How to be a shepherd
Πρεσβυτέρους τοὺς*τους f35 [78%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ ουν 1 ℵ [17%] ¦ ουν 𝕻72A,B [4%] NU ¦ — [1%] ἐν ὑμῖν παρακαλῶ, ὁ ο f35 𝕻72ℵA,B [89%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU ¦ ως [11%] CP ¦ two other readings συμπρεσβύτερος καὶ μάρτυς τῶν τοῦ Χριστοῦ παθημάτων, ὁ καὶ τῆς μελλούσης ἀποκαλύπτεσθαι δόξης κοινωνός· ποιμάνατε τὸ ἐν ὑμῖν ποίμνιον τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐπισκοποῦντεςεπισκοπουντες f35 𝕻72A (99.2%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU]ECM ¦ — ℵB (0.8%) μὴ ἀναγκαστῶς ἀλλ᾿§αλλ f35 A [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU ¦ αλλα 𝕻72ℵB [3%] ECM ἑκουσίως·*εκουσιως f35 B [86%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ 1 κατα Θεον 𝕻72ℵA [14%] NU μηδὲ αἰσχροκερδῶς ἀλλὰ προθύμως· μηδὲμηδε f35 𝕻72 [49%] RP,HF,CP ¦ μηδ ℵA [50%] OC,TR,NU (B omits v. 3; two other readings.) ὡς κατακυριεύοντες τῶν κλήρων, ἀλλὰ τύποι γινόμενοιγινομενοι rell ¦ γενομενοι [20%] τοῦ ποιμνίου. Καὶ φανερωθέντος τοῦ Ἀρχιποίμενος κομιεῖσθε τὸν ἀμαράντινον τῆς δόξης στέφανον.
Humility is a must
Ὁμοίως,§ομοιως f35 𝕻72A,B [74%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU ¦ 1 δε ℵ [1%] ¦ 1 οι [5%] ¦ 1 δε και [1%] ¦ 1 δε οι [7%] ¦ 1 και οι [5%] ¦ 1 δε και οι [7%] ¦ one other reading νεώτεροι, ὑποτάγητε πρεσβυτέροις. Πάντες δὲ ἀλλήλοις ὑποτασσόμενοι,*υποτασσομενοι f35 (94%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ υποταγωμεν (1.4%) ¦ — (𝕻72)ℵA,B (4.2%) NU ¦ two other readings τὴν ταπεινοφροσύνην ἐγκομβώσασθε, ὅτι «Ὁο f35 ℵA [99%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU]ECM ¦ — 𝕻72B [1%] Θεὸς ὑπερηφάνοις ἀντιτάσσεται, ταπεινοῖς δὲ δίδωσιν χάριν.» Ταπεινώθητε οὖν ὑπὸ τὴν κραταιὰν χεῖρα τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἵνα ὑμᾶς ὑψώσῃυμας υψωση f35 𝕻72ℵA,B [79%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU ¦ ~ 21 [4%] ¦ 1 υψωσει [14%] ¦ ~ υψωσει 1 [3%] ἐν καιρῷ·§καιρω f35 𝕻72ℵB [85%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU ¦ 1 επισκοπης A [14%] ¦ 1 εν τω μελλοντι αιωνι [1%] πᾶσαν τὴν μέριμναν ὑμῶν ἐπιρρίψαντες*επιρριψαντες f35 [93%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ επιριψαντες ℵA,B [4%] NU ¦ αποριψαντες 𝕻72 ¦ επιρριψατε [3%] ἐπ᾿ αὐτόν, ὅτι αὐτῷ μέλειμελει rell ¦ μελλει [20%] ὑπὲρυπερ f35 [35%] ¦ περι 𝕻72ℵA,B [65%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU (God does the caring for them, in their place.) ὑμῶν.
Guard against the devil
Νήψατε, γρηγορήσατε· ὅτι§οτι f35 𝕻72 [50%] TR ¦ — ℵA,B [50%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU ὁ ἀντίδικος ὑμῶν διάβολος, ὡς λέων ὠρυόμενος, περιέρχεται,*περιερχεται f35 [24%] ¦ περιπατει 𝕻72ℵA,B [76%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU (The lion isn’t ambling aimlessly; he is circling the prey, looking for an opening.) ζητῶν τίνατινα f35 𝕻72ℵA [99%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU]ECM ¦ — B [1%] καταπιεῖν·καταπιειν f35 (ℵ)B [53%] CP,NU ¦ καταπιει [25%] ¦ καταπιη 𝕻72A [22%] RP,HF,OC,TR ᾧ ἀντίστητε, στερεοὶ τῇ πίστει, εἰδότες τὰ αὐτὰ τῶν παθημάτων τῇ ἐν§εν f35 A [99.4%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,ECM ¦ 1 τω 𝕻72(ℵ)B [0.6%] [NU] κόσμῳ ὑμῶν ἀδελφότητι ἐπιτελεῖσθαι.*επιτελεισθαι rell ¦ επιτελεισθε ℵA,B [12%] ¦ επιτελειται 𝕻72
10 Ὁ δὲ Θεὸς πάσης χάριτος, ὁ καλέσας ὑμᾶςυμας f35 𝕻72ℵA,B [92%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU ¦ ημας [8%] TR εἰς τὴν αἰώνιον αὐτοῦ δόξαν ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ,ιησου f35 𝕻72A [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] ¦ — ℵ(B) [3%] ECM ὀλίγον παθόντας, αὐτὸς καταρτίσαι§καταρτισαι f35 [88%] RP,HF,TR,CP ¦ καταρτισει 𝕻72ℵA,B [12%] OC,NU ¦ two other readings ὑμᾶς*υμας f35 [88%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ — 𝕻72ℵA,B [12%] NU—στηρίξαι,στηριξαι f35 [33%] TR,CP ¦ στηριξει 𝕻72ℵA,B [66%] RP,HF,OC,NU ¦ στηριξοι [1%] (Future indicative or aorist optative?) σθενώσαι,σθενωσαι f35 [30%] TR,CP ¦ σθενωσει ℵA,B [66%] RP,HF,OC,NU ¦ σθενωσοι [1%] ¦ — 𝕻72 [3%] ¦ one other variant θεμελιώσαι.§θεμελιωσαι f35 [30%] TR,CP ¦ θεμελιωσει 𝕻72ℵ [66%] RP,HF,OC,NU ¦ θεμελιωσοι [1%] ¦ — A,B [3%] 11 Αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος*η δοξα και το κρατος f35 ℵ (59.6%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ 125 (31.3%) ¦ ~ 45312 (7%) ¦ το (−το 𝕻72) κρατος 𝕻72A,B (0.8%) NU (Three other readings; the evidence for η δοξα is massive.) εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων.των αιωνων f35 ℵA [91%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ — 𝕻72B [9%] NU Ἀμήν.
12 Διὰ Σιλουανοῦ ὑμῖν τοῦ πιστοῦ ἀδελφοῦ, ὡς λογίζομαι, δι᾿ ὀλίγων ἔγραψα, παρακαλῶν καὶ ἐπιμαρτυρῶν ταύτην εἶναι ἀληθῆ χάριν τοῦ Θεοῦ εἰς ἣν ἑστήκατε.εστηκατε f35 [92%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ στητε 𝕻72ℵA,B [8%] NU ¦ two other readings 13 Ἀσπάζεται ὑμᾶς ἡ ἐν Βαβυλῶνι συνεκλεκτή· καὶ Μᾶρκος, ὁ υἱός μου. 14 Ἀσπάσασθε ἀλλήλους ἐν φιλήματι ἀγάπης.
Εἰρήνη ὑμῖν, πᾶσιν τοῖς ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ.§ιησου f35 ℵ [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ — A,B [5%] NU Ἀμήν.*αμην f35 ℵ [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ — A,B [3%] NU (𝕻72 omits the whole last sentence.),The citation of f35 is based on forty-three MSS—18, 35, 141, 149, 201, 204, 328, 386, 394, 432, 604, 664, 757, 824, 928, 986, 1072, 1075, 1100, 1248, 1249, 1503, 1548, 1637, 1725, 1732, 1754, 1761, 1768, 1855, 1864, 1865, 1876, 1892, 1897, 2221, 2352, 2431, 2466, 2554, 2587, 2626 and 2723—all of which I collated myself. 1865, 2554 and 2723 are very pure representatives of f35 in 1 Peter, with not a single variant, as were the exemplars of 35 and 824. For 1865, 2554 and 2723 to have no variants after all the centuries of transmission is surely an eloquent demonstration of the faithfulness and accuracy of that transmission. Since these MSS come from all over the Mediterranean world (Sinai, Jerusalem, Patmos, Constantinople, Bucharest, Aegean, Trikala, Athens, Meteora, Sparta, Ochrida, Mt. Athos [nine different monasteries], Grottaferrata, Vatican, etc.) they are certainly representative of the family, giving us the precise family profile—it is reflected in the Text without exception.
ECM collated 127 continuous text manuscripts (MSS) for 1 Peter, apart from a few fragments, which number represents about 20% of the extant (known) MSS. By a careful comparison of TuT and ECM I believe we can arrive at some reasonably close extrapolations. Thus I venture to predict, if complete collations ever become available, that for any non-Byzantine variants listed with 5 to 1% support (in my apparatus) the margin of error should not exceed ±1%; for non-Byzantine variants listed with 10 to 6% support the margin of error will hardly exceed ±2%; where there is some division among the Byzantine witnesses the margin of error will rarely exceed ±10%. However, I guarantee the witness of Family 35. Please see the last footnote for Matthew for further information.

*5:1 τους f35 [78%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ ουν 1 ℵ [17%] ¦ ουν 𝕻72A,B [4%] NU ¦ — [1%]

5:1 ο f35 𝕻72ℵA,B [89%] RP,HF,OC,TR,NU ¦ ως [11%] CP ¦ two other readings

5:2 επισκοπουντες f35 𝕻72A (99.2%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU]ECM ¦ — ℵB (0.8%)

§5:2 αλλ f35 A [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU ¦ αλλα 𝕻72ℵB [3%] ECM

*5:2 εκουσιως f35 B [86%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ 1 κατα Θεον 𝕻72ℵA [14%] NU

5:3 μηδε f35 𝕻72 [49%] RP,HF,CP ¦ μηδ ℵA [50%] OC,TR,NU (B omits v. 3; two other readings.)

5:3 γινομενοι rell ¦ γενομενοι [20%]

§5:5 ομοιως f35 𝕻72A,B [74%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU ¦ 1 δε ℵ [1%] ¦ 1 οι [5%] ¦ 1 δε και [1%] ¦ 1 δε οι [7%] ¦ 1 και οι [5%] ¦ 1 δε και οι [7%] ¦ one other reading

*5:5 υποτασσομενοι f35 (94%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ υποταγωμεν (1.4%) ¦ — (𝕻72)ℵA,B (4.2%) NU ¦ two other readings

5:5 ο f35 ℵA [99%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU]ECM ¦ — 𝕻72B [1%]

5:6 υμας υψωση f35 𝕻72ℵA,B [79%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU ¦ ~ 21 [4%] ¦ 1 υψωσει [14%] ¦ ~ υψωσει 1 [3%]

§5:6 καιρω f35 𝕻72ℵB [85%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU ¦ 1 επισκοπης A [14%] ¦ 1 εν τω μελλοντι αιωνι [1%]

*5:7 επιρριψαντες f35 [93%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ επιριψαντες ℵA,B [4%] NU ¦ αποριψαντες 𝕻72 ¦ επιρριψατε [3%]

5:7 μελει rell ¦ μελλει [20%]

5:7 υπερ f35 [35%] ¦ περι 𝕻72ℵA,B [65%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU (God does the caring for them, in their place.)

§5:8 οτι f35 𝕻72 [50%] TR ¦ — ℵA,B [50%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU

*5:8 περιερχεται f35 [24%] ¦ περιπατει 𝕻72ℵA,B [76%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,NU (The lion isn’t ambling aimlessly; he is circling the prey, looking for an opening.)

5:8 τινα f35 𝕻72ℵA [99%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU]ECM ¦ — B [1%]

5:8 καταπιειν f35 (ℵ)B [53%] CP,NU ¦ καταπιει [25%] ¦ καταπιη 𝕻72A [22%] RP,HF,OC,TR

§5:9 εν f35 A [99.4%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP,ECM ¦ 1 τω 𝕻72(ℵ)B [0.6%] [NU]

*5:9 επιτελεισθαι rell ¦ επιτελεισθε ℵA,B [12%] ¦ επιτελειται 𝕻72

5:10 υμας f35 𝕻72ℵA,B [92%] RP,HF,OC,CP,NU ¦ ημας [8%] TR

5:10 ιησου f35 𝕻72A [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP[NU] ¦ — ℵ(B) [3%] ECM

§5:10 καταρτισαι f35 [88%] RP,HF,TR,CP ¦ καταρτισει 𝕻72ℵA,B [12%] OC,NU ¦ two other readings

*5:10 υμας f35 [88%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ — 𝕻72ℵA,B [12%] NU

5:10 στηριξαι f35 [33%] TR,CP ¦ στηριξει 𝕻72ℵA,B [66%] RP,HF,OC,NU ¦ στηριξοι [1%] (Future indicative or aorist optative?)

5:10 σθενωσαι f35 [30%] TR,CP ¦ σθενωσει ℵA,B [66%] RP,HF,OC,NU ¦ σθενωσοι [1%] ¦ — 𝕻72 [3%] ¦ one other variant

§5:10 θεμελιωσαι f35 [30%] TR,CP ¦ θεμελιωσει 𝕻72ℵ [66%] RP,HF,OC,NU ¦ θεμελιωσοι [1%] ¦ — A,B [3%]

*5:11 η δοξα και το κρατος f35 ℵ (59.6%) RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ 125 (31.3%) ¦ ~ 45312 (7%) ¦ το (−το 𝕻72) κρατος 𝕻72A,B (0.8%) NU (Three other readings; the evidence for η δοξα is massive.)

5:11 των αιωνων f35 ℵA [91%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ — 𝕻72B [9%] NU

5:12 εστηκατε f35 [92%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ στητε 𝕻72ℵA,B [8%] NU ¦ two other readings

§5:14 ιησου f35 ℵ [95%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ — A,B [5%] NU

*5:14 αμην f35 ℵ [97%] RP,HF,OC,TR,CP ¦ — A,B [3%] NU (𝕻72 omits the whole last sentence.)

5:14 The citation of f35 is based on forty-three MSS—18, 35, 141, 149, 201, 204, 328, 386, 394, 432, 604, 664, 757, 824, 928, 986, 1072, 1075, 1100, 1248, 1249, 1503, 1548, 1637, 1725, 1732, 1754, 1761, 1768, 1855, 1864, 1865, 1876, 1892, 1897, 2221, 2352, 2431, 2466, 2554, 2587, 2626 and 2723—all of which I collated myself. 1865, 2554 and 2723 are very pure representatives of f35 in 1 Peter, with not a single variant, as were the exemplars of 35 and 824. For 1865, 2554 and 2723 to have no variants after all the centuries of transmission is surely an eloquent demonstration of the faithfulness and accuracy of that transmission. Since these MSS come from all over the Mediterranean world (Sinai, Jerusalem, Patmos, Constantinople, Bucharest, Aegean, Trikala, Athens, Meteora, Sparta, Ochrida, Mt. Athos [nine different monasteries], Grottaferrata, Vatican, etc.) they are certainly representative of the family, giving us the precise family profile—it is reflected in the Text without exception. ECM collated 127 continuous text manuscripts (MSS) for 1 Peter, apart from a few fragments, which number represents about 20% of the extant (known) MSS. By a careful comparison of TuT and ECM I believe we can arrive at some reasonably close extrapolations. Thus I venture to predict, if complete collations ever become available, that for any non-Byzantine variants listed with 5 to 1% support (in my apparatus) the margin of error should not exceed ±1%; for non-Byzantine variants listed with 10 to 6% support the margin of error will hardly exceed ±2%; where there is some division among the Byzantine witnesses the margin of error will rarely exceed ±10%. However, I guarantee the witness of Family 35. Please see the last footnote for Matthew for further information.