Kapai kan en Christ
En Paul Kapkap
Jang Mehdi oang Mour
Oaupene ipen Christ
En Paul Doadoahk oang mihn Likin kan
En Christ Limpoak
Minmin in Palwar
Mour kapw nehn Christ
Mour nehn Marammo
Li Pwoapwoaud apel Woal Pwoapwoaud Kan
Jerihkan, Nohno apel Pahpa kan
Liduhkan apel koaun kan
En Koahs Dipwjoaun Mahwin
Koarjoahklahn Rahnmwahu
This is a DRAFT translation. Please email comments and suggestions for improvement to peter_knapp at sil dot org, giving the translation, book, chapter, verse, current reading, and suggested reading.
© 2019 Mokilese Bible Translation Committee