Da Guy Dat Dump His Wife
(Matthew 19:1-12)
Den Jesus go way from dat place an go Judea side, da odda side a da Jordan Riva. One mo time plenny peopo go by him, an he teach um jalike he erytime do.
Some Pharisee guys come fo trap him. Dey tell, “Dass right, o wat, inside da Rules, fo one guy go dump his wife?”
Jesus tell um, “Wat Rule Moses wen give yoa ancesta guys bout dat?”
10:4: Rules2 24:1-4; Matt 5:31Dey tell, “Moses wen tell, ‘Gotta give da wife one paypa fo get one divorce, den can dump her.’ ”
Jesus tell um, “Cuz all you guys real hard head, dass why Moses wen let you guys dump yoa wife. 10:6: Start 1:27; 5:2But I tell you guys dis: Wen God wen make da world, he make one guy an one wahine. 10:7: Start 2:24An God tell, ‘Cuz I wen do dat, da guy no goin stay wit his faddah an muddah no moa, he goin stay wit his wife. An da guy an da wahine goin be togedda jalike one body.’ So jalike dey not two peopo no moa, dey jalike one. Wat God wen put togedda, peopo betta not broke um up.”
10 Afta dey go inside da house one mo time, da guys he stay teach aks um bout dat. 11 10:11: Matt 5:32; 1Cor 7:10-11He tell um, “Da guy dat dump his wife an go marry anodda wahine, da way God see um, da firs one still stay his wife. Da guy ony stay fool aroun da secon wahine. 12 An da wahine dat dump her husban an go marry anodda guy, da way God see um, da firs guy still stay her husban. Da wahine ony stay fool aroun da secon guy.”
Jesus Put His Hands
On Top Da Small Kids An Pray Fo Dem
(Matthew 19:13-15; Luke 18:15-17)
13 Da peopo bring dea small kids by Jesus, cuz dey like him fo put his hands on top dea heads an tell God fo do good tings fo dem. But den Jesus guys scold da peopo cuz dey wen bring da kids, an dey tink da kids goin bodda Jesus. 14 Wen Jesus see wat his guys stay do, he come huhu. He tell, “Let da kids come! No stop dem! Cuz da peopo dat make God dea King, inside dey jalike dese kids. 15 10:15: Matt 18:3Dass right! An I like tell you dis too: Da guy dat not jalike one small kid inside, God no goin be his King.” 16 An he hug da kids, an put his hands on top dea heads, an tell God fo do good tings fo dem.
Da Young Guy Dat Get Plenny Stuff
(Matthew 19:16-30; Luke 18:18-30)
17 Wen Jesus start fo go, one guy run up by him, an go down on his knees in front him, an tell:
“Eh, Teacha, you good. Can aks you one question? Wat I gotta do fo live to da max foeva?”
18 Jesus tell: “How come you call me good? Ony get one guy dat stay good fo real kine, dass God. 19 10:19 a: Outa 20:13; Rules2 5:17; b: Outa 20:14; Rules2 5:18; c: Outa 20:15; Rules2 5:19; d: Outa 20:16; Rules2 5:20; e: Outa 20:12; Rules2 5:16You know da Rules From God: No go kill nobody, no go fool aroun behind da husban o wife back, no rip off nobody, no bulai any kine bout nobody, no cockaroach nobody, show respeck fo yoa faddah an muddah.”
20 Da guy tell: “Ho, Teacha! From small kid time I do all dat stuff.”
21 Jesus look at um, an get aloha fo him. He tell: “Ony one ting mo you neva do dat you gotta do. Go sell all da stuffs you get, an give da money to da pooa peopo. An garans you goin get da real kine rich stuff up dea wea God stay. Den come wit me fo be my guy.”
22 Da guy hear dat, an he come real sad. He go way, cuz he get plenny rich stuffs dat he neva like sell.
23 Jesus look aroun at his guys an tell, “Az why hard fo one rich guy fo get God fo his king!”
24 His guys hear wat Jesus tell, an dat blow dea mind. One mo time Jesus tell, “Eh you guys! Stay hard, you know, fo get God fo yoa king. 25 Stay mo easy fo one camel go thru da puka in one needle, den fo one rich guy fo get God fo his king.”
26 Dey all shock, an dey tell each odda, “If dass how stay, den who can get outa da bad kine stuff he stay in? No can!”
27 Jesus look strait at dem an tell, “No mo nobody dat can do um, but ony God, he da One dat can do um all.”
28 Den Peter tell, “Eh, Boss, look! Us guys wen give up eryting we get fo go wit you.”
29 Jesus tell, “Az right! An I stay tell you guys dis: Whoeva give up dea home, dea braddahs, dea sistahs, dea muddah an faddah, dea kids, an dea land, fo stay tight wit me an da Good Stuff From God I stay tell you, 30 bumbye dey goin get hundred time mo plenny stuff even befo dey mahke. Dey goin get home, braddahs, sistahs, muddah, kids, an land. An anodda ting dey goin get—peopo goin make um suffa! An bumbye, one time goin come wen dey goin live to da max foeva. 31 10:31: Matt 20:16; Luke 13:30Goin get plenny peopo dat like come firs, but bumbye dey goin come las. An get plenny peopo dat come las, but bumbye dey goin come firs.”
One Mo Time Jesus Tell He Goin Mahke
(Matthew 20:17-19; Luke 18:31-34)
32 Jesus lead his guys fo dem all go Jerusalem. Jesus guys stay all shook up, an da odda peopo dat go wit dem was all sked. One mo time he take da twelve guys by da side a da road, an tell um wat goin happen. 33 He tell, “Eh, lissen up. We goin go Jerusalem. I da Fo Real Kine Guy. One guy goin set me up fo da Main Pries guys an da guys dat teach da Rules From God grab me. Den dey goin tell I gotta mahke. Dey goin give me to da guys dass not Jew guys. 34 Dey goin make fun a me, an spit on top me, an whip me, an kill me. But on day numba three, I goin come back alive.”
Wat James An John Tell Jesus
Dey Like Him Fo Do
(Matthew 20:20-28)
35 James an John, Zebedee boys, dey come by Jesus. Dey tell, “Teacha, us guys like you do someting fo us, aah?”
36 Jesus tell, “Wat you like?”
37 Dey tell, “Wen you come king, goin be awesome, aah? We like you let us sit by you, one by da lef side an da odda by da right side.”
38 10:38: Luke 12:50Jesus tell, “You guys donno wat you stay aks fo. You figga you guys can suffa jalike how I goin suffa? You figga you can handle da big trouble I goin get?”
39 Dey tell, “Shoots, us guys can handle.”
He tell, “Fo shua you guys goin suffa jalike me, an you goin handle all da trouble I goin get. 40 But fo sit by my right side an by my lef side bumbye wen I come King, dass not fo me tell. My Faddah, he da One dat can tell dat, an he awready stay make da spesho places ready fo da peopo dat suppose to sit ova dea.”
41 Wen da odda ten guys hear dat, dey come all huhu wit James an John. 42 10:42: Luke 22:25-26Jesus tell, “Eh, all you guys! Go come ova hea! You know, da leadas fo da peopos dat donno God, dey get any kine powa ova dea peopo. Dea main guys get da rights fo tell da peopo wat fo do. 43 10:43: Matt 23:11; Mark 9:35; Luke 22:26But you guys, no goin be lidat wit you. Wit you guys, whoeva like be da leada guy, he gotta be da helpa guy firs. 44 Wit you guys, whoeva like be da numba one guy, he gotta do wat you guys tell him fo do. 45 Me, da Fo Real Kine Guy. I neva come fo peopo take kea me. I wen come fo take kea dem. I wen come fo give up my life an mahke. Dass how I cut loose plenny peopo from da powa da bad kine stuff get ova dem.”
Jesus Make Bartimeus See
(Matthew 20:29-34; Luke 18:35-43)
46 Dey go Jericho town. Wen dey go away from da town, get plenny peopo wit dem. Bartimeus, one blind guy, stay sit by da road side an beg. He Timeus boy. 47 He hear dat Jesus from Nazaret stay pass by, an he start fo yell, “Eh, Jesus! You da guy dat suppose to show up from King David ohana! Try pity me!”
48 Had plenny peopo ova dea dat scold him an tell um fo shut his mout. But he yell even mo loud, “Eh Boss, you da guy from King David ohana! Try pity me!”
49 Jesus stop an tell, “Tell him fo come!” So dey call da blind guy an tell um, “Eh, be happy! Get up! He tell you fo come.”
50 He jump up an throw down his coat, an go by Jesus.
51 Jesus tell, “Wat you like me do fo you?”
Da blind guy tell, “Teacha! I like see!”
52 Jesus tell um, “Hele on! You wen trus me, dass why you come good awready.” Right den an dea he see, an he go wit Jesus on da road.

10:4 10:4: Rules2 24:1-4; Matt 5:31

10:6 10:6: Start 1:27; 5:2

10:7 10:7: Start 2:24

10:11 10:11: Matt 5:32; 1Cor 7:10-11

10:15 10:15: Matt 18:3

10:19 10:19 a: Outa 20:13; Rules2 5:17; b: Outa 20:14; Rules2 5:18; c: Outa 20:15; Rules2 5:19; d: Outa 20:16; Rules2 5:20; e: Outa 20:12; Rules2 5:16

10:31 10:31: Matt 20:16; Luke 13:30

10:38 10:38: Luke 12:50

10:42 10:42: Luke 22:25-26

10:43 10:43: Matt 23:11; Mark 9:35; Luke 22:26