Saul Make War Wit Da Amalek Peopo
15:1: 1Sam 10:1Samuel tell Saul, “I da guy dat Da One In Charge wen sen fo put oil on top yoa head fo make you da king fo his peopo, da Israel peopo. So den, you gotta lissen eryting Da One In Charge tell. 15:2: Outa 17:8-14; Rules2 25:17-19Dis, da message from Da One In Charge, da Boss Ova All Da Armies: ‘I goin go afta da Amalek peopo an punish dem, cuz a wat dey wen do to da Israel peopo, da time da Israel peopo wen come outa Egypt. Da Amalek peopo fight fo da road an make da Israel peopo go aroun dem. Now go! Go afta da Amalek peopo, an wipe um out an eryting dey get, make um all one sacrifice fo me. No let um go! Kill da guys, da wahines, da kids, da bebes, da cows, da sheeps an goats, da camels, an da donkeys!’ ”
So Saul tell all his army guys come, an bring dem togedda Talaim side. Get two hundred tousan infantry guys an ten tousan guys from Judah. Saul guys go da main town Amalek side, an dey hide inside one gulch. Den Saul sen message to da Ken peopo, “Go way from da Amalek peopo fo me no wipe out you guys wit dem. Cuz you guys wen help all da Israel peopo wen dey stay come outa Egypt.” So da Ken peopo go way from da Amalek peopo.
Den Saul guys wack da Amalek peopo all da way from Havilah to Shur, by da east side a Egypt. He catch Agag da Amalek king but he no kill um. He wipe out all da Agag peopo wit swords, jalike dey was one sacrifice fo God. But Saul an his army guys let Agag stay alive. An he let his guys keep eryting dat stay good: all da bestes kine sheeps an cows, da cows dey feed spesho kine, an da bebe sheeps. Dey neva like kill all dose animals jalike dey one sacrifice fo Da One In Charge. Dey kill ony da animals dey no like an figga az worth notting. An dey tell, “We stay do dis cuz God tell us fo do um.”
Da One In Charge No Like Saul Be Da King No Moa
10 Den Da One In Charge give Samuel dis message, 11 “I stay sorry dat I wen make Saul come da king, cuz he make deaf ear an he no stay tight wit me no moa, an he no do no mo all da stuff I wen tell him fo do.” Wat Da One In Charge tell, bodda Samuel so plenny dat he pray all nite to Da One In Charge fo help.
12 Da nex morning early, Samuel get up fo go meet Saul. But da peopo tell, “Saul go Carmel town awready. An you know wat? Ova dea Saul awready wen put up one pile rocks fo erybody no foget dat he da one wen wipe out da Amalek peopo. Den he go da odda way, Gilgal side.”
13 Samuel go from dea, an wen he catch up Saul, Saul tell, “I like Da One In Charge do good kine stuff fo you! I wen do eryting Da One In Charge wen tell me fo do, aah?!”
14 But Samuel tell, “Den how come I hear all dem sheeps an cows stay making noise?!” 15 Saul tell, “Da army guys wen bring um from da Amalek peopo. Dey let da bestes kine sheeps an cows stay alive, fo make sacrifice fo yoa God, Da One In Charge. But we wipe out all da oddas cuz dass wat we suppose to do fo Da One In Charge.”
16 So Samuel tell, “Stop! No talk no moa! Cuz I goin tell you wat Da One In Charge wen tell me las nite.”
Saul tell, “Shoots, brah! Wat he tell?”
17 Samuel tell, “Had one time, you neva tink you was importan, aah? Den you come da main guy ova all da twelve Israel ohanas, cuz Da One In Charge wen pick you fo come da King Fo Da Israel Peopo. 18 An he give you one job fo do. He tell, ‘Go wipe out all dose Amalek peopo fo me. Cuz dey stay do real bad kine stuff, az why. Make war agains dem till you wipe um all out.’ 19 How come you no lissen wat Da One In Charge tell?! How come you jump all ova da Amalek peopo stuffs fo rip um off?! Da way Da One In Charge see um, az bad, da ting you wen do!”
20 Saul tell, “Not! I wen lissen Da One In Charge! I do how he tell me fo do. I wipe out all da Amalek peopo jalike I suppose to do fo Da One In Charge. An I catch Agag dea king an make him one prisona. 21 Da army guys wen take da sheeps an da cows from all da stuffs. Dey bring da bestes ones. No can use um fo no odda ting cuz gotta total um. Dey ony fo make sacrifice fo yoa God, Da One In Charge, ova hea by Gilgal side.”
22 But Samuel tell:
“You tink dat Da One In Charge feel mo good inside
Wen you make all da diffren kine sacrifice,
O wen you lissen him?!
Wen you lissen, dass mo betta
Den wen you make one sacrifice!
Mo betta wen you find out wat God like,
Den, kill da sheep!
23 Cuz anybody dat go agains Da One In Charge, az bad,
Jalike if dey aks da fortune tella guys wat goin happen,
An anybody dat no do how dea boss tell um fo do, az wrong awready,
Jalike if dey go down in front da idol kine gods.
You! Cuz you tell ‘Laytas’ to wat Da One In Charge tell you fo do,
Az why he tell ‘Laytas’ to you! You no goin stay king no moa!”
24 Den Saul tell Samuel, “I wen do one bad ting, aah?! I go agains wat Da One In Charge tell me, an wat you tell me. Cuz I sked da army guys, so I do wat dey tell me fo do. 25 Now, try let me go! I wen do one bad ting. Go come back wit me fo me show love an respeck fo Da One In Charge.”
26 But Samuel tell him, “Eh! I not goin go back wit you. You no lissen wat Da One In Charge tell you fo do. Az why Da One In Charge tell ‘Laytas’ to you. You no goin stay da king fo da Israel peopo no moa.”
27 15:27: 1Sam 28:17; 1Kings 11:30-31Samuel turn aroun fo go. Saul grab his robe, an one piece a da robe broke off. 28 Samuel tell him, “You see?! Da One In Charge stay broke off da Israel peopo from you today, so you not dea king no moa. He goin give dem to anodda king dass jalike you, but dis guy mo betta den you. 29 An da God fo da Israel peopo, dat stay awesome foeva, he no bulai nobody. He not one guy jalike us dat tell he goin do someting, an den he no do um.”
30 Saul tell, “I wen do one bad ting. But now, try show respeck fo me an no make me come shame in front da older leada guys, an in front da odda Israel peopo. Go come back wit me fo me show love an respeck fo Da One In Charge, yoa God.” 31 So Samuel go back wit Saul, an Saul show love an respeck fo Da One In Charge.
32 Den Samuel tell, “Bring me Agag, da king fo da Amalek peopo.”
Da army guys bring Agag in front Samuel. Agag stay good inside, cuz he figga, “Fo shua dey no goin kill me now.”
33 But Samuel tell,
“Jalike you wen use yoa sword so dat da wahines no mo dea kids,
Now, yoa muddah goin come one a da wahines dat no mo kids.”
So Samuel wack Agag wit his sword an chop um up, right dea in front Da One In Charge, Gilgal side.
34 Den Samuel go his place Ramah side. But Saul go his place inside Gibeah. 35 Till wen Samuel mahke, he no go see Saul no moa. But Samuel stay sad inside cuz a Saul. An Da One In Charge stay sorry dat he wen make Saul da king fo da Israel peopo.

15:1 15:1: 1Sam 10:1

15:2 15:2: Outa 17:8-14; Rules2 25:17-19

15:27 15:27: 1Sam 28:17; 1Kings 11:30-31