Talk Fo God
Da One In Charge
Tell Malakai Talk Fo Him
Lissen up! Dis wat Da One In Charge tell. He tell dat me, Malakai, da messenja guy dat suppose to tell da Israel peopo bout Da One In Charge.
Da One In Charge Get Love An Aloha
Fo Da Israel Peopo
1:2: Rome 9:131:2: Isa 34:5-17; 63:1-6; Jer 49:7-22; Ezek 25:12-14; 35:1-15; Amos 1:11-12; Oba 1:1-14Da One In Charge tell dis to you guys: “I get love an aloha fo you Israel guys.”
But you guys tell God, “Eh! How you wen show you get love an aloha fo us guys?!”
Dis wat Da One In Charge tell: “You guys know Jacob, yoa ancesta? He get one braddah Esau, aah? But da peopo dat come from Jacob, da Israel peopo, dey da ones I get love an aloha fo! Da Esau peopo, I hate dem. I make dea mountains all bus up fo nobody live ova dea. I make dea land come one place ony da wild jackal dogs live.
“Da Esau peopo dat live inside da Edom land tell: Us guys stay all bus up, but we goin come back an build eryting dat wen get smash!
“But me, Da One In Charge, Da God Ova All Da Armies, I tell: Wateva dey goin build, I goin bus um up. Wen odda peopos talk bout dem, dey goin call da Esau land ‘da land wea peopo dat do bad kine stuff stay,’ an ‘da peopo dat Da One In Charge put kahuna on top dem foeva’ An you Israel peopo goin see all dat happen, an you goin tell: ‘Eh! Da One In Charge get plenny mo powa den jus inside da Israel land!’ ” An Da One In Charge tell, “Dass how I show I love you guys.”
Da Pries Guys Suppose To Respeck
Da One In Charge
Da One In Charge tell, “Eh, you pries guys dat talk bad bout me! Da boys, dey suppose to get respeck fo dea faddah guys, aah? An da worka guys, dey suppose to get respeck fo dea boss guys. So den! I da faddah fo you guys, but you guys no mo respeck fo me. I da boss fo you guys, but you not sked fo no do wat I tell you fo do. Me, Da One In Charge, Da God Ova All Da Armies, an dass wat I stay tell you guys.”
But you pries guys tell, “Tell us, how us guys talk bad bout you?!”
Da One In Charge tell: “You bring pilau kine food, erytime you bring food by da altar fo make one sacrifice fo me. Same time, you guys aks me, ‘How we make pilau kine to you?’ I tell you how you make pilau kine sacrifices to me. You talk jalike az okay fo make any kine sacrifice fo me, Da One In Charge. 1:8: Rules2 15:21You make one sacrifice wit da kine animal dat no can see. You tink az okay! You bring animals dat no can walk o dat stay sick, an you tink az right. You know you no can bring dat kine animal fo make one gif fo da govna guy! You figga he goin stay good inside if you do dat?! You figga he goin like lissen you?! No way! But no foget, me Da One In Charge, Da God Ova All Da Armies dat stay tell you dis! Now you beg me fo make good to you guys, an maybe I give you guys chance, no matta you bring dat pilau kine sacrifice! How come you tink, ‘Maybe Da One In Charge, Da God Ova All Da Armies, goin do good kine tings fo us guys,’ aah?! 10 Mo betta one a you guys shut da doors fo da sacrifice place. Den you no can go inside fo make da fire on top da altar an make one sacrifice fo me dat ony wase time. All da stuff you guys do, dat no make me feel good inside notting. Dass me dat tell dis, Da One In Charge, Da God Ova All Da Armies. No way I goin take da gifs you guys bring!
11 “All ova, from wea da sun come up to wea da sun go down, all da peopos know I get one importan name. Dey bring stuff fo make sacrifice cuz dey know wat kine god me, an dey bring incense an da kine gifs dat no mo notting wrong wit dem. Dass cuz da diffren peopos dat know who me, dey know I importan.” Dass wat Da One In Charge, Da God Ova All Da Armies tell.
12 But I tell, you pries guys, you da one make my Boss altar pilau. Da tings you guys tell, dass wat make um pilau. You guys make erybody tink da altar good fo notting an da food on top dat altar pilau.
13 Da One In Charge, da God Ova All Da Armies, tell: “You guys tink, ‘Eh! Too much, dis!’ You guys ack jalike da sacrifices haunas! Den you go bring da kine animals dat da wild animals rip up, an give um to me fo one sacrifice. Da kine no can walk an stay sick. You tink I goin take um an stay good inside cuz you make lidat? I no tink so!” Dass wat Da One In Charge tell.
14 But I tell, get times wen one guy make one promise fo make one sacrifice to me, an he get one good boy kine sheep fo da sacrifice. But den da guy tink he can bulai God. Az why he ony bring one no good kine sheep fo me. But you know wat? Me, Da One In Charge, goin put kahuna on top dat guy! Cuz Da One In Charge, Da God Ova All Da Armies, tell: “I da big king. Az why wen all da diffren peopos find out wat kine god me, dey show real respeck.”

1:2 1:2: Rome 9:13

1:2 1:2: Isa 34:5-17; 63:1-6; Jer 49:7-22; Ezek 25:12-14; 35:1-15; Amos 1:11-12; Oba 1:1-14

1:8 1:8: Rules2 15:21