Da Teachas Dat Bulai
Befo time had some Israel peopo dat bulai. Dey wen tell dey talk fo God, but az was ony bulai. Same ting goin happen wit you guys. Goin get peopo dat tell dey teach fo God, but dey bulai! Dey goin be sneaky buggahs an dey no goin tell nobody wat dey stay do fo real. Dass how dey goin bring dea kine teaching. An if you guys lissen dem, you goin come wipe out fo shua! Dey even goin tell dat dey no need lissen to God, dea owna! Neva mind he wen pay one high price fo dem. Cuz da way dey ack, dey goin come wipe out real fas! Still yet, goin get plenny peopo dat goin follow dem an make any kine, an dey no shame. Da way dem guys ack, dey goin make peopo talk bad bout da true stuff us guys teach. Dey greedy guys, da teachas dat bulai. Dey goin tell you guys any kine make up stories fo dem make choke plenny money from you guys. But you know, God da Judge. He no sleep!
From long time, he stay ready fo punish dem an wipe um out fo shua. But he still stay waiting fo do dat.
God Wen Punish
Odda Peopo Jalike Dem Guys Awready
You know, befo time had angel messenja guys dat wen do bad kine stuff, an God da Judge neva let um go. He wen throw dem down inside Hell, an tie um up wit chains fo make dem stay inside da Deep Dark Hole. Bumbye dey gotta stan in front God.
2:5: Start 6:1–7:24Same ting fo da whole world long time befo time. Dat time, da peopo was acking jalike dey tink God, he notting. Same time, had da guy Noah dat was telling da peopo fo do da right ting. But dey neva lissen. Dass why God wen make um rain hard on top dem, an da flood wen wipe um out. But God wen take kea Noah, plus seven odda peopo from Noah ohana.
2:6: Start 19:24Anodda time had da peopo from Sodom town an Gomorrah town. God wen punish dem cuz dey was real bad. He wen burn up eryting all aroun dea, so ony had ashes an da peopo wen mahke. All dis wen happen fo show someting to da odda peopo dat come afta an make jalike God notting. God show um dat da same ting goin happen to dem if dey make lidat. 2:7: Start 19:1-16Same time, had one guy name Lot ova dea dat wen like do da right ting. Wen bodda him plenny how da odda guys wen go buckaloose da way dey neva lissen da Rules From God. Cuz a dat God wen get Lot outa dea. Lot like do da right ting, but he wen live right dea by da peopo from Sodom town. Az why ery day he hear an see dem broke da Rules From God. All dat wen make him suffa plenny inside.
All dis stuff show dat Da One In Charge know how fo get peopo outa trouble wen dey lissen him. Same time, he know how fo make da peopo suffa dat no like do wass right, till dey gotta stan in front God da Judge. 10 An da peopo dat ony like do all da pilau kine tings dea body like do, God know how fo make dem suffa even moa. Dey like talk bad bout erybody dat get da right fo tell um wat dey gotta do.
Da Teacha Guys Dat Bulai
Do Bad Kine Stuff
Da teacha guys dat bulai, dey get big head an no shame how dey ack. Dey no mo respeck, an dey no sked fo talk bad bout God an his awesome kine peopo inside da sky. 11 Da angel guys, dey mo strong den da teacha guys dat bulai! No matta da angel guys get mo plenny powa, dey no talk bad bout da awesome guys in front Da One In Charge, an dey no poin finga. 12 But dose teacha guys, dey like talk bad bout da kine stuff dey no undastan. Dey jalike da animals dat no can tink. Dey ony good fo somebody grab um an wipe um out. Dey goin come wipe out fo shua. 13 Dey make peopo suffa plenny, an God goin make dem suffa too, cuz dey neva do da right ting! Dey tink az good fun fo party up. Dey even do any kine stuff dey like do day time wen erybody can see um! Wen dey eat wit you guys, dey ony stay dea fo party up an do all kine shame stuff. 14 Dey ony like check out da wahines fo try make um fool aroun behind dea husban back. Dey buckaloose fo do bad kine stuff. Dey stay look fo peopo dat ony trus God litto bit fo dem try make um do bad kine stuff. Dey ony good fo make peopo come mo an mo greedy. God goin punish dem fo shua!
Da Time God Make One Donkey Talk
(Census 22:21-35)
15-16 2:15-16: Census 22:4-35Befo time, dem guys go da right way, but den dey wen bag an go da wrong way. Dey wen ack jalike Beor boy Balaam wen ack long time ago. He was one guy dat talk fo God, but he ony like make money real bad, an he do tings dat no was right. Dat time, Balaam stay ride on top one donkey. Da donkey, he no can talk. But God make da donkey talk jalike one guy! Da donkey scold Balaam fo da bad kine stuff he was doing, an try fo make him no do da pupule kine stuff he like do.
God Goin Punish
Da Teacha Guys Dat Bulai
(Smart Guys 26:11)
17 Dose teacha guys dat bulai, dey jalike one puka wea da watta suppose to come out, but no mo watta. Dey jalike da low clouds dat da real strong wind blow away an no mo rain. God wen make one real dark place fo put dem guys. 18 Dese guys talk big, but dey no tell notting. Dey talk lidat cuz dey like bulai peopo fo make um do any kine wild sex dea body like. An dey go afta peopo dat start fo go back da right way, cuz dey like run away from da ones dat live da wrong way. 19 Dose buggahs, dey promise peopo, “If you lissen us guys, go do any kine how you like!” But da teacha guys dat talk lidat, dey jalike slaves, cuz dey no can run away from da pilau kine stuff dey stay do. Wateva make you do bad kine stuff, dass jalike you come one slave fo do dat, you know. 20 Fo get outa da pilau kine stuff hea inside dis world, gotta know Da One In Charge a us guys, Jesus Christ. But if peopo know Christ, an den change dea mind, an get all hook up wit da pilau stuff jalike befo time, dat stuff goin take ova dem. Dey mo worse den befo time. 21 No good if you know da right way fo live, an den you change yoa mind an no do da good an spesho tings God wen tell you fo do. Mo betta fo you, if you neva know da right way da firs time. 22 2:22: Smart 26:11But dose teacha guys dat bulai, az true wat da Bible tell inside da Smart Guys book: “Da dog bahf, an den he go back by um.” An same ting, “Da pig, you clean um up, an den real quick he go back lie down inside da mud.”

2:5 2:5: Start 6:17:24

2:6 2:6: Start 19:24

2:7 2:7: Start 19:1-16

2:15-16 2:15-16: Census 22:4-35

2:22 2:22: Smart 26:11