Live Wit Love An Aloha
So den, make jalike God, wateva you guys do. Cuz you guys his kids, an he get plenny love an aloha fo you guys. 5:2: Outa 29:18; Songs 40:6Live wit plenny love an aloha fo erybody. Az jalike Christ get plenny love an aloha fo us guys. He wen give up his life fo mahke fo us guys, jalike he one sacrifice fo God, da kine sacrifice dat make God stay good inside.
But you guys, no go fool aroun wit nobody, no go do pilau kine stuff, no try fo get eryting fo ony you. No even tink fo do dat kine stuff. Cuz you guys da peopo dat stay spesho fo God awready, an all dat kine stuff not da way da peopo dat stay spesho fo God suppose to live. 5:4 Efes 5:4No go talk pilau kine o stupid kine. No make pilau kine joke cuz dat kine talk not good, you know. Mo betta tell da tings God wen do fo you guys. Tell da stuff dat make you guys like tell God “Mahalo plenny!” You guys gotta know dis fo shua: Whoeva fool aroun wit somebody, o do da kine stuff dat make um so dey no can come in front God, o dey like get eryting ony fo dem, no way dey goin get da right fo Christ an God come dea king. Cuz wen you like get eryting ony fo you, dat come one idol kine god fo you, you know.
Live Jalike Da Peopo
Dat Stick Wit Da Light
(Isaiah 26:19; 51:17; 52:1; 60:1)
Dese guys try fo bulai you guys wit wase time kine talk! No lissen dem! God tell “Laytas” to da kine stuff dem guys do cuz dey no like do wat God tell um fo do. He goin punish dem cuz dey talk lidat. So, no go hang out wit dat kine peopo an do wat dey do.
Befo time, you guys neva know God. Jalike was all dark inside you guys. But now, you guys stay tight wit Da One In Charge, jalike you guys get da light inside you. Now, go ack how you suppose to ack, jalike da guys dat get da light inside dem. Cuz dose peopo dat get dat kine light from God inside dem do good kine stuff, da right kine stuff, an dey stick wit da trut. 10 So, go figga wat kine stuff you guys gotta do fo make Da One In Charge stay good inside.
11 No go do bad kine stuff wit da peopo dat donno God cuz jalike dey stay dark inside. Da kine stuff dey do ony wase time. Mo betta show erybody how bad dat kine stuff stay. 12 Cuz da kine stuff dem guys do an nobody know, az shame fo even talk bout dat kine stuff. 13 God shine his light on all da tings dat stay wrong an da light show how eryting stay. 14 God make da bad kine stuff come good, jalike da light make da dark kine stuff come jalike light too. Get one song dat tell:
“Eh, you dat stay sleep, wake up!
Go come back alive from mahke!
Christ goin be da light fo you.”
Tell God Spirit Take Charge A You
15 So den, watch out how you guys ack. Be shua you erytime know wat fo do. No make jalike peopo dat donno notting. 16 5:16: Col 4:5Erytime you guys get chance fo do good kine stuff, do um. Cuz nowdays, any kine bad kine stuff stay happen. 17 Az why, you guys betta tink befo you do stuff. Try fo undastan wat Da One In Charge like you guys fo do.
18 No get piloot cuz den you goin go wild an make shame. But let God Spirit take charge a you. 19 5:19: Col 3:16-17Den you goin talk to each odda wit songs from da Bible, an songs bout God, an da kine song dat God Spirit give you. An you goin sing an play fo Da One In Charge cuz dass how you like do um. 20 An erytime you goin tell God oua Faddah “Mahalo plenny” fo eryting cuz you stay tight wit Da One In Charge, Jesus Christ. 21 An you goin show respeck fo each odda an lissen real good each odda cuz you get choke respeck fo Christ.
Da Wife Get Respeck Fo Da Husban
(Start 2:24)
22 5:22: Col 3:18; 1Pet 3:1Dat mean, you wifes, lissen real good yoa husban, jalike you lissen Da One In Charge. 23 Cuz da husban, jalike he da head a his wife. Same ting jalike Christ, he da head a da church peopo dat know God, an dey jalike his body. Cuz jalike da head tell da body wat fo do, Christ, he da One dat take his peopo outa any kine bad kine stuff. 24 Da peopo dat know God, da church guys, show plenny respeck fo Christ an lissen him. Same ting fo da wifes. Dey gotta erytime show plenny respeck an lissen real good dea husban bout eryting.
Da Husban Get Respeck Fo Da Wife
25 5:25: Col 3:19; 1Pet 3:7An same same you husbans, get plenny love an aloha fo yoa wife, jalike Christ get plenny love an aloha fo da church peopo. Dass why he give up his life fo mahke fo dem. 26 Christ do all dat fo make dem good an spesho fo God cuz jalike he wash um an clean um up inside wit watta. Da stuff Christ tell um, dass wat make dem come clean inside. 27 Jalike one groom dat take his awesome bride, Christ take his peopo, his church guys, jalike dey awesome, an no mo notting pilau o wateva in dem. Dey stay good an spesho fo Christ an no mo nobody can poin finga dem.
28 Dass how husbans gotta show love an aloha fo dea wife, jalike da husbans get love an aloha fo dea body. Da guy dat get love an aloha fo his wife show dat he get love an aloha fo him too. 29 Cuz you know, no mo nobody eva hate his body, but he feed his body an take kea um. Az jalike how Christ take kea his peopo, da church guys. 30 Az cuz all us guys, jalike us da parts fo Christ body.
31 5:31: Start 2:24Da Bible tell, “Dass how come one guy goin leave his faddah an muddah an come tight wit his wife. An da guy an da wahine goin come togedda jalike one body.”
32 How da husban an da wife get love an aloha fo each odda, dass one picha how Christ an da church peopo stay one you know. Was one secret befo time, but now us guys undastan wat da stuff bout Christ an his church peopo mean. 33 Az why, ery husban gotta show love an aloha fo his wife, jalike dey all get love fo Christ, an ery wife gotta show respeck fo her husban.

5:2 5:2: Outa 29:18; Songs 40:6

5:4 5:4 Efes 5:4

5:16 5:16: Col 4:5

5:19 5:19: Col 3:16-17

5:22 5:22: Col 3:18; 1Pet 3:1

5:25 5:25: Col 3:19; 1Pet 3:7

5:31 5:31: Start 2:24