="qac" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>This is intended to mark the first character of a line of acrostic poetry, which may result in the letter being rendered in bold face or may have no effect.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / f
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ord>
  <sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sup>
  <add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <sc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <wh caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wh>
  <wg caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wg>
  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
  <fk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fk>
  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element name="f" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
Element styledString / ef
Namespace No namespace
Extended Footnote
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ord>
  <sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sup>
  <add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <sc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <wh caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wh>
  <wg caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wg>
  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
  <fk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fk>
  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element name="ef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
    <xs:documentation>Extended Footnote</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / x
Namespace No namespace
Crossreference: a footnote used just to indicate a crossreference. It may be positioned differently than footnotes designated with f, and it may use different calling sequences than f does.
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ord>
  <sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sup>
  <add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <sc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <wh caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wh>
  <wg caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wg>
  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
  <fk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fk>
  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element name="x" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
    <xs:documentation>Crossreference: a footnote used just to indicate a crossreference. It may be positioned differently than footnotes designated with f, and it may use different calling sequences than f does.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / ex
Namespace No namespace
Extended crossreference: a footnote used just to indicate a crossreference. It may be positioned differently than footnotes designated with f, and it may use different calling sequences than f does.
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ord>
  <sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sup>
  <add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <sc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <wh caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wh>
  <wg caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wg>
  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
  <fk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fk>
  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element name="ex" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
    <xs:documentation>Extended crossreference: a footnote used just to indicate a crossreference. It may be positioned differently than footnotes designated with f, and it may use different calling sequences than f does.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / sls
Namespace No namespace
Passage of text based on a secondary language source. For example, places where the source text is in Aramaic and not Hebrew could be optionally rendered with a different type style.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="sls" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Passage of text based on a secondary language source. For example, places where the source text is in Aramaic and not Hebrew could be optionally rendered with a different type style.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / dc
Namespace No namespace
Omit in editions not containing the Deuterocanon. Deuterocanonical/LXX additions or insertions in the Protocanonical text. May optionally be rendered differently.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="dc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Omit in editions not containing the Deuterocanon. Deuterocanonical/LXX additions or insertions in the Protocanonical text. May optionally be rendered differently.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / bk
Namespace No namespace
Quoted book title; may toggle italics setting in introductory material.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
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  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
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  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
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QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="bk" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Quoted book title; may toggle italics setting in introductory material.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / pn
Namespace No namespace
Proper name; may map to a character style or be ignored.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="pn" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Proper name; may map to a character style or be ignored.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / k
Namespace No namespace
Keyword-- may map to a character style or be ignored.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
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  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
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  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
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  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
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  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
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  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
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  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
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  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
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  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="k" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Keyword-- may map to a character style or be ignored.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / ord
Namespace No namespace
Ordinal number ending; may be superscripted and underlined.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="ord" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Ordinal number ending; may be superscripted and underlined.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / sup
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="sup" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Element styledString / add
Namespace No namespace
Additional material; supplied words to make sense in a target language when the translation style is very literal. This would be used to mark the italics in the KJV, for example.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
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  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
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  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
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  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
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  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
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  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="add" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Additional material; supplied words to make sense in a target language when the translation style is very literal. This would be used to mark the italics in the KJV, for example.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / bd
Namespace No namespace
Bold; not recommended for use.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
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  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
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  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
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QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="bd" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Bold; not recommended for use.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / it
Namespace No namespace
Italic; not recommended for use.
Type styledString
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
qt* | nd* | tl* | qac* | f* | ef* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | fig* | ndx* | w* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | em* | rem
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fs, it, k, nd, ndx, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qac, qt, ref, rem, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x
<it level="" sfm="" style="">
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  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
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  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w l="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="it" type="styledString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Italic; not recommended for use.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / bdit
Namespace No namespace
Bold Italic; not recommended for use. Note that character styles do not stack. Only one may apply at a time.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="bdit" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Bold Italic; not recommended for use. Note that character styles do not stack. Only one may apply at a time.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / sc
Namespace No namespace
Smallcap text; not recommended for use. Use nd or other appropriate element instead.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="sc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Smallcap text; not recommended for use. Use nd or other appropriate element instead.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / fig
Namespace No namespace
Figure suggestion for illustrations, figures, and maps. The subelements of this element must appear in the order given, as they appear in this order within one \fig ... \fig* container, separated with vertical bars (|).
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
Children caption, catalog, copyright, description, location, reference, size
  <location level="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</location>
  <caption level="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</caption>
  <reference level="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</reference>
<xs:element name="fig" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Figure suggestion for illustrations, figures, and maps. The subelements of this element must appear in the order given, as they appear in this order within one \fig ... \fig* container, separated with vertical bars (|).</xs:documentation>
  <xs:complexType mixed="true">
      <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string">
          <xs:documentation>Picture description in English. This material does not show up on the printed page.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="catalog" type="xs:string">
          <xs:documentation>Picture file name. (Used to be a catalog picture reference field, but now it is used for the file name of the acutal picture.)</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="size" type="xs:string">
          <xs:documentation>Picture size for calculation only (not printed).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="location" type="styledString">
          <xs:documentation>Picture location/range Book, chapter, and verse (not printed).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="copyright" type="xs:string">
          <xs:documentation>Picture copyright info (printed)</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="caption" type="styledString">
          <xs:documentation>Picture caption to be printed.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="reference" type="styledString">
          <xs:documentation>Picture reference (book, chapter, and verse) to be printed.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / fig / description
Namespace No namespace
Picture description in English.  This material does not show up on the printed page.
Type xs:string
content simple
<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Picture description in English. This material does not show up on the printed page.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / fig / catalog
Namespace No namespace
Picture file name. (Used to be a catalog picture reference field, but now it is used for the file name of the acutal picture.)
Type xs:string
content simple
<xs:element name="catalog" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Picture file name. (Used to be a catalog picture reference field, but now it is used for the file name of the acutal picture.)</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / fig / size
Namespace No namespace
Picture size for calculation only (not printed).
Type xs:string
content simple
<xs:element name="size" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Picture size for calculation only (not printed).</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / fig / location
Namespace No namespace
Picture location/range Book, chapter, and verse (not printed).
Type styledString
content complex
mixed true
qt* | nd* | tl* | qac* | f* | ef* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | fig* | ndx* | w* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | em* | rem
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fs, it, k, nd, ndx, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qac, qt, ref, rem, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x
<location level="" sfm="" style="">
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w l="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="location" type="styledString">
    <xs:documentation>Picture location/range Book, chapter, and verse (not printed).</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / ndx
Namespace No namespace
Index entry-- not printed as part of the text.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="ndx" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Index entry-- not printed as part of the text.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / w
Namespace No namespace
Word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.
Type extension of pType
Type hierarchy
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<w l="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use Annotation
l xs:string optional
Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
m xs:string optional
Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at
plural xs:boolean optional
If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".
s xs:string optional
Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="w" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="pType">
        <xs:attribute name="s" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="plural" type="xs:boolean">
            <xs:documentation>If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="l" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="m" type="xs:string">
            <xs:documentation>Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / wh
Namespace No namespace
Hebrew word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="wh" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Hebrew word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / wg
Namespace No namespace
Greek word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="wg" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Greek word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / wr
Namespace No namespace
Worldlist/glossary/dictionary reference. This word is to appear in the word list.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="wr" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Worldlist/glossary/dictionary reference. This word is to appear in the word list.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / wj
Namespace No namespace
Words of Jesus
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="wj" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Words of Jesus</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / cs
Namespace No namespace
Character style
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="cs" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Character style</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / fs
Namespace No namespace
Footnote hyperlink start-- not part of USFM, but equivalent to the GBF RB tag.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="fs" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Footnote hyperlink start-- not part of USFM, but equivalent to the GBF RB tag.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / wtp
Namespace No namespace
This is a milestone (normally empty) element that indicates that the previous word (usually "you" or a verb with an implied "you") is addressed to more than one person. Not in USFM. Equivalent to GBF WTP.
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
sfm xs:string optional
<xs:element name="wtp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>This is a milestone (normally empty) element that indicates that the previous word (usually "you" or a verb with an implied "you") is addressed to more than one person. Not in USFM. Equivalent to GBF WTP.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Element styledString / da
Namespace No namespace
Milestone marker to indicate that the immediately previously mentioned person (name or pronoun) is being addressed directly (first person). Used for some semiautomatic translation applications. Not in USFM; equivalent to GBF WTf.
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
sfm xs:string optional
<xs:element name="da" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Milestone marker to indicate that the immediately previously mentioned person (name or pronoun) is being addressed directly (first person). Used for some semiautomatic translation applications. Not in USFM; equivalent to GBF WTf.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Element styledString / optionalLineBreak
Namespace No namespace
Discretionary, optional line break (for a preferred place to break a line in a title, heading, or poetry line). This is the exact equivalent of the USFM "//" mark, and should be inserted as a milestone with no content.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="optionalLineBreak" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Discretionary, optional line break (for a preferred place to break a line in a title, heading, or poetry line). This is the exact equivalent of the USFM "//" mark, and should be inserted as a milestone with no content.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / ref
Namespace No namespace
Scripture reference in the format TLA.c.v, where TLA is the SIL/UBS three letter abbreviation for the book, c is the chapter number, and v is the verse number.
Type refType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
QName Type Use
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
src restriction of verseID optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
web xs:anyURI optional
<xs:element name="ref" type="refType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Scripture reference in the format TLA.c.v, where TLA is the SIL/UBS three letter abbreviation for the book, c is the chapter number, and v is the verse number.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / em
Namespace No namespace
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="em" type="pType"/>
Element styledString / rem
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
<xs:element name="rem" type="xs:string"/>
Element styledString / fig / copyright
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
Element styledString / fig / caption
Namespace No namespace
Picture caption to be printed.
Type styledString
content complex
mixed true
qt* | nd* | tl* | qac* | f* | ef* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | fig* | ndx* | w* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | em* | rem
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fs, it, k, nd, ndx, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qac, qt, ref, rem, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x
<caption level="" sfm="" style="">
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w l="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="caption" type="styledString">
    <xs:documentation>Picture caption to be printed.</xs:documentation>
Element styledString / fig / reference
Namespace No namespace
Picture reference (book, chapter, and verse) to be printed.
Type styledString
content complex
mixed true
qt* | nd* | tl* | qac* | f* | ef* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | fig* | ndx* | w* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | em* | rem
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fs, it, k, nd, ndx, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qac, qt, ref, rem, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x
<reference level="" sfm="" style="">
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w l="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="reference" type="styledString">
    <xs:documentation>Picture reference (book, chapter, and verse) to be printed.</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / toca
Namespace No namespace
Table of contents entry in an alternate language or language of wider communication: level 1 = long title; level 2 = short title; level 3 = abbreviation
Type styledString
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
qt* | nd* | tl* | qac* | f* | ef* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | fig* | ndx* | w* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | em* | rem
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fs, it, k, nd, ndx, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qac, qt, ref, rem, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x
<toca level="" sfm="" style="">
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w l="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="toca" type="styledString">
    <xs:documentation>Table of contents entry in an alternate language or language of wider communication: level 1 = long title; level 2 = short title; level 3 = abbreviation</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / milestone
Namespace No namespace
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
attribute xs:string optional
level xs:string optional
sfm xs:string required
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="milestone">
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute ref="sfm" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute ref="level"/>
        <xs:attribute name="attribute" type="xs:string"/>
Element usfx / book / table
Namespace No namespace
Table (i. e. for tables of weights and measures in helps).
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Children tr
<xs:element name="table" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Table (i. e. for tables of weights and measures in helps).</xs:documentation>
    <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xs:element name="tr" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element name="th" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:documentation>Table column heading</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="thr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:documentation>Table column heading, right aligned</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="tc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:documentation>Table column entry within this row. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:element name="tcr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:documentation>Table column entry, right justified. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / table / tr
Namespace No namespace
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Children tc, tcr, th, thr
  <th level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</th>
  <thr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</thr>
  <tc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tc>
  <tcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tcr>
<xs:element name="tr" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
      <xs:element name="th" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Table column heading</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="thr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Table column heading, right aligned</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="tc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Table column entry within this row. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element name="tcr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:documentation>Table column entry, right justified. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / table / tr / th
Namespace No namespace
Table column heading
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<th level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="th" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Table column heading</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / table / tr / thr
Namespace No namespace
Table column heading, right aligned
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<thr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="thr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Table column heading, right aligned</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / table / tr / tc
Namespace No namespace
Table column entry within this row. The level attribute gives the position of the column.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<tc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
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  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="tc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Table column entry within this row. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / table / tr / tcr
Namespace No namespace
Table column entry, right justified. The level attribute gives the position of the column.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<tcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element name="tcr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Table column entry, right justified. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / periph
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="periph" type="xs:string"/>
Element usfx / book / v
Namespace No namespace
The v element contains the verse starting point, NOT the verse itself. The contents of this element are generated automatically from the id attribute, and may be just a verse number or verse range, possibly with formatting information (like bold and superscript).
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
bcv restriction of xs:string optional
id xs:string required
vp xs:string optional
<xs:element name="v" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>The v element contains the verse starting point, NOT the verse itself. The contents of this element are generated automatically from the id attribute, and may be just a verse number or verse range, possibly with formatting information (like bold and superscript).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
        <xs:attribute name="bcv">
            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
              <xs:pattern value="[\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}][\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?"/>
        <xs:attribute name="vp" type="xs:string"/>
Element usfx / book / ve
Namespace No namespace
ve is used as a milestone element marking the end of a verse. Content, if any, is treated as a comment. It should be placed just after the last of the canonical text of a verse, but before any subtitles or headers associated with the next verse.
Type xs:string
content simple
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
<xs:element name="ve" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>ve is used as a milestone element marking the end of a verse. Content, if any, is treated as a comment. It should be placed just after the last of the canonical text of a verse, but before any subtitles or headers associated with the next verse.</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / book / cp
Namespace No namespace
Chapter starting point. It contains the chapter number, possibly with a chapter name designator, NOT the whole chapter. The chapter number itself should be specified in the id attribute, and is used to generate the contents of the tag, if empty. If not empty, it may be used for the displayed form of the chapter designator in the vernacular language.
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use
id xs:string required
<xs:element name="cp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:documentation>Chapter starting point. It contains the chapter number, possibly with a chapter name designator, NOT the whole chapter. The chapter number itself should be specified in the id attribute, and is used to generate the contents of the tag, if empty. If not empty, it may be used for the displayed form of the chapter designator in the vernacular language.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
Element usfx / book / f
Namespace No namespace
Type noteContents
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
<f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <nd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <c caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <tl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <it caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <qt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <sls caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bdit caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <bk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <pn caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</pn>
  <k caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <ord caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ord>
  <sup caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sup>
  <add caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <bd caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <sc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <wh caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wh>
  <wg caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wg>
  <wr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wr>
  <wj caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <em caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <fp caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fp>
  <fr caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,1}</fr>
  <fk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fk>
  <fq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fq>
  <fqa caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fqa>
  <fl caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fl>
  <fdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fdc>
  <fv caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fv>
  <ft caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ft>
  <fm caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fm>
  <xo caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xo>
  <xk caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xk>
  <xq caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xq>
  <xt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <xot caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xot>
  <xnt caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xnt>
  <xdc caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xdc>
  <w l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <fw caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</fw>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</rq>
  <xta caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xta>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:element name="f" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
Element usfx / book / ide
Namespace No namespace
Encoding of the corresponding USFM file. (Encoding of this XML file is given in the XML header.)
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
QName Type Use
charset xs:string optional
<xs:element name="ide" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Encoding of the corresponding USFM file. (Encoding of this XML file is given in the XML header.)</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="charset" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Element usfx / book / qd
Namespace No namespace
Canonical Hebrew notation, like canonical title, but after the poem.
Type pType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
mixed true
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
<qd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">
  <c id="">{0,unbounded}</c>
  <v bcv="" id="" vp="">{0,unbounded}</v>
  <qt level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qt>
  <nd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</nd>
  <tl level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</tl>
  <milestone attribute="" level="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</milestone>
  <ca id="">{0,unbounded}</ca>
  <cp id="">{0,unbounded}</cp>
  <qs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qs>
  <qac level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</qac>
  <f caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</f>
  <ef caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ef>
  <x caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</x>
  <ex caller="+" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</ex>
  <sls level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sls>
  <dc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</dc>
  <bk level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bk>
  <k level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</k>
  <add level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</add>
  <sig level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sig>
  <bd level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bd>
  <it level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</it>
  <bdit level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</bdit>
  <sc level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sc>
  <w gloss="" l="" lemma="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" m="" plural="" s="" sfm="" srcloc="" strong="" style="" x-morph="">{0,unbounded}</w>
  <rb gloss="" level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" s="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rb>
  <quoteStart who="">{0,unbounded}</quoteStart>
  <ior level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</ior>
  <wj level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wj>
  <cs level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</cs>
  <wtp sfm="">{0,unbounded}</wtp>
  <da sfm="">{0,unbounded}</da>
  <ref link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" src="" tgt="" web="">{0,unbounded}</ref>
  <rq level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</rq>
  <em level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</em>
  <xt caller="+" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="" tgt="">{0,unbounded}</xt>
  <gw root="" sfm="">{0,unbounded}</gw>
  <zcr level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcr>
  <zcg level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcg>
  <zcb level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcb>
  <zcy level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</zcy>
  <para level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</para>
  <char level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</char>
  <jmp level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{1,1}</jmp>
  <sidebar level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</sidebar>
  <wa level="" link-href="" link-id="" link-title="" sfm="" style="">{0,unbounded}</wa>
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="qd" type="pType">
    <xs:documentation>Canonical Hebrew notation, like canonical title, but after the poem.</xs:documentation>
Element usfx / ide
Namespace No namespace
Encoding of the corresponding USFM file. (Encoding of this XML file is given in the XML header.)
Type extension of xs:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
QName Type Use
charset xs:string optional
<xs:element name="ide" minOccurs="0">
    <xs:documentation>Encoding of the corresponding USFM file. (Encoding of this XML file is given in the XML header.)</xs:documentation>
      <xs:extension base="xs:string">
        <xs:attribute name="charset" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Complex Type pType
Namespace No namespace
This type consists of the mixed text and tags that can appear inside any paragraph.
mixed true
Used by
c* | v* | ve* | qt* | nd* | tl* | milestone* | ca* | cp* | va* | vp* | qs* | qac* | table* | generated* | f* | ef* | fm* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | sig* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | no* | fig* | ndx* | w* | rb* | wh* | wg* | wr* | quoteStart* | quoteRemind* | quoteEnd* | ior* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | cl* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | rq* | em* | periph* | rem* | xt* | gw* | zcr* | zcg* | zcb* | zcy* | para* | char* | ms* | jmp | sidebar* | wa*
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, ca, char, cl, cp, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fm, fs, generated, gw, ior, it, jmp, k, milestone, ms, nd, ndx, no, optionalLineBreak, ord, para, periph, pn, qac, qs, qt, quoteEnd, quoteRemind, quoteStart, rb, ref, rem, rq, sc, sidebar, sig, sls, sup, table, tl, v, va, ve, vp, w, wa, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x, xt, zcb, zcg, zcr, zcy
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:complexType name="pType" mixed="true">
    <xs:documentation>This type consists of the mixed text and tags that can appear inside any paragraph.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element name="c" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>This element contains the chapter starting point MARKER, NOT the chapter itself. The chapter is assumed to end at the beginning of the next chapter or at the end of the book element. The marker is normally generated from the id attribute, overwriting whatever this element contained before.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="xs:string">
            <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
    <xs:element name="v" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>The v element contains the verse starting point, NOT the verse itself. The contents of this element are generated automatically from the id attribute, and may be just a verse number or verse range, possibly with formatting information (like bold and superscript).</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="xs:string">
            <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
            <xs:attribute name="bcv">
                <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                  <xs:pattern value="[\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?"/>
            <xs:attribute name="vp" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="ve" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>ve is used as a milestone element marking the end of a verse. Content, if any, is treated as a comment. It should be placed just after the last of the canonical text of a verse, but before any subtitles or headers associated with the next verse.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="qt" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Quoted text; Old Testament quotes in the New Testament or other quoted text, such as Jesus' direct quotes. The who attribute may be used to distinguish between these, but USFM makes no distinction. This markup may result in a different character formatting.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="nd" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Name of Diety: used only to mark God's proper name or a translation of this Name. This may result in special character formatting, such as small caps.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="tl" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Transliterated or foreign words.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="milestone" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>This marker can be used to encode any standard format marker not corresponding to a specific element with its own name. This should only be used if there is no other suitable element to use for your application within this schema.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="xs:string">
            <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
            <xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
            <xs:attribute name="attribute" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
    <xs:element name="ca" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Alternate chapter numbering scheme chapter start marker</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="xs:string">
            <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
    <xs:element name="cp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Published chapter marker, which may be used to override the numeric marker generated from the c element.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="xs:string">
            <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
    <xs:element name="va" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Alternate verse number (starting point).</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="vp" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Published verse marker (starting point); overrides marker generated from v id attribute.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="qs" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Special marking for "Selah." in the target language. This may cause right alignment of this word or phrase in an otherwise left-aligned or fully justified paragraph, or may have no effect.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="qac" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>This is intended to mark the first character of a line of acrostic poetry, which may result in the letter being rendered in bold face or may have no effect.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="table" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Table (i. e. for tables of weights and measures in helps).</xs:documentation>
        <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xs:element name="tr" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xs:element name="th" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                    <xs:documentation>Table column heading</xs:documentation>
                <xs:element name="thr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                    <xs:documentation>Table column heading, right aligned</xs:documentation>
                <xs:element name="tc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                    <xs:documentation>Table column entry within this row. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
                <xs:element name="tcr" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                    <xs:documentation>Table column entry, right justified. The level attribute gives the position of the column.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="generated" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>This element contains material that was automatically generated from another marker, such as drop cap actual implementation at the start of verse 1 from an earlier \c tag.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="f" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
    <xs:element name="ef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
        <xs:documentation>Extended Footnote</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="fm" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Manually designated footnote mark -- NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="x" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
        <xs:documentation>Crossreference: a footnote used just to indicate a crossreference. It may be positioned differently than footnotes designated with f, and it may use different calling sequences than f does.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="ex" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
        <xs:documentation>Extended crossreference: a footnote used just to indicate a crossreference. It may be positioned differently than footnotes designated with f, and it may use different calling sequences than f does.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="sls" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Passage of text based on a secondary language source. For example, places where the source text is in Aramaic and not Hebrew could be optionally rendered with a different type style.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="dc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Omit in editions not containing the Deuterocanon. Deuterocanonical/LXX additions or insertions in the Protocanonical text. May optionally be rendered differently.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="bk" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Quoted book title; may toggle italics setting in introductory material.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="pn" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Proper name; may map to a character style or be ignored.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="k" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Keyword-- may map to a character style or be ignored.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="ord" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Ordinal number ending; may be superscripted and underlined.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="sup" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element name="add" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Additional material; supplied words to make sense in a target language when the translation style is very literal. This would be used to mark the italics in the KJV, for example.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="sig" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Signature of the author of an epistle, such as "Greetings from Paul." This may or may not be rendered differently.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="bd" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Bold; not recommended for use.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="it" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Italic; not recommended for use.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="bdit" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Bold Italic; not recommended for use. Note that character styles do not stack. Only one may apply at a time.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="sc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Smallcap text; not recommended for use. Use nd or other appropriate element instead.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="no" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Normal text within other formatting: not recommended for use.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="fig" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Figure suggestion for illustrations, figures, and maps. The subelements of this element must appear in the order given, as they appear in this order within one \fig ... \fig* container, separated with vertical bars (|).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:complexType mixed="true">
          <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string">
              <xs:documentation>Picture description in English. This material does not show up on the printed page.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="catalog" type="xs:string">
              <xs:documentation>Picture file name. (Used to be a catalog picture reference field, but now it is used for the file name of the acutal picture.)</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="size" type="xs:string">
              <xs:documentation>Picture size for calculation only (not printed).</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="location" type="xs:string">
              <xs:documentation>Picture location/range Book, chapter, and verse (not printed).</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="copyright" type="xs:string">
              <xs:documentation>Picture copyright info (printed)</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="caption" type="xs:string">
              <xs:documentation>Picture caption to be printed.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="reference" type="xs:string">
              <xs:documentation>Picture reference (book, chapter, and verse) to be printed.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="ndx" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Index entry-- not printed as part of the text.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="w" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Word level attributes, usually Greek/Hebrew lemma</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="pType">
            <xs:attribute name="s" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="plural" type="xs:boolean">
                <xs:documentation>If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="l" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="m" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="srcloc" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Source location, like "gnt5:" for GNT version 5 text, book 51, chapter 1, verse 2, word 1.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="lemma" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:attribute name="strong" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:attribute name="gloss" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:attribute name="x-morph" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="rb" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Word level attributes, usually Greek/Hebrew lemma</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="pType">
            <xs:attribute name="s" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Ruby gloss</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="gloss" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="wh" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Hebrew word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="wg" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Greek word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="wr" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Worldlist/glossary/dictionary reference. This word is to appear in the word list.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="quoteStart" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>This element does not map to any USFM element directly, but its contents do. Its purpose is to facilitate conversion to/from OSIS, XSEM, or similar markup. This corresponds to an OSIS q element with an sID attribute, except that this element contains exactly the quotation punctuation intended by the translator, and which is copied directly into USFM text. It is used in combination with quoteEnd and quoteRemind. All conformant USFX readers are expected to simply use the contents of this element (normally a quotation mark) as part of the text, unless that reader is part of a process to generate or regenerate quotation marks from markup. When converting from OSIS or XSEM, it is the duty of the converting process to supply the correct quotation punctuation, if any, and put it in the contents of this element. When generating or regenerating quotation punctuation from markup, the existing contents of this element are discarded and replaced with the correct punctuation. If the who attribute is set to "Jesus" the import process may optionally generate \wj markup, as well.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="xs:string">
            <xs:attribute name="who" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
    <xs:element name="quoteRemind" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>This element contains automatically generated open quote reminders at paragraph beginnings. It would normally be generated automatically from quoteStart and quoteEnd elements.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="quoteEnd" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>This element ends the most recent un-ended quotation started with quoteStart. This is not a USFM equivalent code, but exists to facilitate conversion to/from OSIS. See the comments for quoteStart for usage.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="ior" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Introduction outline references range character style</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="wj" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Words of Jesus</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="cs" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Character style</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="fs" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Footnote hyperlink start-- not part of USFM, but equivalent to the GBF RB tag.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="wtp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>This is a milestone (normally empty) element that indicates that the previous word (usually "you" or a verb with an implied "you") is addressed to more than one person. Not in USFM. Equivalent to GBF WTP.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="xs:string">
            <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
    <xs:element name="da" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Milestone marker to indicate that the immediately previously mentioned person (name or pronoun) is being addressed directly (first person). Used for some semiautomatic translation applications. Not in USFM; equivalent to GBF WTf.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="xs:string">
            <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
    <xs:element name="cl" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" default="">
        <xs:documentation>Chapter label, like "Chapter" or "Psalm" in the target language. If used, this label should be placed before any chapter start labels.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="optionalLineBreak" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Discretionary, optional line break (for a preferred place to break a line in a title, heading, or poetry line). This is the exact equivalent of the USFM "//" mark, and should be inserted as a milestone with no content.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="ref" type="refType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Scripture reference in the format TLA.c.v, where TLA is the SIL/UBS three letter abbreviation for the book, c is the chapter number, and v is the verse number.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="rq" type="pType"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="em" type="pType"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="periph" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="rem" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xt">
          <xs:extension base="noteContents">
            <xs:attribute name="link-href" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:attribute name="link-id" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:attribute name="link-title" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="gw" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
          <xs:extension base="xs:string">
            <xs:attribute name="root"/>
            <xs:attribute ref="sfm"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="zcr" type="pType">
        <xs:documentation>Color red, used to mark ANY direct quotes of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="zcg" type="pType">
        <xs:documentation>Color green, used for a class of speaker in color-coded Bible translations like the SourceView Bible.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="zcb" type="pType">
        <xs:documentation>Color blue, used to mark a class of speaker in color-coded Bible translations like the SourceView Bible and RGB Bible.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="zcy" type="pType">
        <xs:documentation>Color yellow or gold, used to designate a class of speaker in color-coded Bible translations like the RGB Bible.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="para" type="pType">
        <xs:documentation>Generic paragraph not covered by others, syntax like USX.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="char" type="pType">
        <xs:documentation>Generic character style not covered by more specific elements, mirroring USX usage.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ms" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Milestone for OSIS-like speaker markers, mirroring USX usage.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="jmp" type="pType">
        <xs:documentation>Jump linking marker to define anchors (landing targets), Scripture reference targets (link-href), Internet URLs (link-href), and/or link titles (link-title).</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="sidebar" type="pType"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="wa" type="pType"/>
  <xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
  <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
  <xs:attribute name="style" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
  <xs:attribute name="link-href" type="xs:string"/>
  <xs:attribute name="link-title" type="xs:string"/>
  <xs:attribute name="link-id" type="xs:string"/>
Complex Type noteContents
Namespace No namespace
mixed true
Used by
ref* | nd* | c* | tl* | it* | qt* | sls* | dc* | bdit* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | sc* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | optionalLineBreak* | em* | fp* | fr{0,1} | fk* | fq* | fqa* | fl* | fdc* | fv* | ft* | fm* | xo* | xk* | xq* | xt* | xot* | xnt* | xdc* | w* | fw* | rq | xta* | jmp
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, c, cs, dc, em, fdc, fk, fl, fm, fp, fq, fqa, fr, ft, fv, fw, it, jmp, k, nd, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qt, ref, rq, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, xdc, xk, xnt, xo, xot, xq, xt, xta
QName Type Default Use
caller xs:string + optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
<xs:complexType mixed="true" name="noteContents">
  <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ref" type="refType"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="nd" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="c" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="tl" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="it" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="qt" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="sls" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="dc" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="bdit" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="bk" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="pn" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="k" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ord" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="sup" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="add" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="bd" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="sc" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="wh" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="wg" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="wr" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="wj" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="cs" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="optionalLineBreak" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="em" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fp" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="fr" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fk" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fq" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fqa" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fl" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fdc" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fv" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ft" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fm" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xo" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xk" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xq" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xt" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xot" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xnt" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xdc" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element name="w" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Word level attributes, usually Greek/Hebrew lemma</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="pType">
            <xs:attribute name="s" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="plural" type="xs:boolean">
                <xs:documentation>If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="l" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="m" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="srcloc" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Source location, like "gnt5:" for GNT version 5 text, book 51, chapter 1, verse 2, word 1.</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="strong" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:attribute name="x-morph" type="xs:string"/>
            <xs:attribute name="lemma" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="fw" type="noteContents">
        <xs:documentation>Witness list (list of manuscript designations containing this reading)</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="rq" type="pType"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="xta" type="noteContents"/>
    <xs:element name="jmp" type="pType">
        <xs:documentation>Jump linking marker to define anchors (landing targets), Scripture reference targets (link-href), Internet URLs (link-href), and/or link titles (link-title).</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute default="+" name="caller" type="xs:string"/>
  <xs:attribute ref="sfm"/>
  <xs:attribute name="tgt">
      <xs:restriction base="verseID">
        <xs:pattern value="[\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?"/>
  <xs:attribute ref="style"/>
Complex Type refType
Namespace No namespace
Bible passage reference specification. Attributes are src for source (i. e. the verse this reference is in, like "MAT.1.23"), and tgt for the target (i. e. the verse or range of verses this reference is pointing to, like "ISA.7.14" or "ISA.7.14-ISA.7.15"), and web for an Internet URL, like "". Only one of tgt or web should be specified. An least one of these three attributes should be specified. Text string content of the element is the human-readable vernacular reference to be displayed, like "Mt. 1:23" or "Matthew 1:23".
mixed true
Used by
QName Type Use
link-href xs:string optional
link-id xs:string optional
link-title xs:string optional
src restriction of verseID optional
tgt restriction of verseID optional
web xs:anyURI optional
<xs:complexType name="refType" mixed="true">
    <xs:documentation>Bible passage reference specification. Attributes are src for source (i. e. the verse this reference is in, like "MAT.1.23"), and tgt for the target (i. e. the verse or range of verses this reference is pointing to, like "ISA.7.14" or "ISA.7.14-ISA.7.15"), and web for an Internet URL, like "". Only one of tgt or web should be specified. An least one of these three attributes should be specified. Text string content of the element is the human-readable vernacular reference to be displayed, like "Mt. 1:23" or "Matthew 1:23".</xs:documentation>
  <xs:attribute form="qualified" name="src">
      <xs:restriction base="verseID">
        <xs:pattern value="[\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?"/>
  <xs:attribute name="tgt">
      <xs:restriction base="verseID">
        <xs:pattern value="[\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?"/>
  <xs:attribute name="web" type="xs:anyURI"/>
  <xs:attribute name="link-href" type="xs:string"/>
  <xs:attribute name="link-id" type="xs:string"/>
  <xs:attribute name="link-title" type="xs:string"/>
Simple Type verseID
Namespace No namespace
Type restriction of xs:string
pattern [\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?
Used by
<xs:simpleType name="verseID">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    <xs:pattern value="[\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?"/>
Complex Type styledString
Namespace No namespace
This type consists of the mixed text and tags that can appear in a string such as a title.
mixed true
Used by
qt* | nd* | tl* | qac* | f* | ef* | x* | ex* | sls* | dc* | bk* | pn* | k* | ord* | sup* | add* | bd* | it* | bdit* | sc* | fig* | ndx* | w* | wh* | wg* | wr* | wj* | cs* | fs* | wtp* | da* | optionalLineBreak* | ref* | em* | rem
Children add, bd, bdit, bk, cs, da, dc, ef, em, ex, f, fig, fs, it, k, nd, ndx, optionalLineBreak, ord, pn, qac, qt, ref, rem, sc, sls, sup, tl, w, wg, wh, wj, wr, wtp, x
QName Type Use
level xs:unsignedByte optional
sfm xs:string optional
style xs:string optional
<xs:complexType name="styledString" mixed="true">
    <xs:documentation>This type consists of the mixed text and tags that can appear in a string such as a title.</xs:documentation>
  <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element name="qt" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Quoted text; Old Testament quotes in the New Testament or other quoted text, such as Jesus' direct quotes. The who attribute may be used to distinguish between these, but USFM makes no distinction. This markup may result in a different character formatting.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="nd" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Name of Diety: used only to mark God's proper name or a translation of this Name. This may result in special character formatting, such as small caps.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="tl" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Transliterated or foreign words.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="qac" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>This is intended to mark the first character of a line of acrostic poetry, which may result in the letter being rendered in bold face or may have no effect.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="f" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
    <xs:element name="ef" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
        <xs:documentation>Extended Footnote</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="x" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
        <xs:documentation>Crossreference: a footnote used just to indicate a crossreference. It may be positioned differently than footnotes designated with f, and it may use different calling sequences than f does.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="ex" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="noteContents">
        <xs:documentation>Extended crossreference: a footnote used just to indicate a crossreference. It may be positioned differently than footnotes designated with f, and it may use different calling sequences than f does.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="sls" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Passage of text based on a secondary language source. For example, places where the source text is in Aramaic and not Hebrew could be optionally rendered with a different type style.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="dc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Omit in editions not containing the Deuterocanon. Deuterocanonical/LXX additions or insertions in the Protocanonical text. May optionally be rendered differently.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="bk" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Quoted book title; may toggle italics setting in introductory material.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="pn" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Proper name; may map to a character style or be ignored.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="k" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Keyword-- may map to a character style or be ignored.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="ord" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Ordinal number ending; may be superscripted and underlined.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="sup" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element name="add" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Additional material; supplied words to make sense in a target language when the translation style is very literal. This would be used to mark the italics in the KJV, for example.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="bd" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Bold; not recommended for use.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="it" type="styledString" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Italic; not recommended for use.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="bdit" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Bold Italic; not recommended for use. Note that character styles do not stack. Only one may apply at a time.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="sc" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Smallcap text; not recommended for use. Use nd or other appropriate element instead.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="fig" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Figure suggestion for illustrations, figures, and maps. The subelements of this element must appear in the order given, as they appear in this order within one \fig ... \fig* container, separated with vertical bars (|).</xs:documentation>
      <xs:complexType mixed="true">
          <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string">
              <xs:documentation>Picture description in English. This material does not show up on the printed page.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="catalog" type="xs:string">
              <xs:documentation>Picture file name. (Used to be a catalog picture reference field, but now it is used for the file name of the acutal picture.)</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="size" type="xs:string">
              <xs:documentation>Picture size for calculation only (not printed).</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="location" type="styledString">
              <xs:documentation>Picture location/range Book, chapter, and verse (not printed).</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="copyright" type="xs:string">
              <xs:documentation>Picture copyright info (printed)</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="caption" type="styledString">
              <xs:documentation>Picture caption to be printed.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:element name="reference" type="styledString">
              <xs:documentation>Picture reference (book, chapter, and verse) to be printed.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="ndx" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Index entry-- not printed as part of the text.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="w" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="pType">
            <xs:attribute name="s" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="plural" type="xs:boolean">
                <xs:documentation>If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="l" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)</xs:documentation>
            <xs:attribute name="m" type="xs:string">
                <xs:documentation>Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="wh" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Hebrew word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="wg" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Greek word list entry-- not printed as part of the text.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="wr" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Worldlist/glossary/dictionary reference. This word is to appear in the word list.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="wj" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Words of Jesus</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="cs" type="pType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Character style</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="fs" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Footnote hyperlink start-- not part of USFM, but equivalent to the GBF RB tag.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="wtp" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>This is a milestone (normally empty) element that indicates that the previous word (usually "you" or a verb with an implied "you") is addressed to more than one person. Not in USFM. Equivalent to GBF WTP.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="xs:string">
            <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
    <xs:element name="da" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xs:documentation>Milestone marker to indicate that the immediately previously mentioned person (name or pronoun) is being addressed directly (first person). Used for some semiautomatic translation applications. Not in USFM; equivalent to GBF WTf.</xs:documentation>
          <xs:extension base="xs:string">
            <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="optionalLineBreak" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>Discretionary, optional line break (for a preferred place to break a line in a title, heading, or poetry line). This is the exact equivalent of the USFM "//" mark, and should be inserted as a milestone with no content.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="ref" type="refType" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>Scripture reference in the format TLA.c.v, where TLA is the SIL/UBS three letter abbreviation for the book, c is the chapter number, and v is the verse number.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="em" type="pType"/>
    <xs:element name="rem" type="xs:string"/>
  <xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
  <xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
  <xs:attribute name="style" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute usfx / book / id / @id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use required
Used by
Element usfx/book/id
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
Attribute usfx / book / h / @level
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:unsignedByte
use optional
Used by
Element usfx/book/h
<xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
Attribute pType / c / @id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use required
Used by
Element pType/c
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
Attribute pType / v / @id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use required
Used by
Element pType/v
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
Attribute pType / v / @bcv
Namespace No namespace
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
pattern [\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?
Used by
Element pType/v
<xs:attribute name="bcv">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:pattern value="[\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?"/>
Attribute pType / v / @vp
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element pType/v
<xs:attribute name="vp" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute pType / milestone / @sfm
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use required
Used by
Element pType/milestone
<xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
Attribute pType / milestone / @level
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:unsignedByte
use optional
Used by
Element pType/milestone
<xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
Attribute pType / milestone / @attribute
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
Element pType/milestone
<xs:attribute name="attribute" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute pType / ca / @id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use required
Used by
Element pType/ca
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
Attribute pType / cp / @id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use required
Used by
Element pType/cp
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
Attribute refType / @src
Namespace No namespace
Type restriction of verseID
Type hierarchy
content simple
pattern ([\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?) & ([\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?)
Used by
Complex Type refType
<xs:attribute form="qualified" name="src">
    <xs:restriction base="verseID">
      <xs:pattern value="[\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?"/>
Attribute refType / @tgt
Namespace No namespace
Type restriction of verseID
Type hierarchy
content simple
pattern ([\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?) & ([\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?)
Used by
Complex Type refType
<xs:attribute name="tgt">
    <xs:restriction base="verseID">
      <xs:pattern value="[\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?"/>
Attribute refType / @web
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:anyURI
content simple
Used by
Complex Type refType
<xs:attribute name="web" type="xs:anyURI"/>
Attribute refType / @link-href
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
Used by
Attribute refType / @link-id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
Used by
Attribute refType / @link-title
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
Used by
Attribute noteContents / @caller
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
default +
Used by
Complex Type noteContents
<xs:attribute default="+" name="caller" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute @sfm
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Complex Type noteContents
Elements pType/gw, usfx/book/milestone
<xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute noteContents / @tgt
Namespace No namespace
Type restriction of verseID
Type hierarchy
content simple
pattern ([\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?) & ([\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?)
Used by
Complex Type noteContents
<xs:attribute name="tgt">
    <xs:restriction base="verseID">
      <xs:pattern value="[\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d]\p{Lu}[\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?"/>
Attribute @style
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Complex Type noteContents
<xs:attribute name="style" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute pType / quoteStart / @who
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="who" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute pType / wtp / @sfm
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
Element pType/wtp
<xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute pType / da / @sfm
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
Element pType/da
<xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute pType / xt / @link-href
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
Used by
Attribute pType / xt / @link-id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
Used by
Attribute pType / xt / @link-title
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
Used by
Attribute pType / gw / @root
Namespace No namespace
Used by
Element pType/gw
<xs:attribute name="root"/>
Attribute pType / @level
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:unsignedByte
use optional
Used by
Complex Type pType
<xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
Attribute pType / @sfm
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type pType
<xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute pType / @style
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type pType
<xs:attribute name="style" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute pType / @link-href
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
Used by
Attribute pType / @link-title
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
Used by
Attribute pType / @link-id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
Used by
Attribute pType / rb / @s
Namespace No namespace
Ruby gloss
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element pType/rb
<xs:attribute name="s" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Ruby gloss</xs:documentation>
Attribute pType / rb / @gloss
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element pType/rb
<xs:attribute name="gloss" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute pType / w / @s
Namespace No namespace
Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element pType/w
<xs:attribute name="s" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".</xs:documentation>
Attribute pType / w / @plural
Namespace No namespace
If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Used by
Element pType/w
<xs:attribute name="plural" type="xs:boolean">
    <xs:documentation>If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".</xs:documentation>
Attribute pType / w / @l
Namespace No namespace
Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element pType/w
<xs:attribute name="l" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)</xs:documentation>
Attribute pType / w / @m
Namespace No namespace
Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element pType/w
<xs:attribute name="m" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at</xs:documentation>
Attribute pType / w / @srcloc
Namespace No namespace
Source location, like "gnt5:" for GNT version 5 text, book 51, chapter 1, verse 2, word 1.
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element pType/w
<xs:attribute name="srcloc" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Source location, like "gnt5:" for GNT version 5 text, book 51, chapter 1, verse 2, word 1.</xs:documentation>
Attribute pType / w / @lemma
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element pType/w
<xs:attribute name="lemma" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute pType / w / @strong
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element pType/w
<xs:attribute name="strong" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute pType / w / @gloss
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element pType/w
<xs:attribute name="gloss" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute pType / w / @x-morph
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element pType/w
<xs:attribute name="x-morph" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute noteContents / w / @s
Namespace No namespace
Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element noteContents/w
<xs:attribute name="s" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".</xs:documentation>
Attribute noteContents / w / @plural
Namespace No namespace
If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Used by
Element noteContents/w
<xs:attribute name="plural" type="xs:boolean">
    <xs:documentation>If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".</xs:documentation>
Attribute noteContents / w / @l
Namespace No namespace
Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element noteContents/w
<xs:attribute name="l" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)</xs:documentation>
Attribute noteContents / w / @m
Namespace No namespace
Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element noteContents/w
<xs:attribute name="m" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at</xs:documentation>
Attribute noteContents / w / @srcloc
Namespace No namespace
Source location, like "gnt5:" for GNT version 5 text, book 51, chapter 1, verse 2, word 1.
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element noteContents/w
<xs:attribute name="srcloc" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Source location, like "gnt5:" for GNT version 5 text, book 51, chapter 1, verse 2, word 1.</xs:documentation>
Attribute noteContents / w / @strong
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element noteContents/w
<xs:attribute name="strong" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute noteContents / w / @x-morph
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element noteContents/w
<xs:attribute name="x-morph" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute noteContents / w / @lemma
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element noteContents/w
<xs:attribute name="lemma" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute usfx / book / sectionBoundary / @sfm
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use required
Used by
<xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
Attribute usfx / book / sectionBoundary / @level
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:unsignedByte
use optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
Attribute usfx / book / b / @sfm
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
Element usfx/book/b
<xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute usfx / book / b / @style
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
Element usfx/book/b
<xs:attribute name="style" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute usfx / book / c / @id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
Element usfx/book/c
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute styledString / w / @s
Namespace No namespace
Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element styledString/w
<xs:attribute name="s" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Used to indicate the Strong's number of a word. Hebrew words are prefixed with "H" and Greek with "G".</xs:documentation>
Attribute styledString / w / @plural
Namespace No namespace
If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".
Type xs:boolean
content simple
Used by
Element styledString/w
<xs:attribute name="plural" type="xs:boolean">
    <xs:documentation>If the word form is plural, "plural" may be set to "true". If the word form is singular, "plural" must not be set to "true".</xs:documentation>
Attribute styledString / w / @l
Namespace No namespace
Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element styledString/w
<xs:attribute name="l" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Lemma (root word for lexicon entry of the enclosed word)</xs:documentation>
Attribute styledString / w / @m
Namespace No namespace
Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element styledString/w
<xs:attribute name="m" type="xs:string">
    <xs:documentation>Morphology tag using Dr. Maurice Robinson's scheme, explained at and mirrored at</xs:documentation>
Attribute styledString / wtp / @sfm
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
<xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute styledString / da / @sfm
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
Element styledString/da
<xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute styledString / @level
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:unsignedByte
use optional
Used by
Complex Type styledString
<xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="optional"/>
Attribute styledString / @sfm
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type styledString
<xs:attribute name="sfm" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute styledString / @style
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type styledString
<xs:attribute name="style" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute @level
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="level" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute usfx / book / milestone / @attribute
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
<xs:attribute name="attribute" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute usfx / book / v / @id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use required
Used by
Element usfx/book/v
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
Attribute usfx / book / v / @bcv
Namespace No namespace
Type restriction of xs:string
content simple
pattern [\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}][\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?
Used by
Element usfx/book/v
<xs:attribute name="bcv">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
      <xs:pattern value="[\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}\d]\.\d+(\.\d+)?\p{L}?(\-(([\p{Lu}\d][\p{Lu}][\p{Lu}\d]\.)?\d+\.)?\d+\p{L}?)?"/>
Attribute usfx / book / v / @vp
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
content simple
Used by
Element usfx/book/v
<xs:attribute name="vp" type="xs:string"/>
Attribute usfx / book / cp / @id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use required
Used by
Element usfx/book/cp
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
Attribute usfx / book / ide / @charset
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
Element usfx/book/ide
<xs:attribute name="charset" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute usfx / book / @id
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
Element usfx/book
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
Attribute usfx / ide / @charset
Namespace No namespace
Type xs:string
use optional
Used by
Element usfx/ide
<xs:attribute name="charset" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>