Da Leada Guys No Take Kea Dea Peopo
Anodda time get dis message from Da One In Charge fo me: “Eh! Fo Real Kine Guy! Go talk fo me agains da sheep guys inside Israel. Talk fo me, an tell um dis: ‘Dis wat Da One In Charge, da Boss, tell: Ahanas you Israel sheep guys! Bad tings goin happen to you! Az cuz you guys feed ony you! Eh you sheep guys! You suppose to feed da sheeps an da goats! You guys eat da sof cheese, you guys put on da wool kine clotheses, an you guys kill da bestes kine animals fo eat. But you guys no take kea da sheeps an goats! You guys no make da weak animals strong, o make da sick animals come good, o wrap up da animals dat get hurt. You guys no bring back da animals dat no stay wit da oddas, o look fo da animals dat stay lost. You guys make dem do how you like, an you ack mean to dem. 34:5: Census 27:17; 1Kings 22:17; Matt 9:36; Mark 6:34So dey scatta all ova da place cuz no mo sheep guys. Den da wild kine animals eat dem up. My sheeps go all ova da mountains, an on top all da high hills, but dey donno wea dey stay going. Dey stay scatta all ova da world, an no mo nobody find out wassup wit dem o look fo dem.’
“So den, you sheep guys, lissen wat me, Da One In Charge, da Boss, tell! Dis da message from me Da One In Charge, da Boss: Fo shua I stay alive! An fo shua I tell dis too—cuz my sheeps no mo one sheep guy! Az why odda guys rip um off from me, an da wild animals eat um up! Az wat happen cuz my sheep guys neva try fo find out how da sheeps stay. Dey feed ony dem, an no feed da sheeps! Az why you sheep guys, lissen up wat me Da One In Charge tell: 10 Me, Da One In Charge, da Boss, I tell dis: I stay agains da sheep guys. I goin find out how my sheeps stay, an take away da right fo da sheep guys work wit dem. Den da sheep guys no goin feed ony dem sheep meat no moa. I goin rescue my sheeps from dem, an I no goin let dose guys eat da sheeps no moa.
11 “ ‘Cuz a dis, dis wat me Da One In Charge, da Boss, tell: I da One goin look fo my sheeps, find um an take kea dem. 12 Jalike one sheep guy figga how fo take kea his sheeps dat wen scatta, an now he stay wit um, az how I goin take kea my sheeps. I goin get um outa all da place wea dey wen scatta on one day wen get plenny clouds an stay dark. 13 I goin bring dem out from da diffren peopos an bring um togedda from da diffren lands. Den I goin bring um back inside dea land. I goin take kea dem on top da Israel mountains, nea da rivas, an all da place inside da land wea peopo live. 14 I goin take kea dem inside da good grass land. Da high Israel mountains, az wea dey goin eat. Az da good land dat get plenny grass wea dey goin lay down inside, an dass da place wea dey goin eat plenny, on top da Israel mountains. 15 I da One goin take kea my sheeps, an I da One goin let dem lay down fo res. Az wat me Da One In Charge, da Boss, tell. 16 I goin look fo da lost sheeps, an bring back da sheeps dat get push off da trail. I goin bandage da sheeps dat get hurt, an make da weak ones come strong. But da real momona sheeps an da supa strong ones, I goin wipe dem out. I goin be one pono kine sheep guy an take kea my sheeps da right way.
17 “ ‘But you guys, my sheeps, dis wat me Da One In Charge, da Boss, tell: Dis wat I goin do: I goin be da judge fo one sheep agains anodda sheep fo see who do da right ting. Fo da boy kine sheeps an da boy kine goats, I goin do da same ting. 18 No enuff fo you guys eat da good grass, o wat?! How come you guys gotta walk all ova da res a da grass wit yoa feets? No enuff fo you guys drink da watta dat no mo mud inside, o wat?! How come you guys gotta muddy all da odda watta wit yoa feets? 19 You guys tink my sheeps an goats gotta eat wat you walk all ova, an drink da watta you wen make muddy, o wat?!
20 “ ‘Az why dis wat me Da One In Charge, da Boss, tell da leada guys: Dis wat I goin do! Cuz you leada guys make jalike da momona sheeps, I da One goin judge da momona sheeps an da skinny sheeps fo see wat ones do wass right! 21 You momona sheep leadas push da weak sheeps hard wit yoa side an shoulda, an push um wit yoa horns, till you scatta dem far away. 22 Cuz a dat, I goin get my sheeps outa dea, so dat no mo nobody goin rip dem off no moa. I goin be da judge fo tell wen one sheep do wass right an anodda sheep do wass wrong. 23 34:23: JShow 7:17I goin give one guy da kuleana fo be ova dem an take kea dem. Az goin be David, da guy dat work fo me. He goin come jalike da sheep guy ova dem. 24 34:24: Ezek 37:24Me, Da One In Charge goin be da God fo dem, an my worka guy David goin be da prince fo dem an live wit dem. Az wat me Da One In Charge tell.
25 “ ‘I goin make one deal fo my peopo fo make shua eryting stay okay fo dem. An I goin wipe out all da wild animals from da land fo da peopo live inside da boonies an sleep in da fores, an notting goin hurt dem. 26 I goin do good tings fo my peopo, an fo all da place aroun da hill dat stay spesho fo me. I goin bring rain an dis goin be good fo da peopo. 27 Da trees in da land goin get choke plenny fruits an da groun goin grow plenny stuff. My peopo goin live on top dea land an no mo notting goin hurt dem. An dass how goin come wen I broke da heavy yoke on top dem, so dey no goin be slaves no moa. Den dey goin know az me Da One In Charge do all dis! 28 Da odda nations no goin rip off my peopo no moa. Da wild animals no goin eat um up no moa. Notting goin hurt dem, an no mo nobody goin make dem come sked. 29 I goin give dem one place fo farm dat get good rep cuz plenny food grow dea. Dey no goin suffa one mo time inside dat land cuz no mo food. Da odda nations no goin talk bad to dem no moa. 30 Cuz a dis, dey goin know dat dis me, dea God, Da One In Charge, stay wit dem. Dey goin know dis too: dat dey da Israel ohana peopo, an dey my peopo. Az wat me Da One In Charge, da Boss, tell. 31 You guys my sheeps, da sheeps inside my grass land. You my peopo, an I yoa God, Da One In Charge. Az wat me Da One In Charge, da Boss, tell.’ ”

34:5 34:5: Census 27:17; 1Kings 22:17; Matt 9:36; Mark 6:34

34:23 34:23: JShow 7:17

34:24 34:24: Ezek 37:24