Da Locust Army
Blow da sheep horn trumpet
On top Mount Zion!
Yell to da peopo on top da hill dat stay spesho fo me,
An tell um watch out!
Good, dat erybody dat live inside da land goin shake cuz dey sked.
Cuz da time stay nea fo Da One In Charge come!
Goin be one dark an sad time.
Goin get plenny black clouds.
One big an strong army goin come,
Jalike wen da light spread out morning time ova da mountains.
No mo nobody eva see dat kine befo time,
An not goin happen one mo time,
Fo all da years an generations.
In front dem, da fire burn up eryting.
Behind dem, da fire burn too.
In front dem, da land stay jalike da place God wen plant, Eden side.
Behind dem, da land stay wasted jalike da boonies.
No mo notting get away from dem.
2:4: JShow 9:7-9Da locust kine grasshoppas look jalike horses.
Dey run jalike da horses fo one army.
Dey make noise jalike war wagons
Wen dey jump ova da top a da mountains.
Dey make noise jalike wen get fire stay burn da dry grass.
Dey jalike one strong army line up ready fo fight.
Wen da nations spock um, dey come real sked.
Dea peopo no can handle!
Da locus, dey run jalike strong guys dat fight.
Dey climb ova da walls jalike army guys.
Wen dey march dey make one line.
Dey no go one side o da odda side.
Dey no push each odda.
All a dem march strait in front.
Dey broke thru da walls.
No mo notting can make um stop.
Dey run fas inside da big town.
Dey run on top da wall.
Dey climb inside da houses.
Dey go inside da windows jalike da steala guys.
10 2:10: JShow 8:12Da earth shake in front um.
Da sky shake too.
Da sun an da moon come dark.
Da stars no shine no moa.
11 2:11: JShow 6:17Da One In Charge make noise jalike da thunda.
He lead his army guys,
Mo plenny den can count um.
Dey strong, an dey do wat he tell um fo do.
Da time wen Da One In Charge come fo take ova,
Erybody goin stay sked an suffa.
No mo nobody can hang in dea.
Come Sorry An Stay Sore Inside
12 Da One In Charge tell, “No matta I stay come awready,
Go all out fo come back to me!
No eat so you can pray.
Cry, an stay sad inside.”
13 Change how you feel inside,
An no jus rip yoa clotheses
Fo show you stay sad inside!
Go come back to yoa God, Da One In Charge,
Cuz he like do good kine tings fo you guys.
He get love an pity fo you guys.
He no come huhu real quick.
He like stay tight wit you guys.
He stay sad inside wen he gotta punish somebody.
14 Maybe he goin turn aroun an show pity.
Maybe he goin do good kine stuff fo you guys—
Fo you guys make wheat an barley sacrifices an drink sacrifices
Fo yoa God, Da One In Charge.
15 Blow da sheep horn trumpet on top Mount Zion!
Tell da peopo fo no eat so dey can pray to Da One In Charge!
Tell dem come togedda fo Da One In Charge.
16 Bring da peopo togedda.
Make dem spesho fo Da One In Charge.
Bring da makule guys togedda.
Bring da kids togedda,
Even da bebes, da ones dat dea muddahs breas feed dem.
Da groom goin come outa his room,
An da bride goin come outa her room.
17 Let da pries guys dat work in front Da One In Charge
Cry wen dey go from da temple lanai to da altar.
Let dem tell, “Da One In Charge, try show pity fo yoa peopo.
No let da odda peopos talk bad bout yoa property!
No good da odda peopos tell each odda,
‘Wea dea God stay?’ ”
Da One In Charge Talk To Dem
18 Den Da One In Charge goin go all out fo his land,
An show pity fo his peopo.
19 Da One In Charge goin ansa his peopo lidis:
“Lissen up! I goin sen wheat an barley, new wine, an olive oil fo you guys,
Enuff fo you guys come full.
I no goin let da odda peopos talk bad bout you guys no moa.
20 “Da army guys dat like come agains you guys from da north side,
I goin push dem far away from you guys.
I goin make dem go inside one dry land wea eryting stay all bus up.
Da ones in front goin go inside da Big Salt Lake,
An da ones in da back goin go inside da Mediterranean Sea.
Dey goin mahke an come haunas.”
Fo shua, Da One In Charge do awesome tings!
21 You peopo inside da land, no sked!
Dance an sing an stay good inside!
Da One In Charge do awesome tings!
22 Da wild animals no need come sked,
Cuz da fields inside da boonies stay come green.
Da trees stay make dea fruit,
Da fig tree an da grape plant give plenny good kine fruits.
23 You peopo on top Mount Zion, stay real good inside,
Cuz yoa God, Da One In Charge, give you plenny rain.
He give rain befo da cold time come.
Cuz he do da right kine tings.
He sen plenny rain befo da cold time
An afta da cold time, jalike befo time.
24 Da open places wea dey split da wheat an barley from da junk kine stuff
Goin get plenny wheat an barley.
Da places wea dey store da wine an oil
Goin get plenny new wine an olive oil.
25 I goin pay you guys fo all da years
Wen da locust kine grasshoppa wen eat up eryting.
Da young grasshoppas, da worm grasshoppas,
An da caterpilla grasshoppas,
I wen sen um jalike one big army agains you guys.
26 Now you guys goin get plenny food fo eat.
You guys goin come full.
You guys goin talk good bout yoa God, Da One In Charge.
He wen do plenny good kine stuff fo you guys.
You guys my peopo, an you no goin lose face one mo time.
27 Den you Israel peopo goin know dat I stay wit you guys.
I yoa God, Da One In Charge.
No mo anodda god.
You guys my peopo, an you no goin come shame one mo time.
Da Time Da One In Charge
Goin Come Take Ova
(Jesus Guys 2:17-21)
28 An afta dat, I goin make my Spirit take charge all da peopo.
Yoa boys an girls goin talk fo me.
Yoa ol guys goin dream plenny dream.
Yoa young guys goin see spesho tings jalike dreams.
29 Yeah, dat time I goin make my Spirit
Take charge da peopo dat work fo me, guys an wahines.
30 I goin show awesome kine stuff up in da sky,
An down hea on top da earth.
Goin get blood an fire an big kine smoke clouds.
31 2:31: Matt 24:29; Mark 13:24-25; Luke 21:25; JShow 6:12-13Da sun goin come dark,
An da moon goin come red jalike blood.
Dat goin happen befo da big an skery time
Wen Da One In Charge come fo take ova.
32 2:32: JGuys 2:17-212:32: Rome 10:13An den, erybody dat call to Da One In Charge fo help um
Cuz dey know wat kine god him,
He goin get dem outa trouble.
Cuz Da One In Charge wen tell dis awready:
“On top Mount Zion an inside Jerusalem,
Goin get some peopo dat no mahke still yet,”
Da ones dat still stay alive, dey da ones
Da One In Charge call fo come.

2:4 2:4: JShow 9:7-9

2:10 2:10: JShow 8:12

2:11 2:11: JShow 6:17

2:31 2:31: Matt 24:29; Mark 13:24-25; Luke 21:25; JShow 6:12-13

2:32 2:32: JGuys 2:17-21

2:32 2:32: Rome 10:13