Philemon ila semal Kristiano le yor igegal, le medalbo iy semal chol eklesia we woal Colossae. Iwe ngo ye mel semal slave lol le Onesimus idal. Onesimus ye ddartang masta la yal, iwe yesa loh resala werfengal mo Paulus irel yodwe sa mel Paulus lal kalbus. Iwe ngo yagel Paulus mele yela yoh le Onesimus yela weg ngal Kristiano iyang. Babior we yael Paulus ngal Philemon ila ye hafalpechey Philemon bo yebe hafle fengali llepder mo iy slave le lol le Paulus ye bele fang tefael loh irel, iwe ngo yebe hammale le te mil chog mala iy Philemon yesa ffaho depal ngali slave le lol, bo wol mil mala yesa mel iy Onesimus bo semal Kristiano le bisil.
Palpal Meka Yadol Babior Le
Hamadefal 1–3
Yal hapingpinga Philemon 4–7
Yal hafalpechey Philemon bo yagel Onesimus 8–22
Haygul loh 23–25
Babior We Yael Paulus Ngal
Babior le ila ye budoh mo irel Paulus, we ye kalbus le fael Jesus Kristus, ngo ye wol budoh mo irel Timothy we bisich —
Ngalug gel Philemon le maryarmem mo chol yamem yengang, iwe mo Kristiano kala rema ttey fengal mo lal imw la imwom, mo Apphia we mengemem, iwe mo Archippus we yesa igegeli semal saldaw irel yal yengang ngalir Kristiano.Col 4:17
Deus le Temach mo Samol Jesus Kristus yebe fang ngalugmi haradiya mo hopos.
Hachangcheng Mo Ffaho La Yael Philemon
Philemon bisiy, pangal yai ma mapel ngo ima mapelah ngo ikangalu yai Deus yal hachigchig. Bo isa gola kkelel hachangcheng la yam ngalir panger mekla lol Deus mo tugulul ladep la yam irel Samol Jesus. Imemapel bo hare irel yach sew chog irel yach luglug ngo yebe palleng yach medaf tot irel pangal meka ye momay le yesa yoh ngalgich mo irel Deus mo irel yach sew chog mo Kristus. Hachangcheng la yam gel bisiy, mele yesa palleng yal harraeyi ngo ye hakkelaloh lal depey! Ngo ho harraeyi lal depel mekla lol Deus.
Haffalpech We Yael Paulus Bo Yagel Onesimus
Iwe ngo irel hachangcheng la yam irel meka lol Deus mele ibe hakkela ngalug, le ngang chilam irel Kristus bo iye mele hobe foru. Ngo fael mala ihachangug mele ikekafalpecheh iyang, le ila mwo ngang Paulus le imel bo metal Kristus ngo iwol kalbus le fael Kristus. 10 Ikekafalpecheh bo hobe tipingi Onesimus le yesa wochog bo ispegil layi igla irel Kristus. Ngo yodle imel lal kalbus ngo isa mel bo temal.Col 4:9 11 Fael sew yad ngo tor mele iy ye hammal ngalug iwe ngo igla ila ye bele palleng pelal ngalgich si rorumal.
12 Ibele fang tefaeliwey irem ngo yai luluwal yebe dabey. 13 Yodle imel lal kalbus iyang le fael Ebangelium we, ngo idipli bo iy yebe mel irey bo yebe tipingiyey, le yebe igegel mala gel hobe foru hare ho mel irey. 14 Iwe ngo te depey le ibe kangalug bo hobe tipingiyey bo idipli bo ho bela foru le be ila wey mo lal depom ngo hosa foru. Ila tor mele ibe foru le hare be tafel mo irem.
15 Malbo Onesimus yete ssulay yal tamel tangugloh bo hare ye bela tefael ngo bele mel ngalug le tor siyal. 16 Iwe ngo igla ila tay iy chog semal slave bo yesa palleng tot pelal mo imol semal slave: bo yesa mel le semal bisim Kristiano. Iy ila yesa palleng pelal ngaliyey. Ila ngo be ifa lepal yal palleng tot pelal iy ngalug irel yal mel bo lom slave ngo ye wol mel bo bisim Kristiano!
17 Ila hare ho luluwaley le ngang chilam irel Kristus ila ngo yebe kkel yam rraey irel yodla yebe tefaelwey irem le yebe wochog bo ngang mele iy buyoy irem. 18 Te tugul mele ye foru ngalug le ye tafel hare mele ye hasi tangug ngo hosa kangaluyey lepal bo ngang ibe hatefal ngalug. 19 Iye isa spegil tefadiy ngal payi: Ngang Paulus mele ibe fang paliyel pangal mekla. (Te depey le ibe hamangi ngalug le ngang mele itupungug bo yebe yoh ngalug molow la yam irel Kristus.) 20 Ila irel yach mel bo gich Kristiano ngo ngang idodongor ngalug bo be iye sengal yam tipingiyey irel yai yengang ngal Samol bo yebe cchehas lal depey.
21 Ihatugulu mo lal depey le ibe fangwey babior le irem ngo gel hobe foru mele idodongor ngalug, ngo igula le yebe yoh le hobe foru tot formel le yebe palleng tot tangi dongor le yai ngalug. 22 Ngo iwol dipli le gel hobe hafle sew singil bo liliyey bo ngang iluglug le Deus yebe hatefaeli tefaelel mapel kowe yami pangmi irel dongor kowe yami bo yebe yoh le ibe tefaelwey iremi.
Hartael Habong
23 Epaphras we ye mel irey lal kalbus le fael Kristus Jesus, ye fangwey yal habong,Col 1:7; 4:12 24 ngo wol ila sengal Mark mo Aristarchus mo Demas mo Luke we ir chilay irel yengang.Ac 12:12, 25; 13:13; 15:37–39; Col 4:10; Ac 19:29; 27:2; Col 4:10; Col 4:14; 2 Ti 4:10; Col 4:14; 2 Ti 4:11
25 Haradiya la yael Samol Jesus Kristus yebe mel iremi pangmiloh.

1:2 Col 4:17

1:10 Col 4:9

1:23 Col 1:7; 4:12

1:24 Ac 12:12, 25; 13:13; 15:37–39; Col 4:10; Ac 19:29; 27:2; Col 4:10; Col 4:14; 2 Ti 4:10; Col 4:14; 2 Ti 4:11