Wat God Tell Bout Babylon
13:1: Isa 47:1-15; Jer 50:1–51:64Me, Isaiah, Amoz boy, I get heavy kine stuff fo tell bout wat I see goin happen to Babylon:
“Eh you army guys dat goin go afta Babylon town!
Put one flag up on top one hill wea no mo tree,
Fo yoa odda army guys see um.
Yell loud to dem.
Wave yoa hand fo tell dem wen fo go inside Babylon,
Inside da gate wea da Babylon alii guys stay.
God wen awready tell da army guys
Dat goin do dis spesho job fo him,
‘Come! Go punish da peopo I stay huhu wit!
My guys goin feel real good
Wen I win dis war!’
“Lissen up! Get big noise on top da mountains,
Soun jalike get plenny peopos on top dea!
Lissen up! Da king guys an dea nations,
Dey stay coming togedda fo fight Babylon!
Da One In Charge, da God Ova All Da Armies,
He stay make ready one army
Fo go make war.
His army guys all stay come from one far place,
From unda da mos far part a da sky.
Az Da One In Charge stay coming wit dem,
An he goin use dat army
Fo punish da peopo he stay huhu wit.
Da One In Charge goin wipe out da whole land!
13:6: Joel 1:15“You Babylon peopo,
Cry an yell cuz you feel sore inside,
Cuz Da One In Charge, his day stay come nea!
Da God Dat Get All Da Powa,
He goin wipe out da bad guys.
Cuz a dis, all da Babylon peopo goin come weak
An lose fight.
Dey stay real sked an lose fight.
Dey feel sore inside, an no can keep still
Jalike one wahine dat goin born one bebe.
Dey look at each odda
An dea face stay all red from da fire,
Cuz Babylon town stay burn!
“Look! Da One In Charge, his day stay come fo judge da peopo!
Wen dat happen, he no goin give chance notting.
He still stay huhu,
An he had it wit da bad kine stuff peopo do.
He goin make da land wea no mo notting dea,
An goin wipe out all da peopo dea dat stay do bad kine stuff.
10 13:10: Ezek 32:7; Matt 24:29; Mark 13:24-25; Luke 21:25; JShow 6:12-13; 8:12Da stars in da sky an da kine pichas dey make
Dey no goin get light dey make.
Da sun goin come up dark.
Da moon no goin get light.
11 “I goin make bad kine stuff happen
To da peopo all ova da world
Cuz dey ony do bad kine stuff.
I goin make all da peopo dat tink dey big,
Pau get big head.
I goin make all da ones dat make erybody sked a dem
Come notting.
12 I goin leave ony litto bit peopo alive,
Jalike get ony litto bit bestes kine gold dat come from Ofir.
13 “Dass why I goin make da sky shake
An da groun goin move from da place he stay,
Cuz dass da time dat me, Da One In Charge, Da God Ova All Da Armies,
I still had it, an I no goin take wat da peopo do.
14 “Den, jalike wen peopo chase da small deer,
An jalike wen da sheep no mo nobody dat keep um togedda,
Erybody goin go back by dea peopo.
Dey all goin run away to dea land.
15 Erybody dat da army guys catch,
Goin get stab.
Erybody dey grab
Dey goin kill dem wit swords.
16 Da army guys goin kill dea bebes in front dem,
An steal all da stuffs inside dea houses,
An rape dea wifes.
17 “But you know wat I goin do?!
I goin make da Mede peopo go agains da Babylon guys.
Da Mede guys, dey ony like win.
You give um silva kine stuff, but dey no kea fo dat.
You give um gold, but dat no make dem stay good inside.
18 Dey goin use bow an arrow
Fo kill young guys from Babylon.
Dey no goin pity da small bebes.
O look at yoa kids wit aloha!”
19 13:19: Start 19:24From all da diffren countries,
Babylon, dass da mos awesome looking one.
All da peopo dea feel real good
Cuz Babylon stay da leada.
But God goin wipe dem out
Jalike he wen wipe out Sodom an Gomorrah.
20 Peopo no goin live ova dea no moa.
Not even dea kids o grankids goin make house dea.
No mo no guys from Arabia goin come dea
Fo put up dea tent no moa.
No mo no sheep guys goin bring dea sheeps
Fo res ova dea no moa.
21 13:21: Isa 34:14; Zef 2:14; JShow 18:2But ony da kine animals dat live inside da boonies
Goin live ova dea.
Plenny jackal kine wild dogs goin make house ova dea.
Da owls goin stay dea,
An da wild goats goin jump aroun ova dea.
22 Da hyena an da jackal kine wild dogs goin howl
Inside da fancy kine palaces ova dea.
Da Babylon town ony get litto mo time!
No mo plenny time fo wait awready!

13:1 13:1: Isa 47:1-15; Jer 50:151:64

13:6 13:6: Joel 1:15

13:10 13:10: Ezek 32:7; Matt 24:29; Mark 13:24-25; Luke 21:25; JShow 6:12-13; 8:12

13:19 13:19: Start 19:24

13:21 13:21: Isa 34:14; Zef 2:14; JShow 18:2