Samuel Tell Da Peopo Aloha
(Rome 11:2)
Samuel tell da Israel peopo, “You know, I wen lissen you guys, eryting you guys tell me, an I put one king ova you guys. So now, da king, he da one dat goin stay in front you guys fo be yoa leada, not me. Me?! Now I makule awready wit gray hair. An my boys, dey still stay hea wit you guys. From da time I was one young guy till now, I da one wen stay in front you fo be yoa leada. I stan hea right now, in front Da One In Charge an da guy dat Da One In Charge wen pick fo be da king. If anybody get someting fo tell, okay fo dem poin finga me right now. I wen rip off somebody cow, o wat?! O somebody donkey? I wen scam somebody? I wen put presha on somebody? I wen take silva from somebody fo shut my eyes, o wat?! If I wen make lidat to somebody, right now, I goin make um come pono fo dem!”
So dey tell um, “You neva scam us guys o put presha on us guys. You neva take notting from nobody!”
Samuel tell um, “An I neva do notting lidat. Today, Da One In Charge know all dat, an da king he wen pick, he know all dat too. An if bumbye you guys poin finga me, dey goin tell dat dey know you guys wrong!”
Da peopo tell, “Yeah, fo shua! Da One In Charge an da King goin grumble bout us guys!”
12:6: Outa 6:26Den Samuel tell da peopo, “Da One In Charge, az da One dat wen pick Moses an Aaron, an wen bring yoa ancesta guys hea, outa da Egypt land. So, stan up right hea in front God da judge. Cuz I goin ack jalike one lawya guy in front Da One In Charge, fo show proof dat Da One In Charge wen do da right tings fo you guys an yoa ancesta guys we he get you guys outa trouble.
12:8: Outa 2:23“Afta Jacob go Egypt side, yoa ancesta guys wen call Da One In Charge fo help dem. He sen Moses an Aaron, an dey bring da peopo outa Egypt, an let dem live inside dis land.
12:9 a: Local 4:2; b: Local 13:1; c: Local 3:12“But dey wen foget dea God, Da One In Charge! Az why jalike he wen sell dem out to Sisera, da main guy in charge a da Hazor army guys. An jalike he wen sell dem out to da Filisha guys an da Moab king. All dem fight da Israel guys. 10 12:10: Local 10:10-15Yoa ancesta guys wen yell to Da One In Charge, an tell, ‘We wen do bad kine stuff! We wen bag from you, Da One In Charge, an work fo da Baal gods an da Ashtoret gods! But now, Da One In Charge, get us outa trouble from da guys dat hate us! Den we goin work ony fo you!’ 11 12:11 a: Local 7:1; b: Local 4:6; c: Local 11:29; d: 1Sam 3:20Den Da One In Charge sen Jerub-Baal, Barak, an Jeftah. He sen me too, Samuel. An he get you guys outa trouble from da peopo all aroun you guys dat hate you. Az why now, you stay alive an nobody goin touch you.
12 12:12: 1Sam 8:19“But wen you guys see dat Nahash, da king fo da Ammon peopo, come agains you guys, you tell me, ‘No way we goin wait fo Da One In Charge do someting! We like one king fo be oua leada,’ no matta you guys get yoa God, Da One In Charge, fo yoa king. 13 So, look! Dis da king you guys wen pick, da one you guys aks fo. Look! Da One In Charge wen awready put one king ova you guys. 14 If you guys stay sked a Da One In Charge an work fo him, an lissen wat he tell you, an no go agains wat he tell you guys fo do, den not jus you guys, but da king dat stay ova you guys too, goin stay tight wit yoa God, Da One In Charge! 15 But, if you guys no lissen wat Da One In Charge tell, an go agains wat he tell you guys fo do, he goin go agains you guys, jalike he wen go agains yoa ancesta guys.
16 “Now, stan dea an watch da big ting Da One In Charge goin do in front you guys! 17 You guys know dat da time fo harves da wheat stay now, an no mo rain dis time. But today, I goin aks Da One In Charge fo sen thunda an rain. I like you guys see dat, an know az real bad wen you guys aks fo one king, cuz az da way Da One In Charge see um too!”
18 Den Samuel pray to Da One In Charge, an dat same day Da One In Charge sen thunda an rain. So den, all da peopo come plenny sked a Da One In Charge an Samuel.
19 All da peopo tell Samuel, “Pray to yoa God, Da One In Charge, fo us guys, cuz you da boss fo us guys. Pray fo us no mahke. Cuz now, we wen do even mo bad kine stuff den befo time cuz we wen aks fo one king.”
20 Samuel tell um, “No sked! Fo shua, you guys wen do all dis bad kine stuff. But no bag from Da One In Charge cuz a dat. Go all out fo work fo him! 21 Mo betta hang in dea wit Da One In Charge. No go wit da idol kine gods cuz dey no mo notting inside! Dey no can do notting good fo you guys. Dey no can get you guys outa trouble cuz dey notting. 22 Da One In Charge no goin leave you guys! Cuz he awready make up his mind fo make you guys come his peopo. An he no goin jam up his good rep. 23 An me, if I wen no pray fo you guys, fo shua az one bad kine ting I wen do agains Da One In Charge. Az why fo shua I goin stay pray fo you guys! An I goin teach you guys da way dat stay good an right. 24 But make shua you guys stay sked a Da One In Charge an show um plenny respeck, an go all out fo work fo him fo real kine. Tink bout all da big kine tings he wen do fo you guys. 25 But if you guys still do bad kine stuff, he goin take away you guys an yoa king.”

12:6 12:6: Outa 6:26

12:8 12:8: Outa 2:23

12:9 12:9 a: Local 4:2; b: Local 13:1; c: Local 3:12

12:10 12:10: Local 10:10-15

12:11 12:11 a: Local 7:1; b: Local 4:6; c: Local 11:29; d: 1Sam 3:20

12:12 12:12: 1Sam 8:19